geometric dimension

1. Determine the geometric dimension such as width, breadth and thickness of each specimen. This can be accomplished using the Vernier calipers. This information will be used to calculate strains. 2. Open the safety shield and install appropriate grips for compression testing. 3. Turn on the load frame and data acquisition PC-desktop. 4. Run the […]


Marriage We have discussed the different ways that couples choose to form families in modern society. Some forms to consider include intermarriage, gay marriage, polygamy, long-term cohabitation, single-parenting, among others. For this assignment, you are to consider both the benefits of and drawbacks to a particular type of union. Part 1: Select a type of […]

managing large-scale incidents more difficult than small scale incidents

Instructions • Reaction Response please (In your own words). • The field is on Principles of emergency management. • No need for introduction (direct answer to the two questions). Larger scale events and incidents can be more difficult to effectively and efficiently manage. Typically, these types of events bring multiple organizations (and their personnel) together […]


“Employment Tests, Hiring and Promotion Decisions” 1. Use the Internet to research employment tests (i.e., drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honest tests, and scored tests of ability), choose two (2) of the following employment tests: drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honesty tests, and scored test of ability. Next, analyze the manner in which […]

Plasmodium Falciparum

  Research on Plasmodium falciparum a pathogenic Level 2 agent. Summary (1 Page) not including reference page (Due: Nov 2 2015): This requires to indicate the outline of thesis you plan to present in main essay, a brief background of the pathogen, why you chose these bacteria for the assignment and a list of at […]

MBA goal statement

I want a goal statement explain why I want to study MBA, and what do I hope to achieve. Also, I want to emphasis on my 8 years experience in as developer in the department of information technology department in Royal Saudi land forces. Moreover, I want to say that I need the MBA to […]

Open Meeting Report

Dear writer, Please find attached the information about the meeting that I attend. I took pictures of the board in the meeting. Please answer the following question some of the note I write for the meeting is in the file attached I am an international student, and please use a simple words. Thanks, 1) Who, […]

Expository Oral – English

Expository Oral script required for presentation based on Mao’s Last Dancer by Li Cunxin. Oral Presentation in which I am to analyse the discourses mobilised in the text particularly around family values and class. The discussion must analyse how these discourses are employed in order to construct a representation of a particular cultural setting, with […]

Importance of traffic cone.

Explain why traffic cones are needed on the streets. Explain how much they are abused and mistreated and what is the proper way to treat a traffic cone. Explain why a traffic cone is the way it is. connect traffic cones to a real life human example. For a custom paper on the above topic, […]

Uterine Fibroids

Ms H ,32 year Legal business women . She is bright and driven , self confessed adrenaline junkie, working long hours on complicated and stressful cases. Ms H has been diagnosed with uterine fibroids. On examination she has a palpable mass evident in her abdomen which is causing noticeable distension. This has given her the […]

Literature Review Concept Map

Project description Use the literature review titled: Five Attitudes of a Servant Leader By Larry Boone and Sanya Makhani 1. Determine the author’s strategy or criteria for selecting works to be reviewed, how the presentation of the works is organized (for example, by time, by focus, or by methodology), the levels of analysis used in […]

Women's Health: Hypertension

The Research Review Paper Part 1: Introduction For this week’s assignment, you will identify a women’s health topic and why you’re interested in it. (Scanning the required texts’ contents may help you decide what “grabs” you.) While examining the literature for your selected topic, assess in what way, if any, health promotion, disease prevention, or […]

statistical Analysis Presentation

  This is where you get to make your statistical presentation of your final work including your hypothesis tests. This will give you the complete experience from a start to completion of the learning cycle for statical analsyis work.   Create 3 power point presentation using the template presentation provided.  This assignment provides you with […]

Leadership Competencies Needed in 2020

  Consider all you have learned in the course so far and the trends that have been discussed, particularly around leaders being able to strategize and execute to results. Using the module readings, University online library resources, and the Internet, research key leadership competencies needed in 2020. Then, respond to the following: What are the […]

