comparing and contrasting the work and contributions of anthroplogists and sociologists

The assignment will consist of comparing and contrasting the work and contributions of two (2) anthroplogists; Margaret Mead and Franz Boas and two (2) sociologists; Charles H Cooley and Marlene Mackie. Assignment format and requirements: – Use ASA (American Sociological Association) Style Guide for referencing. Text citations must be sourced. – Reference TEN credible cources […]


A TEMPLATE FOR READING AND EVALUATING QUAL RESEARCH Note: for most, if not all, of you the paper for critique will not be in your discipline area. Assume you are consumers of research   Description Evaluation – strengths and limitations – use the set readings to help Redesign options to address negative evaluations (where appropriate) […]

Is 'global justice' a feasible political goal?

This is what is given for the assignment: You are required to answer ONE of the following questions – offering both a clear answer to the question, and a clear argument for (ie. a logically developed set of reasons or considerations in favour of) your answer. Make sure to draw on relevant (normative and/or explanatory) […]

Issues in language learning

write a critical discussion paper based on the following article: Menard-Warwick, J., 2008, ‘The Cultural and Intercultural Identities of Transnational English Teachers: Two Case Studies from the Americas’, TESOL Quarterly 42/4, 617-640 Questions to consider in your assignment: What is this article about? How does it relate to things you’ve been reading about, discussing on […]

Understanding of Scripture and Method of Interpreting it

  A theological claim usually makes a claim about God that arises from the author’s understanding of scripture and their method of interpreting it. Given this, how does one evaluate whether or not the theological claim is a good one? In 3-5 pages, identify and explain the criteria that should be used, drawing on the […]

Product Design, Development and Marketing

Project 5 – Cheese Salad Sandwich Family A Franchise provider wants to develop his own family of cheese salad sandwiches that are sold in his outlets. These sandwiches are made of normal sliced loafs of bread and sealed as packs as shown in Figure. They follow the principle of platform products. He would like to […]

How political developments and movements have influenced the practice of budgeting and financial management in the public sector

  Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article you locate in the CSU Online Library. The article must be related to explaining how political developments and movements have influenced the practice of budgeting and financial management in the public sector. In your critique, address the following questions/points: What are the […]

Hurricane Katrina Disaster Evaluation

    For the final paper, you will analyze the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina. Your analysis must include: •A summary of each disaster with a focus on the psychological symptoms victims experienced from each disaster •An explanation of at least three resources available to treat and assist victims from each […]

The historical development of budgetary and financial theory

  Write an essay of no less than 500 words discussing the historical development of budgetary and financial theory as well as how this development has influenced the modern public budgeting climate and environment. In addition, discuss the similarities and differences that exist between budgetary theory and budgetary practice. Be sure to cite all borrowed, […]

International Finance

  Choose one of the following MNC below and a description of why the organization is considered an MNC, You should also choose an objective from this unit and perform a minimum 200 word analysis of how the objective applies to your chosen MNC. 1. American International Group 2. Capital One 3. Coca-Cola 4. Royal […]

circumstances at common law where the courts lift the corporate veil

  “ it is difficult to be precise about the circumstances in which a judge will lift the corporate veil. However, what is clear is that on occasions the Salomon decision has caused problems and the courts have had removed the veil of incorporation to enable them to see the commercial reality behind the corporate […]

Genetic and animal breeding

Part A: 14 marks You are wishing to breed sheep for increased fleece weight. Fleece weight is measured annually, beginning at 12 months of age. Heritability for fleece weight is 31%, repeatability is 50% and genetic standard deviation is 0.4 kg. The ewe flock is 1000 ewes, which can lamb first as hoggets (1 year […]

case study child abuse

  Mr Smith has been charged with possess child abuse material and has pleaded guilty at the Local Court. He was found in possession of 100’s of videos and photographs of child abuse material on his personal computer. The files were stored systematically and arranged in an order that represented the type of pornography in […]

Case Study :long-term illness

Review this case study: You have been with your life partner for 40 years and they are now within months of dying from a long-term illness. Each day you see them suffering from pain and the degradation of feeling helpless, having been active and strong all their life. Your life partner has been on anti-depressant […]

