Driebel, v. City of Milwaukee, 298 F.3d 622 (7th Cir. 2002)

Driebel, v. City of Milwaukee, 298 F.3d 622 (7th Cir. 2002) CASE BRIEF GUIDELINES 1. Case briefs will be written in the following format (mandatory): a. Title and Citation (e.g. Jones v. Smith, 123 F.3d 456 (11th Cir. 2004)) b. Type of Action (e.g. civil suit for money damages for violation of free speech rights […]

whether increased competition in the microfinance would be bene cial or not

whether increased competition in the microfinance would be bene cial or not Read the attached article from The Globe and Mail. Based on the article, the lectures, and your own thoughts on the issue, discuss whether increased competition in the micro nance sector would be bene cial or not. Does the micro nance industry need to be regulated and […]

Environmental Swarm Project

Environmental Swarm Project ISCI 1001 2015 Introduction to the Environment Swarm Project Instructions Please familiarize yourself with the following: Biodiversity: See Withgott Figure 9.13 and discussion on p 261 and pp 264-270. Ontario’s Invading Species Awareness Program http://www.invadingspecies.com/invaders/plants-terrestrial/ Part A (20) Photos: You are to take one photo of a spontaneous plant species at each […]

Design an acoustic phonetic experiment (praat) to investigate differences in the physical parameters, acoustic and perceptual effects of an aspirated [t] vs. a non-aspirated [t] pronounced after an [s]

Design an acoustic phonetic experiment (praat) to investigate differences in the physical parameters, acoustic and perceptual effects of an aspirated [t] vs. a non-aspirated [t] pronounced after an [s] Design an acoustic phonetic experiment to investigate differences in the physical parameters, acoustic and perceptual effects of an aspirated [t] vs. a non-aspirated [t] pronounced after […]

Millennial Considerations in Designing Benefit Plans

Millennial Considerations in Designing Benefit Plans Instructions: Research individually (or in pairs). You have been asked by your manager to be part of a workplace task force that will examine millennial employees’ needs, preferences, and expectations of benefits plans. •Look up articles from the publication, Benefits Canada, from the U of R e-library that specifically […]


MFA50 For this assignment, students are required to visit one of the approved museums and look at their collections of African Art. To prepare for the visit, students should first review ?African Art: Aesthetic and Meaning? (accessible here: https://static.lib.virginia.edu/artsandmedia/artmuseum/africanart/index.html). Proof of the museum visit (receipt, ticket stub, etc.) should be submitted with papers, failure to […]

Monster Bicycle Manufacturing Company

Monster Bicycle Manufacturing Company 1234 Ghoul Rd. Underbed, FL 34567 Federated Regulated Economic Associated Consultants Equilibrium Street Port Richey, FL 34666 Dear Federated Regulated Economic Associated Consultants (FREAC), My firm produces bicycles. The market price for the bicycles is currently $500, and we have been producing 13 bicycles per week. I don’t believe that my […]

HIV in elderly population associated unsafe sex

HIV in elderly population associated unsafe sex (please include the bibliography) Guidelines for manuscript Topic selected must be approved by faculty advisor. Maximum 15 pages – typed, double-spaced, not including abstract, title page and references Text beyond 15 pages will not be read. Manuscript must be Masters level material and its content must be relevant […]

Designing a high fidelity simulation 6b

Designing a high fidelity simulation 6b With the increasing need for higher level clinical reasoning needed in the complex healthcare of today, nursing students must engage in activities that challenge their reasoning, provide experiences they cannot necessarily obtain in the clinical setting, and have opportunities to learn from failure in a safe environment. High fidelity […]

what is the effect of rmb's internationalization

what is the effect of rmb’s internationalization We all notice that the international standing of China is becoming more and more important. Please do a research about the effect of the internationalization of Chinese currency RMB. In the research paper, you should connect the most recent news about RMB(like joining the SDR of IMF). And […]

Sampling and Data Collection Plan

Sampling and Data Collection Plan Part 1: Sampling Design Write a 350- to 700-word paper using the scenario and two variables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 assignment, in which the goal is to submit a random sampling plan in such detail that another researcher could replicate the […]

