Dr. Snow and the Cholera Epidemic

TufteWorksheet   Read the first part of Tufte’s booklet (pages 5-15) and answer the questions below. Either bring your answers to class or upload them into Canvas before class on Monday.   Part I: Dr. Snow and the Cholera Epidemic   Look at Tufte’s description of Dr. Snow’s displays of data(pages 5-15). What is the […]

What Makes a Corporation Toxic

From Your Exploring Business text on ETHICS Chapter 2: It’s very popular today for company spokespersons to brag about the great things their companies are doing to help the environment. Condé Nast, a worldwide magazine publishing company, questioned whether many of these vocal companies have earned bragging rights or whether they’re merely engaging in self-serving […]

Dissociative, Somatic Symptom, Schizophrenia, and Neurocognitive Disorders

Question 1.Which psychology model explains hypochondriasis as being a result of a reinforced set of learned behaviors?   the behavioral model   the psychodynamic model   the cognitive model   the sociocultural model Question 2.Which of the following statements regarding age and schizophrenia is the most accurate?   There are almost no new cases of […]

ELL proficiency tests

How do state ELL proficiency tests, such as the AZELLA (AZ) or the WIDA (other states), guide data-informed decision making? How do these test results affect lesson planning?     Module 8 DQ 2:   When assessing ELLs, teachers must use a variety of assessments in order to get the most accurate snapshot of academic […]

anxiety disorders

Question 1.Which of the following is not classified as an anxiety disorder?   Depression   Specific Phobia   Generalized Anxiety Disorder   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Question 2.Gordon was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. His blood alcohol concentration was 0.12. Concentrations below _____ percent usually produce feelings of relaxation, with minimal cognitive or […]


STRUCTURAL FAILURE RESEARCH PROJECT Please address the following 5 questions for this assignment for 2 Structural Failure Cases. The case responses should be discussed separately, therefore you should have a total of 10 questions answered.   (1) Detail of failure and why it happened (2) Ethical responsibility of parties involved (3) Recommendations of potential solutions/better […]

Article summary

Examination of Over-the-Counter Drug Misuse Among Youth1 Erin J. Farley and Daniel J. O’Connell Top of Form Bottom of Form Examination of Over-the-Counter Drug Misuse Among Youth by Erin J. Farley and Daniel J. O’Connell Prepared by: Mary H. Maguire, California State University, Sacramento Article Kim Schnurbush, California State University,Sacramento Examination of Over-the-Counter Drug Misuse […]

Culturally Relevant Inspiration

Culturally Relevant Inspiration A number of important resources supporting the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of culturally relevant instructional experiences are available online. Throughout this course, you have had many opportunities to view a number of such resources. This assignment encourages you to reflect on the key concepts presented in the course through the creation […]

African Religion

Part 1. Using Readings 5 , 6 and 7 summarize the African understanding of God and his/her characteristics, as well as the set of moral and spiritual values used by Africans to define a genuine human being and a genuine man/woman of God   Part 2. Using readings 1 to 4 explain African contribution to […]

the cupcake club

need to know the main characters, setting, tone, conflict, solution, and authors purpose in the book “the cupcake club” winner bakes all by sheryl berk, and carrie berk.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

short Analytical Essay

Recall from syllabus that all essays must use the opening paragraph that I have written. All countries have bases of conflict. The conflicts often reflect divisions (cleavages) over religious, economic and ideological differences.  France has known its share of social and political divisions. The French revolution of 1789 divided the country sharply across ideological lines. […]


Please see the picture in the email and follow its instrucre about this title:   “Vegitable intake among high school students in Bowling Green, KY”   NOTES: – Use credible source. – Do it step by step “as the picture” – Due in 10 hourse after handshake. – One page.   For a custom paper […]

Journals/Short Papers

Assignments: Journals/Short Papers: Short Papers are worth 25 points each and you must turn in four papers. Each paper should reflect on the site visits or on your own research and make reasonable connections to the readings. ALL PAPERS must incorporate the readings –and by readings. this means multiple readings into your observations. Each paper […]

what it means to be human

Please read the first 3 chapters of Genesis for Friday. Here’s a link that starts you on the first chapter: http://www.usccb.org/bible/genesis/1      (click next chapter to chapter 2 and 3) As you read, try to treat the story as a narrative (like we did with the Gospel of Mark) that’s trying to communicate deeper truths […]

Chinese food and american food

An essay outline for speech, the title is about:  Chinese food and american food, which one is more healthy. I AGO.Brief Background information.Point of your speech.Brief preview of what your speech. Transition II Main Point 1 (full sentences). Supporting Claims. Evidence (citation). Evidence (citation) Supporting Claim. Evidence (citation). Evidence (citation) (transition) III Main Point 2 […]

