Innovation Business Brief

Innovation Business Brief Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for you to think critically about the importance of innovation throughout business life on a global scale. Overview You will have read in your textbook that Hill addressed the concept of innovation as it relates to global business. He discussed three principles of innovation that […]

Business 100W

Business 100W Scenario: Unlike Milton, you now have hope that Tahiti is within your reach (without the fiery conflagration Milton resorted to). You have learned from the master but avoided the cynicism. Surely the world is your oyster, and you have succeeded beyond your wildest dreams at this new company because of the impressive proposal […]

Expository paper

Expository paper Order Description Choose an argument from one of the starred readings. State explicitly what the conclusion is and what premises are used to support that conclusion. You must also explain how the argument fits into the broader issues that we are discussing. For example, if the argument purports to be an objection to […]

LDS-Current Events-Ethical Issue

LDS-Current Events-Ethical Issue This assignment is regarding current events related to ethical issues with research subjects. This would require a selection of an article. An example that was used was the following by another student: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity (2015), found that Anil Potti, M.D. falsified data […]

LDS-Current Events-Ethical Issue

LDS-Current Events-Ethical Issue Order Description This assignment is regarding current events related to ethical issues with research subjects. This would require a selection of an article. An example that was used was the following by another student: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity (2015), found that Anil Potti, M.D. […]

obesity as global health issue and sustainability

obesity as global health issue and sustainability Assignment The name of module is glbal health and sustainability. In writing this assignment you should consider the following: The history of the chosen problem The reasons for an intervention being required The issues around sustainability and resilience, both within the problem and your proposed solution(s) The science […]

Economic Development Report

Economic Development Report Order Description Economic Development Report imagine that you have just been hired as an analyst in the economic development department of the chamber of commerce of a metropolitan area (this is the MSA that you chose earlier in the semester). This chamber of commerce works in cooperation with cities and surrounding counties […]

Motivation Theory: What Motivates You?

Motivation Theory: What Motivates You? Order Description If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince People around the world are different. They […]

House Judiciary Committee and Watergate

House Judiciary Committee and Watergate submit a two-page reflection on the role played by the House Judiciary Committee in Watergate, using Kutler as your main source (please cite at least two other sources). Make sure to use Stanley Kutler’s “The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon” as a resource

Research and Proposal/“A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.”George Bernanos, French Author

Research and Proposal/“A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all.”George Bernanos, French Author Order Description “A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought […]

Transportation Information System of/compare with transports in Nantong(just an example) and Charlottetown(a city in Prince Edward Island), and going to establish a new transport system in Charlottetown.

Transportation Information System of/compare with transports in Nantong(just an example) and Charlottetown(a city in Prince Edward Island), and going to establish a new transport system in Charlottetown. To: Government of Prince Edward Island, T3 Transit Company and Citizen Prince Edward Island From:Chenyao Wu, Jianeng Pang and Yangmengch Ding Subject: Transportation Information System of Charlottetown Summary […]

Impact of Terrorism on National Security Memorandum

Impact of Terrorism on National Security Memorandum Impact of Terrorism on National Security •For this assignment, you will write a memo to the following individual: the Secretary of Defense. •Your memo assumes that the government official in charge of the department you are assigned to has called your office and asked you to write a […]

policy paper

policy paper Order Description 1. You may want to read Chapter 16 in Ginzberg before starting your research. It may help to look at the sources before you decide where you will focus on the topic. Select your topic just as if you intended to write a research paper (based entirely on secondary sources). Your […]

Analysis Paper on Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Media

Analysis Paper on Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Media Order Description : Analysis Paper on Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Media Select a message, event, item, etc. about a product that supports the continuation of a bottle-feeding culture. Do not use formula ads or their products. 1. What is the message or item you have […]

Analysis Paper on Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Media

Analysis Paper on Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Media Order Description : Analysis Paper on Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Media Select a message, event, item, etc. about a product that supports the continuation of a bottle-feeding culture. Do not use formula ads or their products. 1. What is the message or item you have […]

Leader Paper Two of texts (Bolman& Deal (2008) Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership andCollins (2001) Good to great: why companies make the leap… and others don’t) offered different conceptions of leadership. Compare and contrast it with another vision of leadership. All papers should: • Be double-spaced with paragraph indentations. • Be 10 pages in length except the cover and references. • Cite appropriate literature. • Use pseudonyms for non-pubic figures and hypothetical situations. • Be well written or edited. • Use headings to divide content. • Focus on application of leadership content and analysis. • Include a reference list. Must use APA style.

