Discuss the following research question: Why so few women College Presidents? 1. Why is this phenomenon (your outcome variable) interesting/relevant? 2. How addressing this question will advance the understanding of this phenomenon of interest, beyond what we know (briefly describe what we know)? 3. What is the practical significance of addressing this research question? Place […]

The Family and Delinquency

The research paper must be a minimum of 11 pages. Papers will be graded for the quality of the research done, originality of thought, demonstration of knowledge of the and concepts involved, accuracy of information and grammar. Papers must include references to at least five different types of sources. Acceptable sources include reported cases (cases […]

spooooooooooky story

prefer it to be horror story Please post as a NEW THREAD (click on the CREATE NEW THREAD button to do so; don’t REPLY to a previously created thread) in this discussion board your written Spooooooooooky Story. Submissions may be of any length, of any topic (at least, of something you think is spooooooooooky) – […]

HKU Case: CITIC Tower II, the Real Option

HKU Case: CITIC Tower II, the Real Option Should they go ahead with the project ( or should they purchase the option ) and the mathematical reason why.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car?

Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car? Worth 200 points HINT: See Chapters 10-14 of the text to help understand some of the legal issues covered in this assignment. Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and […]

Crisis Comm

This is a comm group project covering a case study on the American car industry in the economic crash of 2008-2009. We have to write on media, and demonstrate contrasts used about the crisis first before the recession, next during the recession, and last how it’s being handled now. First, cover the aftermath of the […]

Research Paper: Game Theory

My topic proposal is how game theory is better utilizing the Nash equilibrium theory for marketing experiments by using cognitive psychology. I attached it. Here are my directions. II. Final Paper: Using your annotated bibliography as a guide, start writing your paper. Your paper should include several sections (please use headings and subheadings for an […]

Discussion on Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage

Please use Religion and Politics in the united states seventh edition by Kenneth D Wald & Allison Calhoun-Brown as one of your references M4 Discussion on Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage crowd of women holding signs reading “Love Wins” Supporters of the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling on same-sex marriage gather on the step of […]

Economics Questions

Depict a perfectly competitive market for cigarettes as a market with negative externalities in consumption. Demonstrate in your graph why the market allocation is inefficient and explain where the deadweight loss in your diagram and why and what it means. (3 points) Discuss the following statements: “A pigovian tax on consumption would be preferred to a […]


This written assignment is worth 20% of the course grade. Draft Due date: Nov. 24th on Canvas, by 10 pm. I will give you feedback on your draft. Final paper due date is Dec. 16th The oral presentation is worth 10%. Why (purpose): You will demonstrate your learning about one person’s experiences and beliefs or […]

market and consumption.

1. Depict a perfectly competitive market for cigarettes as a market with negative externalities in consumption. Demonstrate in your graph why the market allocation is inefficient and explain where the deadweight loss in your diagram and why and what it means. (3 points) 2. Discuss the following statements: “A pigovian tax on consumption would be […]

substantial investment plan

Propose a substantial investment plan to improve the performance of your work group or organization or an organization you hope to work for. The investment can be made in human resources, in expansion of tangible or intangible assets toward new uses, or in capital equipment or new technology. Analyze how the investment plan achieves the […]

Discussion on Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage

Please use Religion and Politics in the united states seventh edition by Kenneth D Wald & Allison Calhoun-Brown as one of your references M4 Discussion on Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage crowd of women holding signs reading “Love Wins” Supporters of the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling on same-sex marriage gather on the step of […]

Environmental Assessment of’Coire Glas Hydro Scheme

Environmental Assessment of’Coire Glas Hydro Scheme Scottish and Southern Energy has plans to develop a pumped storage hydroelectric power station at Coire Glas near Loch Lochy, North West of Fort William. Pumped storage schemes involve two bodies of water at different heights. During periods of low demand for power, electricity is used to pump water […]

ERP systems in Retail industry in UAE

Assignment 1 ERP systems in Retail industry in UAE Objective: Distinguish between different ERP systems currently available and decide between alternatives based on organizational criteria. Retail industry choose Oracle as ERP system. 4 pages paper- single-spaced, size 10 font with one inch margin all round Present recommendations and supporting arguments for the selection of an […]

ERP systems in Retail industry in UAE

    Objective: Distinguish between different ERP systems currently available and decide between alternatives based on organizational criteria. Retail industry choose Oracle as ERP system. 4 pages paper- single-spaced, size 10 font with one inch margin all round Present recommendations and supporting arguments for the selection of an appropriate ERP (Oracle) system for a business […]

ESAP and I

Using your ESAP results, analyze those question to include the following points within a 5-paragraph Essay: o Briefly describe your “self-awareness”; do you have more “interpersonal skills” or “intra-personal skills”? o Select two areas of the 10 EI skills depicted on your ESAP results to discuss; select one of the (3) potential problem areas measured […]

Design of a (Simplified) Car Suspension System

Forthisassignmentyouarerequiredtoundertakeasimplifiedengineeringdesignproject. YouarerequiredtosubmitviaBlackboardaformal,suitablyformattedreport(includingthe ECUassignmentcoversheet)inelectronicformat(hardcopies,handwrittenorscanned reportswillnotbeaccepted),documentingindetailyourindividualapproach,work,results, andjustifiedanswerstothestatedproblems,by5pm,onthe23rdOctober2015.Notethat extensionswillnotbegrantedwithoutreasonableground.Anyresultsstatedwithout supportingexplanationswillnotbetakenintoconsiderationandwillnotcontributetoward thefinalmark.Thisisanassessedactivityandthemarkyoureceivemustbeafairindividual mark,sowhileIstronglyencourageyoutodiscussthisassignmentwithotherstudentsand withtheteachingstafftobetterunderstandtheconcepts,whenyousubmittheassignment underyourname,Iassumethatyouarecertifyingthatthedetailsareentirelyyourown workandthatyouplayedatleastasubstantiveroleintheconceptionstage.Youshouldnot useresultsfromotherstudentsinpreparingyoursolutions.Youshouldnottakecreditfor computercodeorgraphicsthatweregeneratedbyotherstudents.Youshouldalsonot directly share your solutions with other students. The teaching staff will check for similaritiesandyoushouldbepreparedtoexplainyouranswersandrespondtoother relatedquestionsthatmaybeasked.Youshouldalsonotuseanyotherresources(including textbooksandwebsites)withoutexplicitlyacknowledgingthemandbeingabletoexplain their inclusion. The use of materials drawn from other sources without appropriate acknowledgementisplagiarismandconsequencesforsuchactionswillapply. TheProject:Designofa(Simplified)CarSuspensionSystem Throughoutthisunit,wehavebeenillustratingtheimportanceofviewingsystemsinboth thetimedomainandthefrequencydomainandtheimportanceofbeingawareoftradeͲoffs inbehaviourbetweenthetwodomains.Thiskindofanalysisisusefulinallbranchesof engineering.Wheneveronehasalinearsystemdrivenbysomething,atsomeparticular frequency,the techniques of this unit can be […]


DO NOT USE ANY OTHER SOURCE! I will upload the case. Based on the case please answer the following questions. 1. External – What are Tesla’s opportunities and threats? 2. Internal – what are Tesla’s strengths & weaknesses? 3. What is Tesla’s performance trend? 4. What strategic actions do you recommend and why? USE PESTLE […]

Mental Health and Aging

Please use this guidelines focusing on reasons for older adults especially racial-ethnic minority groups under use or non-use of mental health service. Include: Background, Method, Results, Implication for Nursing Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner), Personal take on mental health and aging, Conclusion. Some article I have on hand: 1. aging with serious mental illness: an overview […]

Accounting questions

Part A (20 points) Prepare in proper form journal entries for the following transactions. Omit explanations. October 2 Owner made a cash investment into the company $5,000 8 Bought supplies on account $100. 10 Paid salaries, $700 15 Paid for supplies purchased on October 8 21 Received company telephone bill, to be pstiond aid later, […]

Flow charts

Create a FLOWCHART and a STORYBOARD for each problem below. Use the information below to create a storyboard (which can be a text based description for solving the problems) and a flowchart (using flowchart symbols to illustrate how you would program) to solve each problem. You may use Microsoft Word® for your Storyboard and Microsoft […]

Public Health

The Jong, J. T. _2010_article, “A public health framework to translate risk factors related to political violence and war into multi-level preventive interventions” describes protective factors and risks contributing to armed conflicts and human rights violations. It introduces the idea of a ‘public health framework’ to promote peace, health and prevent further violence in times […]


Part A (30 points) Record the following transactions in the basic accounting equation: a. Brian invests $10,000 cash to begin an accounting service. b. The company buys office furniture for cash, $600. c. The company buys additional office furniture on account, $300. d. The company makes a payment on the office furniture, $200. Brian’s Accounting […]

The capital-budgeting process used to identify projects that add to the firm's value

  Question1 From a financial manager’s perspective, discuss the capital-budgeting process used to identify projects that add to the firm’s value? How do capital-budgeting decisions help to define a firm’s strategic direction? question 2 How does a firm’s capital structure relate to your personal capital structure? In what ways are they similar? Provide examples of […]

Exploring what Social Work currently is in the UK

  Explore what Social Work currently is in the UK, the context in which it takes place and how Social work could be. Your writing must demonstrate your understanding of the contested nature of Social Work. Marking criteria: • Work considers the opportunities and complexities of Social Work. • Demonstrate an understanding of the fluid […]

Differences between a utility and a profit maximizing league

  Discuss the main differences between a utility and a profit maximizing league (e.g. Europe v USA) and how this impacts the sports, how they are run, organized and controlled.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to […]

Variations in Approaches to Care and Making a Difference

This order is for two different discussions the first discussion Variations in approaches to care will go on the first page and the second discussion will go on the second page. Please do a separate reference page for each discussion. Also, please use two scholarly sources for each discussion 1. Variations in Approaches to Care […]

Unmanned Ariel Vehicles

  • Research and prepare a five- to eight-page paper (not counting graphics or references) on the topic, explaining technical, practical, and policy aspects of the topic. Explain how the tool or technology works, why it is a “tool for decision-making,” how it was developed, how it is used in homeland security and/or emergency management, […]