Final Research Project

Final Research Project The topic of your project needs to be a contemporary societal problem, such as healthcare reform, immigration reform, privacy rights, euthanasia, First Amendment Rights, stem cell research, capital punishment, corporate prisons, legalizing drugs, ageism, animal rights, cloning, prayer in schools, racial profiling, recycling/conservation, sexism, outsourcing jobs, workplace bullying, etc. The topic must […]


Implement class Vector that provides the vector functionality needed by the test code Vector_test.cpp given below. When you do this, you should not use C++ vector class. Since Vector is a template container class, it should be implemented in one file: Vector.h. Complete Vector.h given below. A few points regarding capacity versus size: capacity: amount of memory allocated to the container in terms of number of […]

Final Paper

the real estate agent has a duty to represent clients throughout the sales process. An agent must be able to explain the sales process from contract to closing, evaluate the criteria for a successful transaction from both buyer and seller perspectives and resolve problems as they arise. The Final Paper must address each of the […]

Dead at Noon

Read Dead at Noon, the story of the death of Gillian Bennett, the wife of a former professor of mine:  http://www.deadatnoon.com/ DUE: ASSIGNMENT #5:  Write a paragraph on (a) whether a deontologist would agree with Prof./Dr. Bennett’s decision to end her life and (b) why, and a second paragraph on (a) whether a utilitarianwould and (b) why.   For […]

The Ideas of Geert Hofstede

The Ideas of Geert Hofstede: Similar Countries & Online Information Sources Objectives The aim of this assignment is to expose learners to the information offered by the Canadian Centre for Cross Cultural Effectiveness and apply this information to the ideas of Geert Hofstede. Instructor Comments When completing these exercises one might also want to think […]

International Marketing

Chosen Company: McDonalds Tasks: Identify a MNC operating in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), write about the nature of its activity. Which mode of entry did the MNC adopt to enter into KSA. What is the contribution of MNC to Saudi Arabia in term of: Revenue Employment Technology Social responsibility and community development Discuss the […]

Genre and Myth: Flood Narrative Comparison Activity

Re-read the following readings from this unit as they will help you complete this activity: Gilgamesh,Vol. A (95-99) Part 5 “The Story of the Flood” Tablet XI, Vol. A (143-148) The Bible: “Genesis,” Vol. A Chapters 6-9, Vol. A (163-167) Metamorphoses,Vol. A (1073-1076) Book I (Lines 240 – 415) (This portion of the reading is NOT […]

genre, myth and mythic culture

Below are two options for a short essay using 2 of the works you have read in Units 2-4. Choose one of the options and write a 400-600 word paper. Remember to identify the works you have selected and use specific examples from each. Read the definition of genre and myth and explore how mythic […]

social change

The mission of the University is to develop not only scholar-practitioners, but also to foster positive social change. This mission has great potential impact for students at any degree level, but, for the doctoral student, it is particularly relevant. The research that you undertake, and the questions that you ask to “fill in the gaps” […]

Exploring Evidence-Based Solutions

Evidence-based solutions are typically well researched and published in respected journals. Evidence does not necessarily mean that a solution will reduce or improve every community’s public health problems, however. Conversely, a lack of evidence does not necessarily mean that a solution will not work for a particular community or population. In each case, additional assessment […]

cargo carrying capacity innovations and related transportation security policies

Please see assignment below: Week 5 EssayTopic:  Compare and contrast how the different cargo carrying capacity innovations and related transportation security policies have impacted the U.S. trucking and rail service industry from December 1980 until December 2011. Note: Compare means list factors such as how much one mode can be described in what it can […]

Business Ethics

Task 1: Comment on the relationship of Intellectual Property and Business Ethics. Task 2. Quote any two real life examples of Intellectual Property law violation or dispute in Middle East region. Task 3: Analyze the impact of cultural and social differences on Business Ethics practices interpretation and adaptation. Originality Report: All the assignment will go […]

pearls in the Gulf

PURPOSE: Your first essay must give an account and describe the ways in which a particular commodity shaped the world in the past. TOPIC: In an essay of 800 words, respond to one of the following questions: Were pearls a curse or a blessing to the people of the Gulf? Why or why not? How […]

basic concepts of business research and its contributions to business organization’s success in the local and global environment.

CLO1. Describe the basic concepts of business research and its contributions to business organization’s success in the local and global environment. CLO2. Explain the research types, methodologies and approaches to research as applicable to different business problems. CLO3.Apply tools and techniques for collecting, analyzing, evaluating and interpreting the research data essential in the formulation of […]