Managing People

Managing People – IC 1006 Title: What do you think will be the issues that will influence the key skill requirements for the next 5 to 10 years. Use examples from a selected industry and/or company of your choice to highlight the points you are making. For your chosen examples highlight: • Key skills required.: […]

health care utilization

  As the newly appointed public health director in your county of residence, you are charged with increasing the health care utilization in your county. Document your high-level strategic plan by responding to the following: Summary: Who are the stakeholders in this situation? Analysis: What factors may impact the increase or decrease of health services […]

Ashford Writing Center

1. Must be eight- to ten- double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (not including the title and reference pages). 2. Must include a title page with the following: a. Title of paper b. Student’s name c. Course name and number d. Instructor’s name e. […]

Review of the Effectiveness of Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of either Municipal Wastewater or Urban Stormwater

Critically review the published literature concerning the performance effectiveness of constructed wetlands in the treatment processes for contaminant removal eg suspended solids, BOD, nutrients, pathogens. You may choose to focus on only ONE contaminant. You must choose either wastewater effluent wetlands or stormwater treatment wetlands. You must give examples from at least 5 case studies […]

How the medical site is or is not integrated

  Utilize your own clinic or identify a neighboring medical site for this assignment. From internal knowledge or review of their website and public information, provide specific examples of how the medical site is or is not integrated (if not, how do they address medical concerns with an integrated focus of care) and utilize specific […]

factors employers should consider when designing an incentive pay plan

Question 1 Identify and explain the five key factors employers should consider when designing an incentive pay plan. Why are they an important consideration of the process? Do you need all five to be successful? Question 2 Explain what constitutes person-focused pay and the advantages and disadvantages for employees of these types of programs. How […]

Interviewing a manager

  Required interview questions: (1) Can you describe a week at work? What activities/tasks do you regularly engage in? (2) In your opinion, how should an effective manager manage employees? What kind of a managerial approach do you follow? Can you give examples? (3) How is being a manager different from being an employee? What […]

Fat tailed” distribution

  What is a “Fat tailed” distribution? Do the returns in the pre-1992 sample appear to have a “Fat-tailed” distribution? Briefly explain your answer. we need to explain the followings: 1.The fat tailed distribution. 2. how it’s related to i.i.d. theorem. 3. our Kurtosis result of our sample is: 3.09, how can we interpret it […]

Debt instruments and the indoor management rule.

  Question: The purpose or reasons for certain rules relating to debt instruments and the indoor management rule. You are required to explain why the rule exist ie its purpose and what reason it was introduced for   .Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team […]

Crime prevention and community

Option 2. Citing examples, provide a critical analysis of preventive policing strategies (ie. Hotspot, zero­ tolerance, problem­oriented policing etc.) and discuss their impact on the community. In your answer, discuss why these strategies are popular and if there are any side­effects on police/community relations? 
•You are encouraged to do some media research to support your […]

Racial Stereotyping and Prejudice

apa, double spaced 12 font, New times roman. double space after each sentence, 1 inch margins. Running head words on title page. Title page, abstract, discussion section This is a research proposal- not a research paper! This research proposal includes a proposed methods, predicted results. Factorial design. refine hypothesis, what analysis would fit the hypothesis […]

Pathophysiology Across Lifespan

Please writer, use two and half for the case study and the rest for the extra credit. Required textbook. McCance, K., & Huether, S. (2014). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children. (7th Ed.). St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby, ISBN 978-0-323-08854-1. Case 430N: 18 y/o woman with wheezing and a shortness of […]

Pathophysiology Across Lifespan

Case 430N: 18 y/o woman with wheezing and a shortness of breath. An 18 y/o African American woman college freshman without significant past medial history came to the student health clinic complaining of wheezing and shortness of breath. She says that her wheezing has been present intermittently over the past 6 months and seems to […]

Becoming a Registered Nurse

Please discuss the selected issue in greater detail with reference to academic literature explaining how this issue will inform your transition to professional practice as a beginning registered nurse. Please write on Topic 5:- SAFETY & QUALITY AND THE REGISTERED NURSE. Please use the question you answered for topic 5 which is as below: How […]