Leader Paper Two of texts (Bolman& Deal (2008) Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership andCollins (2001) Good to great: why companies make the leap… and others don’t) offered different conceptions of leadership. Compare and contrast it with another vision of leadership. All papers should: • Be double-spaced with paragraph indentations. • Be 10 pages in […]

Project –Financial Management

Project –Financial Management Resources and Support Available for Preparing the Project University library, internet, newspapers, magazines, lecture notes company annual report or other reference sources. Project Questions 1. Analysis of 3 to 4 years financial statements of any listed company of UAE. 2. Calculate Liquidity Ratios, Efficiency Ratios, Long Term Solvency Ratios and Profitability Ratios […]

The relationship betweeen climate change and the north (with particular focus on the Inuit) and underfunding of Aboriginal Education in Canada

The relationship betweeen climate change and the north (with particular focus on the Inuit) and underfunding of Aboriginal Education in Canada Order Description Reference:Have to use some references from those books and also required to move beyond the course material and seek out current/recent primary or secondary resource materials to present further context and information […]


ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. Order Description After a close reading of Chapter 2, analyze the differences among the various contributions and factors relevant to psychopathology. Compare and contrast the included approaches, citing differences and similarities. DO NOT SIMPLY REPEAT WHAT IS IN THE BOOK, BUT ANALYZE HOW EACH APPROACH INFLUENCES THE CONSTRUCTION OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. YOU WILL NEED […]

Semiotics in the film Inception

Semiotics in the film Inception Order Description Write a critical analysis over the use of semiotics in the film Inception. The main points I was going to focus on were, Editing, Sound/Score, and Camera Placement.

Social Media assignment

Social Media assignment 1-This assignment is worth 20 points. 2-Objectives of research Investigate how a business or an organization is using Social Media to enhance communications and business interactions within companies (employee communications) and externally with partners, vendors, customers, and the community. Social Media includes Web 2.0 technologies such as blogging, messaging tools such as […]

literary exploration

literary exploration Order Description The narrator of this excerpt is American actor Rob Lowe. In this excerpt, he reflects on a trip he took to France to promote a film. During his time there, he visited a war memorial in Normandy. from STORIES I ONLY TELL MY FRIENDS The cliffs are widespread and brutally tall. […]

Political World Affairs

Political World Affairs Order Description Specify your topic clearly, and draw upon course reading materials and perspectives from the course in planning and writing the paper Avoid the use of jargon and dense concepts and aim for clarity and substance in your arguments Avoid writing book reviews or summaries when undertaking your research project. High […]

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Order Description Write a paper on the ways in which various complementary and alternative medical therapies (CAM)can be blended with conventional medicine to treat one of these conditions: arthritis, menopause, migraine, obesity, insomnia, depression, back pain, or ibs. Should include: 1. condition. define and describe 2. conventional treatment. Describe the current […]

Research relevant models of decision-making and critically analyze why good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Discuss the implications of these models and how managers can improve their decision making skills.

Research relevant models of decision-making and critically analyze why good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Discuss the implications of these models and how managers can improve their decision making skills. TOPIC: Research relevant models of decision-making and critically analyze why good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Discuss the implications of these models and how managers […]

lab 9/Doe v. Freedonia Election Board

lab 9/Doe v. Freedonia Election Board Order Description You have just been appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States! Your mother must be so proud! But now you must get to work! Here are the facts of your first case: Doe v. Freedonia Election Board (Freedonia was recently admitted as a new state. […]

prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections

prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections Order Description The prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) is a key focus for healthcare organizations of late. Infections acquired during admission not only affect patient care outcomes, but are of high impact to the financial operations of the organization as reimbursement is directly affected. Identify a particular HAI as […]

Biology Project 2/ Classification Research Project

Biology Project 2/ Classification Research Project The objective of this assignment is to learn a wealth of information about a particular class of living things. Most people know a lot about the cute and cuddly mammals with which we are most familiar, but there are far more diverse and interesting living things on our planet. […]

Social Gerontology

Social Gerontology Images of Aging How to Begin: For this assignment, you will analyze images of aging that surround us in popular culture. This can include images about aging seen in ads, programs, magazines, birthday cards, etc. Task: You will determine the message about aging that comes from these images. Using your images and readings […]