History of tea In kenya

MAIN OBJECTIVE Based on your research and tacit knowledge, you are to develop a Project (NOT an essay) that will set a recommendation for businesses, industries or even local government on the specific country natural resource you selected, to advise them on how to make better and more sustainable use of that specific resource. You […]

Future Trends

6-1 Discussion: Future Trends Discuss the current trends and future outlook of mergers and acquisitions. Conduct some research and identify something interesting in the field, making sure it is current. Make some predictions about future trends in the field.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We […]

Competency and Credentialing

Readings: http://www.in.gov/pla/ The two pages I have uploaded for you to read. 1. What are the three types of professional credentialing discussed in the text? Briefly describe the distinctions among them. 2. What are some of the arguments for and against professional credentialing? 3. In your first job after graduating from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, your […]

Identity theft

Analyze and comment on the phone conversation described in this case in relation to identity theft,   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee   100% Privacy and Confidentiality   High […]

Credentialing and the NOHS and BC-HSP codes of ethics

READ: http://www.cce-global.org/Prof/Ethics http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/ethical-standards-for-hs-professionals In this assignment we will look at two codes of ethics, both of which are directed to human services professionals. Links to both of these codes are given with this assignment. The code of ethics shown on the website of the National Organization for Human Services is the code most often cited […]

connections or contradictions

develop a thesis about their similar or contradictory viewpoints. 1. American Income By Afaa Michael Weaver https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poem/179349 2. A Black Man Talks of Reaping By Arna Bontemps https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/176999#poem 3. Black Boys Play the Classics By Toi Derricotte https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/171607   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing […]

4 CT Question

Read the following article. Please build your discussion on the question posted by Dr. C at the end of this article. *I Will UPLOD THE ARTICLE and THE CHAPTER Q: Goldman Sachs speculates that by 2050 these four economies will be wealthier than most of the current major economic powers. Should you, as the future […]

World war z

write about what assumption,belief,argument,criticism,or lesson about a global issue the movie world war z delivers. I will upload the prompt for the essay.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee […]


Choose a single toxicant, and explain how it can impact the immune system, respiratory system, and the liver. This paper should consist of a minimum of two pages and utilize at least two reliable references in addition to the textbook. One of your references must be a peer-reviewed resource. All sources used, including the textbook, […]

Statistics and data Analysis

Please write a 300-word response to the following discussion question. I expect your response to reflect critical thought based on information from the textbook and from one additional source. Be sure to appropriately cite and list your references. Discussion Question: Describe the methods you plan to use to analyze the data you collect from your […]

Legal Aspects of Health Care

Module 5 Assignment- HSC 4640 – Legal Aspects of Health Care As you read in the Pozgar text, ethics and law are closely associated. It is very challenging to speak about one and not the other, and often the line between the two can become blurred. I am certain that each of us has a […]

film reflection

Each student must write a (2-4 pages) response paper about one of the films that we watch in class. The paper is weighted heavily on the student’s personal reaction to the film (critical analysis), but may also include social and historical background around the film(s)and/or Filmmaker. Students should cite at least three sources and include […]


All of the information you need to complete Assignment 3 can be found here. Please note that there are two readings for this assignment: Reading 1: Case 2 – Cancer: When Good Cells go Bad on pages C2-2 to C2-4, 10-5 and 10-18 of your textbook (Morris et al., 2013, Biology How Life Works. W.H. […]

Graying of America PPT Axtivity

An Introduction to Community Health by James F. Mckenzie and Robert r. Pinger- The Graying of America Activity/Assignment Instructions America is rapidly graying. But, what does that mean in terms of the health and wellbeing of our nation, our states, and our communities? For this assignment, you will do some exploration to help answer that […]

When Good Cells go Bad

All of the information you need to complete Assignment 3 can be found here. Please note that there are two readings for this assignment: Reading 1: Case 2 – Cancer: When Good Cells go Bad on pages C2-2 to C2-4, 10-5 and 10-18 of your textbook (Morris et al., 2013, Biology How Life Works. W.H. […]

Human Development Essay

The subject area for this paper is Human Development, since this is a paper for my human development class. Human development isn’t available in the choices above, so i put nature. Just letting you know. This is a 5 page double spaced paper that addresses any human development topic i want. The topic I chose […]

Are Dietary Supplements/Vitamins really beneficial?

Please write a research paper that addresses the following question” “are dietary supplements/vitamins really beneficial? Use three from the four units (biochemistry, molecular genetics, homeostasis, metabolic processes) concepts from Grade 12 biology teachings. Make sure to include 3 out of those 4 and indicate in the introduction that 3 of those 4 things will be […]

Improving Obstetric Patient Outcomes

Maternal morbidity and mortality is a national health problem. Preventing complications of pregnancy is included in the 2020 National Health Goals. The purpose of this written assignment is to describe how evidenced based findings can improve patient outcomes related to obstetrical care. Tanya Kim, 36, G4 P4, was in labor for 36 hours when she […]

Solitary Confinement in US prisons

Argumentative research paper for the english class. i require to have an OUTLINE and a DRAFT as well. i will have to submit to my professor both DRAFT along with the OUTLINE and a FINAL essay . 5 resources with the references page and i also need links with the website from the sources . […]

Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Statement Analysis of BestCare Health Maintenance Organization Financials A balance sheet truly illustrates the health and wellbeing of any company. Consider what you have learned this week and apply it to this assignment. Tasks: Review the following balance sheet: BestCare Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Balance Sheet June 30, 2011 (in thousands) Assets Current assets: […]

Math Homework

There is a worksheet to be completed please use the worksheet to input the problem you are solving. Work on Your Problems Open up this week’s problem set template, complete your work on your two problems, and save the first draft of your solutions as a “.doc” or “.rtf” file. Be sure to write down […]


Assess the company’s international involvement. (NETFLIX) In analyzing the company you should make an assessment of: What strategies the company is using? Which parts of the world are they focused on? What forms of foreign involvement are they using? What has been their historical pattern of foreign involvement? Which countries did they first enter? What […]


Research Article Analysis: Please choose one of the research journal article located in the Research Articles folder (look under the Research Articles tab (see below in Modules). Read the article and address the following question set listed below. Composition questions to be addressed: •How is the research related to criminal profiling? •How does the information […]

Integrative project

I’m going to upload the file that has the instructions please follow exactly what it said, and understand it very well. The Company is Subway restaurants.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing discount.

Sovereignty and intervention after the cold war

Case Study The 2002 US National Security Strategy was published in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and constitutes the most coherent statement of the rationale behind the “war on terror”. The document outlined a particular understanding of post-Cold War international relations which had profound implications for sovereignty; in particular the document challenged the […]

Professionalism in Social Media

My group Topic is “BCOM 25- Professionalism in Social Media” which is First one on file. Could you write easier sentences and words in the papers because English is not my first language. And I have to really understand about what papers talking about and I need to speak to my class. I do have […]

Unemployment in the U.S.

Using proper APA format, topic of unemployment in the U.S. Must use minimum of three scholaly sources and you have the freedom to take any aspect of unemployment that you desire.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers […]