Responding to EEOC charges and position statements from US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

  Review information about responding to EEOC charges and position statements from US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Employers. Retrieved from Based on your readings and additional research, develop a position statement, including the following: Explain the values of the company and its policy on race and gender discrimination. Summarize and comment on the facts […]

Speech Discussion

Module 7 – Discussion Board Questions Consider an infomercial (different from the one used for the Homework Assignment) that you have recently seen on the TV (another option is finding an infomercial on YouTube). If you do not have access to TV/YouTube consider other advertisements (print, visual, etc.) that you have observed. Describe the product. […]


  Project#1- Outline Project#1 is based on Exercise 9.32 (Page 511).  The case scenario and data are from it.  Feel free to use SPSS, SAS and/or Excel (or any other standard statistical software) for data analysis. There are three questions in that exercise.  Beyond those questions, your paper must address the following: Introduction Explain the […]

"Is Federalism Necessary?

In 250 words or more please: Based on the scenario and the knowledge gained from this section, address the following: Discuss at least two effects on U.S. citizens that stem from the division of power between the federal and state governments. Please this a is a class discusion. %plagarism Please use attachment Attachments: For a […]


PART I: SHORT RESPONSE Write a response to the following prompt using proper APA Style. Prompt: You will select a topic for your informational speech.  Limit the scope of your topic based on the idea that you can present the actual speech in four to seven minutes. Step 1: Review the information presented in Module […]

Anti federalist

In a 500-word essay, choose one of the following ratification documents, and provide a brief overview of the paper’s message and the author’s intent in writing it. If you were living during this time, what would your response be to the paper’s message? What is the correlation between the paper’s message and current events? Click […]

case study :MinuteClinic

Read the case study titled “MinuteClinic,”. Predict whether or not embracing the Continuity of Care Record (CCR) standard will either benefit or damage MinuteClinic’s overall profitability. Visualize three (3) patient issues that may arise as a result of implementing an electronic record that can be easily transferred from clinic to physician. Next, propose a plan […]

Self development plan

The task is to write 4 papers forv Self development plan with the below condition: At the end of the course, you are asked to reflect upon your career goals and strategies to become what Jim Collins calls a Level 5 Manager. The purpose of the Self-Development Plan, is to: – Reflect upon the MBA […]

COCA-COLA in Australia

  Hello, please keep similarity less than 7%, this is very important. Thank you. I choose the company name is coca-cola in Australia. The proposal is a one-page briefing (500 -600 words) of your project. In the briefing, you need to concisely describe the following issues: profile of the company chosen, the nature of project(e.g. […]

Case Study: ElectriGov

Unit V Case Study In any team, problems will arise and team members will have questions about the conflict and how to resolve it. Members across departments must collaborate and contribute to the resolution of any unhealthy form of team conflict. Based on Case One: ElectriGov (found on page 177 in your textbook), answer the […]

Personas – Internal Factors, Part 2 (elderly) (Barnes & Noble)

please read the Most Important requirement bellow apply the key terms to the “elderly” and associate them with Barnes & Noble Company Key terms choose three key terms from chapter8 and three key terms from chapter 2 Chapter 8 1- ABC model of attitude 2- balance theory 3- identification Chapter 2 1- mental budget 2- […]

Traveling the silk road

Assume you are an ancient traveler making a journey overland to China and returning to your home in Rome by water several years later. Study the following map carefully so you are familiar with the route you will take and the people you are likely to encounter. Consider the cultural impact such a trip would […]

Management Review

Task Details : Part B : Management Review (15) – Due Mon 2 Feb This task will provide you with the opportunity to practice Management Review skills. You will be provided with case study materials on Moodle during the term. Your task is to conduct a Management Review on these materials and document your review […]

William Museam paper

Art History Museums Paper Instruction This paper is based on your viewing experience of one work of art from the time period of this class. You may select a piece from the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the Huntington Library in San Marino or the L.A. County […]

