Using Baker and Doran (2007) exercise book, students are required to submit all three exercises assigned in-basket exercises.

Order Description Using Baker and Doran (2007) exercise book, students are required to submit all three exercises assigned in-basket exercises. Each in-basket assignment will consist of responding to the assigned questions noted below. These in-basket assignments should be 1-1½ pages, double-spaced. The acceptable font to use for all assignments is Time Roman font size 12.

VPMA93: Listening to Music

VPMA93: Listening to Music In the first lecture, we discussed the following quote by John Blacking:Even if a person describes musical experiences in the technical language of music, he is in fact describing emotional experiences which he has learned to associate with particular musical sounds.In the sixth lecture, we approached two pieces of music by […]

Research Report (Article)

  Topic: Research Report (Article) Research Paper Rough Draft Instructions Assignment Instructions: Research Report (Article) Topic Choices: • Achieving work-life balance in a specific industry and/or situation (ex. deployment) • Improving TSA security at a specific airport • Decreasing identity theft in a specific industry or hypothetical corporation • Recommending or rejecting non-lethal versus lethal […]

Aassignment 3&4

Aassignment 3&4 Order Description TASK 1 Read handover bellow and answer the following: 1. What further questions will you need to ask the nurse? 2. List specifically what further assessments you would complete when the patient arrives onto the ward 550 words; 3 references 2010-2015 You are working on the morning shift on the ward, […]

review empirically supported processes/mechanisms of change in psychotherapy.

review empirically supported processes/mechanisms of change in psychotherapy. Order Description I am completing my masters in counselling and need a review paper completed. Requirements are listed below. However i would really appreciate it if in some parts such as in the conclusion speak in first person about your own thoughts of what your opinion is […]

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection Order Description Hello there, This is Chapter assignment for Recruitment and Selection” HR” and I have scanned the chapter for you and the assignment that you need to do. Do the CASE – ABC Glass Questions 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. “PG 314-315” Here is the link for Recruitment and Selection […]


DISCUSSION BOARD 5, 484 Order Description Part 1: Over the past several modules of study, we have discussed the practice of both nursing past and nursing future. Now that you have been provided with a plethora of information about nursing practice and education (both past and future), take a few minutes and THINK OUTSIDE OF […]

Bundling Pricing

Bundling Pricing Order Description The topic is very big. You can read the textbook chapter 11 or i think not read that is still ok to writer the essay. Please do not use the reference from the wikipedia. Textbook: Following book is a good basis for the course materials; however, supplementary and extra examples, graphs, […]

Interprofessional collaboration

Interprofessional collaboration Order Description TOPIC Interprofessional collaboration of health care/medical teams guide a patient, provide safety and reduces avoidable re-admission of a patient with congestive heart failure. Please see the attached files. • Guidelines and Grading Rubric- Interprofessional Collaboration Project Attached Files: o Interprofessional Collaboration Project Grading Rubric.docx (34.48 KB) o Interprofessional Collaboration Project Guidelines.docx […]

Therapeutic recreation

Therapeutic recreation use 4 websites under this sentence for my research paper,5’Barretstown_Studies’/links/00b4952147fb2ce2f9000000.pdf


Assignment/Tasks Order Description TASK 1 (600 words) 4 references 2010-2015 Using the scenario: 1. In order of priority, identify which tasks you yourself will undertake and which tasks you will delegate. 2: Document your rationales in detail. Scenario: On returning from your tea break you are met by several staff members who relate the following […]

Global Supply Chain Management

Global Supply Chain Management Order Description (1) Login to (2)Open(and run) SIMULATION “Global Supply Chain Management Simulation” (3) Post-Simulation Reflection: a) How should we decide on which option(s) to include (what information should we used and how should they be used in making the decision)? Why? b) How should we decide on the initial […]

Social work and Human service worker (Homework)

Social work and Human service worker (Homework) Order Description Question: In your own words describe the definition of social work values or human services principles. No quotes, paraphrasing or references 200 words Discuss how your personal values clash and/or coincide with social work values or human services principles. 500 words Australian Association of Social Work […]

leadership- poster

leadership- poster HR3S09 and HR3H13 Leadership and Management Poster Assessment Term 1 2015-16 Poster to Critically Evaluate Transformational Leadership Theory and Apply to Leadership Practice You are required to produce an individualposter which critically evaluates transformational leadership theory, applies critiqued theory to a leader’s transformational practice(of your choice)and comments on how theory fits with practice […]


