Income Statement and Balance Sheet

Directions: Answer the 3 questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Assume that you recently graduated and have just reported to work as an investment adviser at the one of the firms on Wall Street. You have been presented […]

political and cultural shifts in France

  Question :The Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 were moments of defining political and cultural shifts in France. Discuss these revolutions with respect to the intersection between art and politics, being sure to address the major players, stylistic trends, and institutional complexes within which art resonated with these changes. Place your order now for a […]

Siegfired Kracauer and Film Theory

From Kracauer’s 1960 “Theory of Film”, what is Krakauer’s broad theoretical framework on how to understand film, and how does a genre like comedy (particular early silent film comedies and slapstick comedies) fit into this theoretical framework. In other words, what does Kracauer have to say about this particular film genre of the comedy, and […]

Women's Athletic Footwear Market Analysis

1. Introduction and product/service description (definition of product category, salient attributes, surrogate cues, relevant costs, general information) 2. Major competitors (brief discussion of the relevant products 3. Value: General benefits & costs (why are the buyers buying – most important benefits, give reasons for purchasing in each benefit class, what possible costs are there, what […]


1) Demonstrate a good command of the theoretical frame work 2) Critically analyze a case with the help of theory while using its concepts and logic 3) Demonstrate the utility (and possible limits) of theory 4) Consider theory in light of rival explanations 5) Marshal the necessary empirical evidence to support analysis, findings and conclusions […]

Global warming and climate change

  TOPIC: Choose one organisation (from the list below) that has made a significant contribution to debate on the issue of climate change and critically assess the connection between its values and interests, its advocacy positions and its use of science. To what extent do you support its views and why? 1. How do you […]

Analysis of Financial Statements

Use the Internet to research instances when a company’s financial ratios did not align with those of other firms that operate within the same industry. 1. Determine why it is sometimes misleading to compare a company’s financial ratios with those of other firms that operate within the same industry. Support your response with one (1) […]

An Overview of Financial Management

  Use the Internet to locate examples of companies that have been guilty of ethics-based malfeasance related to financial management. 1. Examine ethical behavior within firms in relation to financial management. Provide two (2) examples of companies that have been guilty of ethics-based malfeasance related to financial management and determine why their comeuppance was deserved. […]

Ronald McDonald House

This is a business report. Graphs, tables, and pictures may also be included to reduce the amount of writing and ease the reader’s eyes. Headings and subheadings are needed. All paragraphs should be block style. (1/3 of the report) 1. The issue/cause of the Ronald McDonald House 2. History 3. Controversy (Another 1/3 of the […]

characteristics of Chinese calligraphy

  1) Please tell the story of “Xiling Seal Art Academy” (西泠印社) from the beginning until recent time. Who are the 8 seal artist leaders (西泠八家) and what is Zhejiang School (浙派)? 2) Please list out the major characteristics of Chinese calligraphy and argue whether machine (computers or robots) can replace human being in the […]

Capital punishment

Question: Is capital punishment immoral? Should it remain legal? Explain. -Please choose a side which you agree or disagree and put your side in thesis.   Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ years experience […]

History of Museum in Korea

  If you are not working in Canada or the United States, you may chose to undertake this alternate Reality Check to trace the history of your country’s museums, and the events and values that influenced their development. Are these similar to the events and values that shaped European and North American museums? Does reading […]

maths using Matlab

Humidity influences evaporation, as a result, the solvent balance of water-reducible paints during sprayout is affected by humidity. A study is conducted to examine the relationship between % humidity (X) and solvent evaporation by % weight (Y ). Summary statistics for the data are: x = 1314.90 y = 235.70 xy = 11,824.44 x2 = […]

Conflict Management-Ch.8: Designing Disputing Systems for Organizations

Decision Paper 4 Instructions Within the previous decision paper, you chose Option A. This means that you believe that, as a business consultant, The Georges Hotel should reorganize the current management structure in order to correct perceptions of equity. A new management structure means that The Georges Hotel would also likely benefit from a new, […]