Effect on Housing and consumers

Effect on Housing and consumers Write a research paper describing the effects of the North Park Mall in Dallas,TX, USA on the housing prices and consumers choices. Show charts and table using the cost approach on valuation of the real estate property. Use examples of similar cases and trends and show comparisons from any city […]

Executive Summary

Executive Summary You need to use the data about player drafts in the Continental Football League and the players’ subsequent performance in the league to (a) devise your own chart for valuing draft picks and (b) compare the chart with the one that Coach Smith created and that has been used for years for valuing […]

Market segmentation

Market segmentation Please do SWOT analysis for the “Uber Case” The analysis should be the same format as the sample attached, which you have done previously. For the SWOT (Please select the top issues; for instance 2-6 strengths, 2-6 for weaknesses and the same for other two (opportunities threats). Also, please reference any data or […]

New health care delivery and financing models

New health care delivery and financing models The purpose of the position papers is to allow you, but also require you, to identify topics in the health care economics and policy field that are of interest or relevance to you. Position papers should be at least 2-3 pages (double spaced, not including references, graphs, tables […]


Instructions 1. Use appropriate data visualization and descriptive statistical tools to analyze and summarize the survey data in the excel file questionnaire-database. 2. Compute and interpret confidence intervals for your ratio variables and key proportions for your categorical variables. 3. Summarize and explain the results in a well-written Word document and provide a well-organized Excel […]

Case Study

Case Study The “Format and Design” of the assignment (Most Important!!!) 1. Your answers should be given according to the case study content. 2. Please avoid using ambiguous or abstract words. 3. Please provide (short, sharp but Satisfactory) explanation 4. Type your answers following each question! After reading the Case Study below please answer the […]



'With reference to a range of large-scale event examples, critically assess how terrorism since the Munich Bombings in the 1970s has affected security at Mega & Major Events '

‘With reference to a range of large-scale event examples, critically assess how terrorism since the Munich Bombings in the 1970s has affected security at Mega & Major Events ‘ Task Details: Individually prepare a 10minute voice annotated PowerPoint presentation in which you cover the following elements: ? Examine various mega and major events and assess […]

Risk Identification Exercise

Risk Identification Exercise Presentation Push Cart for Street Vending Rick Reischert plans to operate a mobile hot dog cart from which he will sell hot dogs, polish sausages, pre-packaged potato chips, etc., and soft drinks in the downtown area of Murfreesboro, TN. He expects to operate the cart himself during the day, and to hire […]

tecnology to enhance classroom learning

tecnology to enhance classroom learning Paper details: Choose a set of 6-8 studies that you think are influential and/or meet criteria for rigor in your area of interest (enhancing learning using technology). Generally, the studies you select should be no older than 5 years. To complete this Individual Assignment: Write an annotated bibliography containing the […]

The Process of Problem Solving

The Process of Problem Solving Paper details: Review Chapter 7 of Working with People, and locate the Bill of Rights chart. (University of Phoenix) Review Chapter 8 of Working with People, and locate the “Structure of the Helping Process” section. Locate 2-4 Individual Care Plan examples and identify their similar components. List 9 key elements […]

Strategic Decision Making

Strategic Decision Making Paper details: please I need you to create a research plan for research problem related to the decision making area, I uploaded the references Assignment description: Identify a topic that you are interested in researching within the subjects we addressed (I choose Strategic Decision Making) . Then, write a research plan of […]

Art of the Americas: Supernatural to ancient Americans

Art of the Americas: Supernatural to ancient Americans Paper details: This is for a topic related discussion post response. The argument/ discussions is to be substantive. Please see the attachment for assignment instructions. Also, here you will find the textbook companion to assist with the assignment. LINK: http://www.wwnorton.com/college/art/gatewaystoart/ch/24/studyplan.aspx Discussion: Module 12 Discussion Topic Task: Reply […]

HR management

HR management Paper details: Assignment Instructions Please write a 3 page paper with abstract, outlining either an opportunity that you had implementing an organizational policy or being the recipient (client) of an organizational policy being implemented.Please consider the information in lesson two as you write this assignment. If you have not had this experience, please […]

Statistic & data analysis

Statistic & data analysis Chapter 13 and 14 Discussion Question: What is the difference between a logistic regression and a linear regression? Briefly describe a hypothetical scenario in which you would use one or the other to analyze your data. Please write a 300 word response to the following discussion question. I expect your response […]