Teaching/Learning grammar second language Education

Teaching/Learning grammar second language Education EDPY 585 Fall 2005 Richards, J.C. (2005). Second thoughts on teaching listening. RELC Journal, 36(1), 85-92. Wong, W., &VanPatten, B. (2003). The evidence is in: Drills are out. Foreign Language Annals, 36, 403-432. Study Questions 1. Explain the difference between what Richards refers to as “listening as comprehension” and “listening […]

How entrepreneurs can change society

“Thirsty for the Triple Bottom Line” Watch the following video: How entrepreneurs can change society: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21d7sOyVGKg Dr. Woody interviews Seth Goldman of HONEST TEA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNERSmkIUHo Evaluate Seth Goldman’s leadership performance on the concept of the “Triple Bottom Line” using at least two (2) examples from both resources (at least four [4] total examples) to support […]

output and code sequence

v What is the output of this code sequence?   for ( int i = 5; i >= 0; i– )   System.out.print( i +… What is the output of this code sequence?   for ( int i = 5; i >= 0; i– )   System.out.print( i + ” ” );   System.out.println( ); […]

online education in Arizona State University

online education in Arizona State University Paper details: this is my word document. Oral Presentation and Research Process Sheet Part I: Research Stage: Getting to know your topic, your audience and your own skills I will guide you step-by-step through each of the questions. Do not advance to the next question unless I give directions […]

Game Theory

1) Consider the following game between players One and Two. First, One decides whether to wear a swimsuit or regular clothes, and Two observes this. Next, the players simultaneously decide whether to go the Beach or to the Opera. If One is wearing regular clothes, the payoffs are as in the standard Battle of the […]

compare and contrast essay

compare and contrast essay Paper details: compare and contrast two painting with same subject matter. between academic art and impressionism. each movement has it own specific STYLE AND UNIQUE AIMS, write and essay describe two paintings HOW are they similar how are they different go beyond formal/ stylistic different to discuss different in purpose aim […]

forensic accountants

: Your Professional Role According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, forensic accounting involves litigation support that may be used in a court of law. Among the activities forensic accountants may be involved in are the recovery of funds, locating assets, taking on the role of the expert witness, performing business valuations, and assisting […]

Assignment 3# Generating an Evidence

Assignment 3# Generating an Evidence Monday, October 12, 2015 Instructions • Visit the mpowercare.org website, study it carefully. • Read the app abstract provided on moodle in Assignment #3 folder. • Write a one page essay evaluating the app by answering the following questions: 1. Would you consider this app as part of EBM? ? […]

you are required to write an essay addressing the following task:

you are required to write an essay addressing the following task: Fahy and Jobber (2015) explain that an organisation that is market-orientated scans its environment in order to take advantage of emerging opportunities and minimise potential threats. In the context of the macro-environment, discuss how macro environmental forces impact the holiday industry and how businesses […]

IMF, or World Bank, or, WTO

Here is the essay question: There is a great deal of debate and controversy surrounding the institutions of global economic governance (especially the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank). Evaluate the performance of ONE of these organizations (or another of your choice). Make recommendations as to how the policies of these institutions can be […]

calculating commercial damages

  As the textbook authors point out, calculating commercial damages takes creative analysis as well as a step-by-step scientific approach. Each situation will be different. What are the major categories of commercial damages? Research one category and discuss what accounting records you would need to gather in order to perform the damage calculation. Discuss the […]

Research Proposal

Research Proposal Order Description This paper is actually going to be a research proposal regarding the Selective Exposure Theory. The goal is to find out how big of a factor “Confirmation Bias” is when voters are aligned with the republican or democratic parties in the United States. My specific research questions are “How often do […]

Presentation traing

Presentation traing Order Description As you begin to make preparations for the completion of the In-Service Presentation, below are the instructions in order for you to plan ahead: Because of the nature of the work, it is impossible to employ trained personnel in the Health Information Management (HIM) Department. It then becomes the responsibility of […]

Fraud Prevention, Deterrence, and Detection at Diamond Foods

  Forensic accountants are often called upon to examine a company’s fraud and internal controls and make improvements to the system. Read the Diamond Foods case study located in your Syllabus. Checklist: Prepare a 2–3 page paper describe the deficiencies that existed in corporate governance, internal controls, and other areas, using the risk factors listed […]

Lena Dunham’s Creative Nonfiction

  Writing about Dunham’s film, Boston University film professor Ray Carney observes that “a few minutes into it, magic happens. It gets to the place of truth and stays there.” In an original, thoughtful, minimum 2 1⁄2-page essay, respond to this reading of the film. What “magic” is Carney referring to? What “truth” does Dunham […]

Castrol Case Study

Castrol Case Study Order Description Read the attached files carefully for details: 1- For guide lines check “case_study_details.doc” 2- Follow the same structure of the attached example “example.docx” Note: References must be from 2005 and above.

Solve for the company’s breakeven point

Lin Corporation has a single product whose selling price is $120 and whose variable expense is $80 per unit. The company’s monthly fixed expense is $50,000 1. Using the equation method, solve for the unit sales that are required to earn a target profit of $10,000 2. Using the format method, solve for the unit […]

User Personas

User Personas Order Description Please cover all the instructor points This assignment continues for assignment 1,2 and 3 that did before (attached). For www.e-learningforkids.org Please make sure there is Executive summary ( 3 lines). Assignment instructor: User Personas Thus far in class we have been learning about how individuals employ technology to accomplish their goals. […]

Article summary

Article summary Order Description The summary must be written in the following manner: 1) The summary must be at least 300 words; no more than 350 words. 2) Absolutely no plagiarism or copying phases and placing them in quotes!! Summarize the article in your own words. You must choose the most significant points on which […]

Race and Media (movies)

Papers must be a MINIMUM of ten pages long (8 full pages of text, one page for references and one cover page). No headings should be repeated on the eight pages of text – they belong on the cover page. Write a minimum of eight pages of text on that research topic. 3. Include a […]

Two essay

Two essay Order Description You may write one page for each point the points: 1. First the Balanced Scorecard 2. Second is the Production and Benchmarking in general motors The Balanced Scorecard Strategic management (Strategies in Action) What is the Balanced Scorecard? How we do it? What is the benefit for it? You may write […]

Time value of money

Your family members know you are taking this class and you learned about time value of money. Four of them came separately to ask questions relating to time value of money. Use the applicable interest table at the end of the book to compute the unknowns for your four relatives. Note that each is independent. […]

learning experiences that develop language, literacy and numeracy.

  This is my second placement and it is 20 days long. The school I went to is Browns Plain State High school. This is not a school with very high level of academic achievement. This portfolio contains two statements of achievement, with evidence, of my ability to meet Standards 2 and 3 in particular. […]

Leadership Credibility

Leadership Credibility Order Description Credibility is essential to effective, transformational leadership: from resolving various critical issues and problems that organizational leaders face to developing a passionate constituency who will follow and be stimulated by a collective vision. A key element of this credibility is integrity, which is rooted in self-knowledge and understanding (and a key […]

Treatment of NSF check

    The bank statement of Stone Supplies included a $300 NSF check that one of the Stone’s customers had written to pay for services that were provided by Stone.   Required a. Show the effects of recognizing the NSF check on the financial statements by recording the appropriate amounts in a horizontal statements model […]

region and social class

region and social class Order Description Outline of the Essay Assignments: For Purposes of giving you feedback, I have decided to divide the paper assignment into two parts: Part I: Title page + the first one and a half page of the essay (will count for 5 points). I.On the title page, (1) please give […]

Social and Environmental Strategies Comparison Chart

Southwest Airlines Social and Environmental Strategies Comparison Chart Action Plan What is the basis of the firm’s CSR/sustainability strategy and tactical approach? Is it compliance based? Based upon a license to operate? Defensive? Strategic? The CEO’s vision? Other? Social versus environmental emphasis Do your firms emphasize social responsibility over environmental performance(provide examples)? A balanced approach? […]

Business Ethics

Business Ethics Order Description Read and follow the instructions attached. Do ONLY point 2 that states: 2- Identify the facts: Study the company/Set the background—state its company values, code of conduct, corporate mission, corporate culture, and brief history of the company. What does the company do? Who is the CEO? What is it known for? […]

Determine the annual depreciation expense

  1. New tire retreading equipment, acquired at a cost of $140,000 at the beginning of a fiscal year, has an estimated useful life of four years and an estimated residual value of $10,000. The manager requested information regarding the effect of alternative methods on the amount of depreciation expense each year. On the basis […]