use of innovation and technology in the training and development organization

Surf the web to find a training and development organization that is future-oriented (some suggested search terms include: “innovation in training and development” or “new technologies for training and development”). • Briefly describe the organization’s use of innovation and technology in the training discipline. • How well do they appear to meet expectations for where […]

Importance of diversity management in organizations

    explore the main theories of management, management functions and the key issues affecting contemporary managers. 1. Demonstrate understanding and the ability to critique the various theories of leadership and management and appreciate the contemporary issues facing leaders and managers. 2. Demonstrate understanding of the key functions of leadership and management and their application. […]

Origin of Feminism

  Select either the Civil Rights Movement OR Feminism and Gender Equality. Discuss the movement’s origins. What were the main issues? Discuss the roles of leaders and ordinary people. What’s left to be done? Please remember to provide specific references to assigned readings and films on the movement you choose. Assigned films: “Half The Sky”, […]

People Affected By Alcohol and Substance Abuse

  For the second written assignment of the course, you will continue in the design of your proposed model program by demonstrating your understanding of your selected population’s challenges, which negatively impact this group’s health and well-being. Based on this week’s research, conduct an assessment of the barriers, limitations, and other distinguishing features, as they […]

The Cold War and international relations in the post-Cold War period

”The major theme of the Cold War was the ideological division between the USSR and USA.” 1. Explain the ideological division and explain how this conflict played out in events between 1949 and 1990. 2. Explain the development from a bi-polar to multi-polar world that occurred after 1990.   Place your order now for a […]

Cost of Health Care

Our health, or the absence of such, can be very expensive. Many vulnerable populations simply do not have private funds available to pay for their care. Relating your research to individuals with mental conditions, select a mental illness of your choice and discuss your response to the following questions: • What public financing resources are […]

Rentall Trucks

Rentall Trucks Instructions:- Using the case information, develop the vector of initial state probabilities reflecting current market shares.This will be entered as your starting values in time period 0 in the cells outlined in redDevelop two transition matrices — one for business as usual and one for the new policiesThese will be entered in the […]

Impact of national patient safety resources

  Discuss the potential and actual impact of national patient safety resources, initiatives and regulations in your work setting. Explain how authority gradients influence teamwork and patient safety. Authority Gradient refers to the established, and/or perceived, command and decision-making power hierarchy in a Team, Crew or Group situation, and also how balanced the distribution of […]

“Holden company

    Vehicle manufacturing company“Holden “Holden” – labor required depends on costs of production and sales. High production costs and a small domestic market led to Holden beginning to shut down operations. The concept of derived demand is of vital importance in business to business marketing. This assignment provides you the opportunity to examine how […]

Developing a strategic career plan

  including: 1. a reflection on your career goals (short, mid,and/or long term), 2. a ‘self audit’ of strengths and weaknesses, 3. an ‘opportunity analysis’ in relation to at least one of your specific goals, and 4. an ‘action plan’ outlining  how you will work towards achieving one or more of the goals. Please base […]

Social Media and Fair Use: Pinterest as a Case Study

  Social media websites have skyrocketed in popularity. Every day millions of users across all demographic lines log on to Pinterest and various other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to get and share news and information about a limitless range of topics. In fact, some analysts posit that young adults may get […]

changes in nationalist ideology in Southeast Asia

Analyze continuities and changes in nationalist ideology and practice in the Southeast Asia region from the first world war to the present.    Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as […]

Role of security in satisfying business objectives

  Write a paper on an MIS topic discuss Security on its role in satisfying the 6 Business Objectives supported by the MIS: A- operational excellence, B- new products services and business models C- customer and supplier intimacy D- improved decision making E- competitive advantage F- survival Place your order now for a similar paper […]

Ethical and Socially responsible decision making.