Article report

  • Each report is on one significant article from a reputable news source such as the New York Times or other major US newspapers, The Economist, The Asia Times, The Japan Times, Asahi, Yomiuri, or Mainichi Newspapers, The Korea Times, The Korea Herald, The JoongAng Daily, The Far Eastern Economic Review, Newsweek, etc. You […]

Lyric comparison and contrast

Compare/contrast poems Terence, this is stupid Stuff by A.E.Houman and Ars Poetica by Archibald Macleish Focus on theme and how style relates to sense. Explanatory tone/diction/style where comparing/contrasting ideas occur.

consequences of private ownership of both print and broadcast media.

– 1. In the United States, there is private ownership of both print and broadcast media. What consequences does private ownership have for the news operation of mass media in America? 2. Although freedom of the press is highly prized in the United States, the mass media are not completely free of government regulation. In […]

Geometry in crystal structure

 You need to understand and explain the underlying mathematics. You should include examples, diagrams, and pictures. You should also consider the impact of mathematics on society.  Your topic must go considerably deeper into the subject than the textbook or lectures do.  Your research must go beyond what you can find on Wikipedia […]

Managing Across Culture

  You are part of a team of management consultants, working for a large telecommunications organization operating solely within the UK. The organization is planning to expand internationally in the next two years. As management experts, you have been asked to ensure that the process of internationalization runs as smoothly as possible. Your team of […]

Diversity analysis& management report

. Determining how the HRM practice (use of online job websites) of HRM function (recruitment) must be adapted to accommodate and generate value from one form of employee diversity (employees with literacy or numeracy problems or employees from non-English speaking backgrounds).  Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no […]

Health care administration

  (1) How do you personally define health care administration? (2) Why do you define it this way? And how do your articles support your definition (3)What are your conclusions?   Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why […]

SWOT of Toyota

  Analyze Toyota using the SWOT model: From these aspects: a Analyze SWOT of Toyota, its Business, its Mission, its Goals, and its Strategies. b Analyze SWOT of Toyota’s Structure, and Design. c Analyze SWOT of Toyota’s Culture and Ethics. d Analyze SWOT of Toyota’s Environment. e Analyze SWOT of Toyota’s management of workforce diversity. […]

  answer following questions 1Are you born with hate or is it learned? Explain. 2How are anger and hate similar? How are they different? 3Provide some examples from your own life of how you have dealt with anger in positive and negative ways. 4What does it mean to treat someone as “the other” or “the […]

How organizations manage their target

In this report, you need to apply the theory learned to better explain your chosen organization and follow the following format:TARGET 1.Describe how the organization manages its workforce diversity. 2.Send a recommendation for your section separately. 3. Send one S, one W, one O, and one T for your section separately. Place your order now […]

How does globalization influence the emergence, development and outcomes of social movements?

  Themes – Environmentalism/sustainability – Alternative economic systems (e.g. post-growth; economic localisation, etc.) – Food systems/food sovereignty – Indigenous movements – Human rights/humanitarianism – International migration/multiculturalism – Health systems You will need to identify a current issue related to the above themes and examine the strategies utilized by one or more social movements organised around […]

Current strategic issues facing Games Industry

  consider the current strategic issues facing the industry and the firm and report on the key trends that will affect the industry in the foreseeable future. A guideline for the analysis is given below: 1. An analysis of the business environment of the firm. You should consider the main competitors and their competitive position; […]

Minerology techniques

  Considering all of the analytical techniques described for mineralogy in this unit, explain in detail which technique would be the most suitable for: 1. Mineral identification in a milled ore sample? Why? 2. Measuring the amount of solid solution gold in pyrite? Why? 3. Determining the grain size and degree of interlocking in a […]

Case study: AVCO Environmental

  Chantale Leroux works as a clerk for Avco Environmental Services, a small toxic-waste disposal company. The company has a contract to dispose of medical waste from a local hospital. During the course of her work, Chantale comes across documents that suggest that Avco has actually been disposing of some of this medical waste in […]