Best personal leadership experience

Write an eight- to ten-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that addresses your personal best leadership experience.  Personal best is a time when you believe you had performed at the peak as a leader.  Be sure to incorporate elements from our reading in regards to your leadership approach, the type of leadership […]

Textual Connection between Articles

Textual Connection: Connect the argument of this work to an argument or point you found in another reading for that week. Present a quote from the other articles/text (citing it properly), and explain how the present text�s argument contrasts with, confirms, clarifies, or elaborates the other article�s argument or point. You will write 2 textual […]

Protection of the environment in the Asian-Pacific Region

•Discuss whether RTAs are an appropriate vehicle for the protection of the environment in the Asia Pacific region. Marking Criteria Quality of writing, syntax etc. Appropriate selection of words, sentence length, tone and purpose Grammar, punctuation, spelling Use of paragraphs Structure/organisation Shows a well-devised, logical structure Internal consistency and flow Knowledge and exposition Identification and […]

Developing a structured interview for hiring assistant managers at a large retail store

1)Develop a structured interview for hiring assistant managers at a large retail store. 2)How would you do a complete background investigation on applicants to minimize concerns about negligent hiring? 3)Your accounting manager has decided that a behavioral interview to select accountants will solve many hiring problems. What can you tell him? check and other […]

Analysis questions for english homework

– Analyze the professional document’s effectiveness given its audience and purpose. – Analyze the professional document’s effectiveness in terms of its usability.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% […]

Ephesians 6)

If Paul advocated slaves should obey their masters (Ephesians 6), is his teaching that women should keep quiet in church also relative to his historical era (1 Cor.14)? Explain your answer.     For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers […]

primary sociological perspectives

Part I: What are the three primary sociological perspectives? Please, define each of them and offer an example.   Part II: Please, define the sociological imagination. Offer an example.   Part III: What is the scientific method? Do more than list each element. Define the scientific method and write what each of the elements is. […]

Business Systems Analysis/Design

Course Title is Business Systems Analysis/Design, not Information Systems Discussion Week 5 Read Case Study 1, “Helping the Homeless: A Customer-Centric Approach With CRM Software,” in Chapter 5 of the textbook on page 159. After completing the reading, reflect on the following question and post your answers in the discussion: What is an example of how […]

The role of training in an organization's development.

Write an Outline with a full paragraph introduction and conclusion that  addresses the following:   -Explain the role of training in an organization’s development.   -Describe different employee development methods and their benefits.   -Analyze the relationship between employee development and organizational development.   -Describe the role of human resource management in career development.  Do […]

Managing Organizational Change

Course title: MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE (not Operations Management). Discussion Week 5 Can you think of a position within your organization that could be eliminated? If you can’t think of one to be eliminated, can you think of one that could be added? You can be creative, but substantiate your argument. Instruction: Please compose a 2-3 paragraph response […]

Strategic Management and Business Policy.

Scenario: The board of directors of Target has asked your team to create a strategic plan for the organization.   Create a 2,500- to 3,500-word strategic plan for the selected organization starting from what you learned in Week One and using a similar strategic management process as Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy. You […]

Statistical Tests

  View Rubric Due Date: Nov 11, 2015 23:59:59 Max Points: 145 Details: Doctoral researchers must be able to understand statistical tests and select the appropriate test for the research they are conducting. This assignment will allow you to practice your skills in selecting and using the appropriate statistical tests for a given research study. […]

steps involved in recruiting the staff at the new office.

You are the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) at your organization. As the CHRO, one of your primary roles is to be the workforce strategist. Your organization is planning to expand business operations to your neighboring state by opening an office. As a result of this expansion, your organization needs to make sure that the […]


For each question 250 words. Discusion one As a consumer, do you think “branded” products are better than private (store) brands? Explain why think so and provide examples. From the marketer’s perspective, provide reasons for investing in building a brand. choose two products; each one should currently be in a different stage of the product […]