Select any ONE organization with which you are familiar or can research from publicly available sources. Drawing upon appropriate sources of information, discuss how the increasing pressures for ethical and socially responsible decision-making impacts upon its business operations and evaluate the effectiveness of its current response. (NB: You will need to undertake some research to […]

Account of the background of BMW company

Use this text book as one of the references: Hubbard, G., Rice, J. and Galvin, P. (2015). Strategic management: Thinking, analysis and action (5th ed.). Australia: Pearson Education. Use BMW Company for this assignment. This assignment is a report format for senior management so you need to include the following sections: 1. Executive Summary. Not […]

How diversity influences people

  1. Define and explore organisational culture and examine its relationship with structure and performance. 2. �Diversity influences people�s perception�. Discuss this statement in the context of how it affects employees� behaviour in organisations today? Discuss some of the challenges that managers have to face in multicultural teams and the implications this may have on […]

feminist film theory

  A summary of the theories you plan to use, and an explanation of why you think they are the best theories to use (as opposed to others), why these are the theories that will help you achieve what you have set out to achieve. So, to rewrite this section, you must make list of […]

Medical Ethic Theories

Define and compare two ethical theories and how they play a role in the medical world. Describe each in detail by referencing the text and any outside scholar journal/article. In addition, offer your own experiential arguments where appropriate. You can chose two of the following theories; Utilitarianism, Deontology- Kant’s version and Ross’s version, virtue ethics […]

The impact of Genetically Modified food

  Genetically Modified is considerable controversy regarding the potential benefits or impacts of the ever-widening spread of genetically modified (GM) crops. Using concepts considered during this course, discuss the GM issue with reference to one (or more) crop(s) or case(s). What are the socio-cultural implications, impacts on livelihoods and on food security/entitlements? To what extent […]

solar panel project

Download the solar panel project spreadsheet given in the table on the bottom of this html page: In the bottom right corner of the table there is a small button that allows you to download the table as an MS Excel file. Answer the following questions in this MS Word file. The page numbers given […]

Uses of bioinformatics in the biotechnology and/or research sector

      Prepare a report that illustrates some of the uses of bioinformatics in the biotechnology and/or research sector. The report should begin with a section that summarises the general field of bioinformatics, including the types of data that can be examined. This should be approximately one-third of the report, and should contain some […]

Batman movies

write about, In the batman movies, compare Jack Nicholson’s Joker and Heath Ledger’s Joker-two different, actors, two different directors, and two very different interpretations. What differs and why? What sort of thesis statement can you create? What evidence do you have(or would you need to research) to support your thesis? – Focus on the rhetoric […]

Calculus : Utility theory

[Utility theory is a powerful tool, and has been used to study a wide range of issues. Questions 3 and 4 will expose you to two of the many applications of this theory; you will see more applications in other economics courses.]     Consider a person’s decision problem in trying to decide how many […]

Deconstructing Advertisements using Consumer Behavior Principles

The purpose of these assessments is to test your knowledge of key CB concepts, and also to promote your group work skills. You will form into groups of maximum of 4-5 students/group. You will need to utilize a range of sources (notes, academic journal articles and business periodicals) to Choose three advertisements sufficiently rich in […]

Credit rating report fore CSL Group

  Based on the publicly available information of CSL Group ( , its industry sector and the economies that it trades in, prepare a credit rating report for the company. -analyse and evaluate publicly available information and prepare a ratings report for a public Australian company. – develop and analyse the results of credit analysis […]

Respiratory system: case study

Respiratory system: case study Instructions:- A 17-year-old student has experienced reversible, periodic attacks of chest tightness with coughing, wheezing, and hyperpnea. She states that expiration is more difficult than inspiration. She is most comfortable sitting forward with arms leaning on some support. X-rays revealed mild overinflation of the chest. Results from laboratory and pulmonary function […]

Creating a case study/scenario of an adolescent of either gender

  Assignment: Create a case study/scenario of an adolescent of either gender in which you describe the person, the physical changes he or she experiences, and the effect of those changes on his or her sexuality, relationships, and self-concept. Describe the culture of the individual in the scenario and explain the influences of culture on […]

Sam Harris "Free Will" and Jonathan Haidt's "the righteous mind"

critically analyze the two required texts Sam Harris “Free Will” and Jonathan Haidt’s “the righteous mind” first four chapters Have thesis statement and state the main points what the two texts have in common or how they contrast in one (1) paragraph. NOTE: no paraphrasing/retelling. You need to use at least one (1) outside sources. […]

Glass Waste in Design

You need to find a designer who using a glass waste in art and design .     there are 3 main questions in task 2   to put subheading for each one and answer them correctly .   1_  describe the work/project in detail so that the reader can ‘see’ it in their ‘mind’s […]