Today's pay structure in business

Today’s pay structure in business Order Description Prepare a paper that presents the 5-step process for constructing a pay structure. The paper should present the steps in chronological order and explain the main objective of each step, as well as describe the key considerations of each. Use at least two recent articles (not older than […]

Week 7

Week 7 Order Description Please answer question 1 and Question 2 separately DO NOT answer as a whole. Question 1—Figure 10.1 in our textbook (along with associated writing on the topic) describes the 10 principal components related to strategy execution, which comprise the focus of the final three chapters in the first half of our […]

Writing Sample

Writing Sample Order Description Adapted from Lily Garcia’s twice-monthly online discussion from The Washington Post Baltimore: Many of the job openings I’m interested in are asking for a writing sample. Can you give me a few standard guidelines, such as how long writing samples should be and what most employers are looking for? First ask […]

The New Deals and Minorities

The New Deals and Minorities Paper details: WRITING ASSIGNMENT # 3A: The New Deal and Minorities Roosevelt called his program to reform the nation’s economy during the Great Depression the New Deal. Not only did it bring about major reforms, and introduce tougher regulation of big business, it also set a precedent for greatly expanded […]



The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic Paper details: discuss the Termination process at the Mayo Clinic in regards to Human Resource

The Formation of New York School Painting

The Formation of New York School Painting Paper details: Weekly readings and one page response papers. The response statements should address a specific issue in the reading and should aid in class discussion. Please write more of your personal opinion. Note: I’m a international student, so can you please avoid too long structure sentences. Make […]

Brand Implementation Report

Brand Implementation Report Individual submission: 2500 words ±10% and A3 Concept Board/Poster. Your task is now to choose one brand and explore in greater detail the opportunities this brand has for development. First you must revisit and review your current research and identify and analyse the brand’s weaker points and challenges. Imagine that you are […]

Letter to Congress

Letter to Congress Effects of global warming where we see rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and ice sheets.

Understanding of the differences between disorders outlined in the DSM V and disorders outlined by pharmaceutical companies

Understanding of the differences between disorders outlined in the DSM V and disorders outlined by pharmaceutical companies Order Description You will complete an individual research paper that thoroughly describes your selected topic. The research paper should reflect mastery of both the research topics and their relevance in the field of psychology. This is not an […]

Marketing Project

Marketing Project Paper details: Assessment Task 1: Marketing Project Scenario or background information The outcome of this assessment is a market positioning strategy report regarding a product or service of your company of choice. The product or service should be either one that is slightly different to that already offered by the company or a […]

Systems Theories

Systems Theories Paper details: Reviewing the Systems Theories [ORGANISM] Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion, what the systems of your organization looks like. Your summary is to be 2–4 pages in length, include 2–4 references have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APA style. 1. What […]

element material photos

element material photos Paper details: Those 4 house are located in Baltimore, in the same neighborhood. the professor want us to talk about the colors and the materials and the elements. And the style of the houses ,and compare between them.

Research Methods in Finance 1

Research Methods in Finance 1 The tax charge in the Statement of Profit or Loss of a company often bears little resemblance to the profit before tax figure multiplied by the tax rate. This is because there is a difference in the computation of accounting profits and taxable profits. Therefore , company financial statements usually […]

Decision Modeling

Decision Modeling Instruction This’s a project assignment for the course of Decision Modeling. Please develop and analyze a retirement planning model for your personal situation. First, the attached example11.11 can help you have a good understanding of the concepts in these problems, build and analyze a more realistic planning model for your personal situation. For […]


TEST I. PROBLEMS.(70 points) (Two pages ) A..*We, William Paterson and associates, a US MNE, join forces with Wasniowska, a Polish national, who is well versed in the Polish culture, as a minority shareholder, and invest $10 million in Poland in a furniture factory. The information we have is as follows. The European Union subsidizes […]

Progressive CAP Assignment

Progressive CAP Assignment Required Texts: There is no required text for this course. Lecture material and some posted material areconsidered required reading. Recommended Texts: Greenhalgh, T. How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine. 5th Ed. London: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2014 Straus, SE., et al. Evidence Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach […]

Career Path Research Paper 25%

Career Path Research Paper 25% Each student will research a specific career in the tourism industry and develop a career path. It should begin with where you are now and where you wish to be two years after graduation. More on this assignment will be discussed in class. The paper will use APA formatting, and […]


Instructions 1. Use appropriate data visualization and descriptive statistical tools to analyze and summarize thesurvey data in the excel file questionnaire-database. 2. Compute and interpret confidence intervals for your ratio variables and key proportions for your categorical variables. 3. Summarize and explain the results in a well-written Word document and provide a well-organized Excel workbook […]

Fortification of Milk

Fortification of Milk Order Description – Fortified definition – What Is the Fortification of Milk? – Vitamin A and vitamin D are the two nutrients that federal regulations mandate for the fortification of milk – Vitamin A is a nutrient that the human body requires for vision and gene transcription. – Milk is the poof […]

Psychology Essay

Psychology Essay Order Description Title: Designing, Applying, and Evaluating a Self-Modification Program Format and Length: The completed assignment will be in essay format with clear introductory and concluding paragraphs but no subheadings. It will be 6- 7 double-spaced typed pages and have additional title, reference, and appendix (tables, charts, etc.) pages. Instructions: All of us […]

Human Resource Management (Reward Management)

Human Resource Management (Reward Management) Order Description “The alignment of reward management with the strategic objectives of an organisation is more important than issues of internal or external equity”. Critically discuss this statement drawing examples from an organisation you are familiar with.

Media has now been redefined as paid, owned or Earned (or shared). Consider how media is planned and evaluate the challenges that now face media planning & buying within this context.

Media has now been redefined as paid, owned or Earned (or shared). Consider how media is planned and evaluate the challenges that now face media planning & buying within this context. Order Description Assessment one: A case study of 1,500 to 2000 words answering one question from the list below and completed advertising campaign produced […]

Waiting lines

Waiting lines Order Description What are the general tradeoffs that are involved in waiting line decisions? Who needs to be involved in assessing the cost of customers waiting for service? How has technology had an impact on analyzing waiting line systems? Visit a restaurant and formulate your answers accordingly. Make sure that you support your […]

Indigenous Health

Indigenous Health Assignment guidelines 1. Using an Indigenous map, locate the Traditional Custodians of the Australian geographical post code 6530 -Yamaji People. Identify who the Traditional Custodians of the land are and how they are defined. 2. Evaluate one (1) health care facility from the allocated postcode (6530)-Yamaji People 3. Identify the nursing and health […]

Health Psychology Prompts 2

Health Psychology Prompts 2 Order Description Details: To complete this assignment, instructors will assign three essays, each to be 300-350 words (there is no penalty for going over the word count). Use the GCU Library databases, assigned readings, and textbook for evidentiary support. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style […]

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection do CASE – Royal Canadian Mounted Police Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. The older book edition is available online for Recruitment and Selection course. you can go to- Chapter 8 Page 382 – 383 CASE – Royal Canadian Mounted Police Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.