Puma Ethic

Essay topic     Critically evaluate Puma’s corporate ethical values. Do you think Puma is an ethical company? Using your ethical knowledge (theories) explain your answer with examples.     This is group assignment, my part is highlighted with yellow. Please do not do introduction and conclusion. Jut the part that are highlighted.     […]

computer investigation

Discuss and describe how to conduct forensic computer investigations. Provide examples. Is forensic accounting a forensic science? Explain.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

project scheduling&cost plan

this one page discussion. by following questions. plase note: read article and chapter 17 before discuss it and reference must from chapter. After reading chapter 17 and the article “Agile vs. Waterfall PM, Discuss the key differences between the Agile and Waterfall. What do you think are some of the advantages of Agile approach? If […]

Theory paper -Analysis of the Attribution theory- communication major

Comm 89 Theory Paper Purpose: Evaluate the utility of an academic theory by examining its applications to everyday life. Enhance your ability to understand academic theory as explained by an outside source and to apply theoretical concepts with organization and clarity. Demonstrate original thought in analysis of utility. Preparation: Choose an episode from your life. […]

In the context of social media and digital humanitarianism – What is the most important new technology for solving world problems?

Topic: In the context of social media and digital humanitarianism – What is the most important new technology for solving world problems? Introduction 250 words with thesis statement 3 body paragraph 300 words each with conclude every paragraph Conclusion 250 words Peer reviewed reverences no more than 8 years Must use Harvard (6.9) referencing system […]

If everyone with a mobile phone is journalist, how do we trust the news?

If everyone with a mobile phone is journalist, how do we trust the news? Discuss Introduction 250 words with thesis statement 3 body paragraph 300 words each with conclude every paragraph Conclusion 250 words Peer reviewed reverences no more than 8 years Must use Harvard (6.9) referencing system   For a custom paper on the […]


Give an example of a commonly used biomaterial that can be found in medicine or everyday life. • Describe chemical structure physical form characterization function biocompatibility you must cover all the points very well and support your writing with new researches and pictures you have to work in hip and knee and i will provide […]

System Alternatives Assessment—Feasibility Matrix

Complete the attached System Alternatives Assessment—Feasibility Matrix and provide 1-page Summary of the the recommendation (Solution for company) choice and why based on the assessment and matrix – What is the final solution for this company? Why? So this is where you mention ‘as a result of the use cases/DFD/ERDs etc. we have analyzed, we […]

Short Answer and Essay

Short Answer and Essay 1. This order contains two sections: Short Answer and Essay. There are three short answer questions and two essay questions 2. Use only the facts that I have presented to you in the questions in answering the questions. Do not assume any other facts. If you believe your answer depends on […]


using text Coombs, T. W. (2014). Ongoing Crisis Communication Planning, Managing, and Responding (4th ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. as your REFERENCE write a 1 page essay see below You are a principal of a local high school (HOMELAND HIGH) and one of your teachers calls you at 5pm on Tuesday Night (September 22, […]

Apple case study-Recommended course of action

Base on the material, you need to answer following questions: What are the key elements of Apple’s strategy? Do they fit together? Is the strategy evolving? This is a group project. I will be responsible for section 2. I’ll also post The guild guideline of the section 2 You can’t use any out-side source, use […]

Cryptography- Computer Security

Q1- Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers 1. choosing a keyword, 2. removing all duplicate letters from the keyword 3. start the cipher-alphabet with the letters from duplicate-free keyword 4. at the end of the codeword continue with the next unused letter of the alphabet that follows the last letter in the codeword 5. continue filling in letters […]

generalised linear modelling

Question 1 (20 marks) The data in the file Geriatric.txt were collected in a study conducted on 100 geriatric patients (subjects) all of whom were at least 65 years of age and in reasonably good health. Half of the subjects were randomly assigned to one of the two interventions: education only (training = 0) or […]