Economics Order Description ECON545 Paper Project 1 The Microeconomic Paper tests your ability to apply economic principles to a business decision. Select one situation from the items outlined below: A to D. Complete the paper on the selected situation as specified below. The completed paper is a professional report and is due in Week 3 […]

Fieldnotes from research proposal

Fieldnotes from research proposal Order Description undertake ethnographic research at the site over the course of AT LEAST 3 separate time periods. write the research proposal for me before, basic on the topic from that proposal, ” study of the children’s learning behavior and cognition in the course of playing video games” write some fieldnotes. […]

program Evaluation plan

program Evaluation plan Order Description kindly and as i always send my assignments to you , do not let me down and do all the best …..write it simply please please Assignment Format: All course assignments (to which such things apply) must conform to the following format: • MS Word (strongly preferred) or Adobe PDF […]

will raising minimum wage help poverty? Topic is: will raising minimum wage help poverty? One book resource must be also used (either online or text) and three can come from any credible source. communicate with me as you go on with this paper since this is a massive topic to write about. The examples and reasoning must be supported by fact/ logic. Must be simple, clear and straight to the point.

will raising minimum wage help poverty? Topic is: will raising minimum wage help poverty? One book resource must be also used (either online or text) and three can come from any credible source. communicate with me as you go on with this paper since this is a massive topic to write about. The examples and […]


UMUC HAIRCUTS STAGE 3 IT REQUIREMENTS A detail document of the assignment instructions are uploaded because of the limited space. The writer must read the attachment and not rely on just the blurb used when for creating the order. The Case Study and Walmart Example (both uploaded). Use the Case Study to develop your assignment […]

Analytical Paper

Analytical Paper This is just general instructions, I will upload a doc with specific instructions that you SHOULD follow, so please read the doc and look back to it when you are writing the paper. Write an Analytical Paper about reforming the International Court of Justice, the reform suggested is “Compulsory Jurisdictional Principle” in accordance […]

Global Business

Global Business Individual Essay Question:Why do governments protect their domestic firms? Describe the main reasons for trade protection and assess whether any of these enhance economic welfare. See the Extended Reading List for relevant references, and also consult the following: Brewer, T. L. (1993). Government policies, market imperfections, and foreign direct investment. Journal of International […]

Critically assess the role of Intellectual Property and its appropriate management within the information systems environment.

Critically assess the role of Intellectual Property and its appropriate management within the information systems environment. 1. Module learning outcomes addressed in this assessment 1. Analyze the legal applications applicable to hardware and software acquisition; 2. Critically consider the intellectual property implications in hardware and software development; 3. Assess the practical impact of copyright regulations […]

Digital Marketing and Communications: BHO0172

Digital Marketing and Communications: BHO0172 Note: This assignment contributes to 50% of the total module mark. Learning Outcomes 4. Research and assess opportunities for the application of digital marketing and communications practices within specific markets 5. Create detailed, actionable e-marketing plans 6. Identify the information, systems and process requirements for successful integrated, customer-focused e-marketing management […]

Original Intent

Original Intent You are to summarize chapters 1-6 11-12 and 16. You goal is to show that you understood the author’s message Must include the author’s key points paper must be typed Keep each chapter separate and labeled

Regina quintavalle v secretary of health for state

Regina quintavalle v secretary of health for state there are 8 questions in the regina quintavalle v secretary of health for state and no more than 450 words for those 8 questions, and 6 questions which requires short answers as well.You will find the case in(’ll right down the 8 questions and send you a […]

Learning Portfolio counselling placement

Learning Portfolio counselling placement Students are required to complete a learning portfolio to be submitted at the end of placement. Up to 7 hours of placement time can be allocated to this assessment. The portfolio will include: 1. Learning contract 2. Agency profile and one page description of organization in point form 3. List of […]

Advance Phatophysiolo across lifespan

Advance Phatophysiolo across lifespan CASE STUDY INFORMATION Will email 3 files 30minutes later. 2) Format Issues: Please answer each question below the individual question (don’t combine the entire section into one large paragraph – it makes it harder for your grader to find the answers or what you planned to be your answer). It does […]