Research Terminology and The scientific Method

Research Terminology and The scientific Method   Write a short report with proper citation about the following terms: •Concepts •Constructs •Definitions •Variables •Propositions •Hypotheses •Theory •Reasoning •Models In the above report give an example from your area of study. Write a one page report about the difference between induction and deduction reasoning with an example […]

Microsoft Server

Microsoft Server  2-page Word document, APA format (excludes APA cover page and abstract; include reference page as applicable) For your assignment, answer the following questions. As you answer each question, you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers. Academic IT articles or real-life IT findings that are not found […]

Creating a clock

Instructions The fourth programming project  involver a clock: Create a clock the ask the user for the hour then minutes, it should catch all exceptions, and have the proper constructors. Of course is should also display the hours and minutes. Then create a child class that extends the parent class and adds the seconds. Use […]

computerized Inventory System

Management of a variety store has decided to implement a computerized Inventory System to give the store capability to track… Management of a variety store has decided to implement a computerized Inventory System to give the store capability to track and record every transaction from the purchase of goods from suppliers, purchases made by customers, […]

security, encrypting plaintext, public key cryptography,

1. What are the two methods of encrypting plaintext and provide an example of each. (I want a specific type of cryptosystem for each, they are in the book but you will have to search) 2. What are hash functions used for?(They ensure what?) 3. What is the fundamental difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption? […]

Security Assessment and Recommendations

Phase I In this phase you will choose either Aircraft Solutions or Quality Web  Design as the company you will work with. You will then identify potential security weaknesses. Security weaknesses – You must choose two from the following three areas: hardware software policy (excluding password policies) and identify an item that requires improved security. […]


QUESTION 1   Using Pseudocode, create your own function that accepts one input parameter and returns a float number. You decide the theme. You should provide the pseudocode and an example call. Be sure to provide an overview of what your function is doing.     QUESTION 2   Provide your answers to the following […]

Windows Server Configuration Homework

Windows Server Configuration Homework Discuss how may an organization allow users to safely print confidential information on shared printers? What resources are available for this task? What settings in Windows Servermay be helpful for this effort?   Locate an article on Managing File Resources, and write a 90-175 word response summarizing the article.   Do […]

developing the Help Desk Operations Guide

The final step in developing the Help Desk Operations Guide document is to define how the performance of the department can be monitored and measured, so improvements can be made. This is an area often overlooked in planning for departments, and it is particularly important for help desk organization. Your goal in this stage of […]

Job-order costing system

Q1: Custom Metal Works Products uses a Job-order costing system. Overhead costs applied to jobs on the basis of machine hours, at the beginning of the year, management estimated that 85,000 machine-hours would be required for the periods estimated level of production. The company also estimated $106,250 of fixed manufacturing overhead expenses for the coming […]

Individual Project Plan

DETAILS: Write up an executive summary (2 – 3 pages)and create a project plan (on a Spread sheet) in either MS Project (PC), Apple Merlin (MAC), or Excel spread sheet. PART 1: Write an executive summary for the attached Business Plan on EMR. (2 – 3 pages) PART 2: Write a project plan in Microsoft […]

Research paper investigating a work of art.

Provide a research paper investigating a work of art, or a group of works of art, or an artist, or a topic in some depth, not a broad survey, such as “Indian art” or “Song dynasty landscape painting.” Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your […]

The service offered by Specialist PM Solutions

  You are a business consultant and have recently been approached by Specialist PM Solutions, an established business in your region that provides a range of project management consultancy services. The service offered by Specialist PM Solutions is targeted at the management of three different types of projects. These are: • IT projects • Construction […]

interpersonal communication

QUESTION 1 1. Discuss mindfulness and its pertinence to effective listening in interpersonal communication. In your discussion, indicate whether mindfulness is a technique or an attitude and explain how we express our mindfulness to others whom we are interacting. QUESTION 2 1. Describe a situation where you would (or would not) express an emotion for […]

Network Security

as a newly appointed network administrator, you have been requested to provide a presentation that will be shown to all employees to stress the importance of securing the organization’s data against external threats. Using the library, the Internet, and any other materials, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the following items: • Slides 1–2: ? Identify […]


Question 1. The area is given in square feet. Find the length of a side of the square. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a foot. a. 4.12 ft b. 4.47 ft c. 2.24 ft d. 5.10 ft 2. Simplify by combining like terms. a. b. c. d. Cannot be simplified 3. State […]

digital sticker

This week, we capitalize on the group experience. We have been working as a team throughout term, but this time, your observations are important to the success of your classmates’ presentations. In Week 4, you first shared your project outlines. Since then, you have been conducting research, assessing your project’s organization, and aligning your research […]


  (a) Analyse the financial performance and position of Next plc for the year ended 31st January 2015 compared to the previous year. (70 marks) (b) “The conceptual framework states that qualitative characteristics are the attributes that make financial information useful to users. The two fundamental qualitative characteristics are relevance and faithful representation.” Explain briefly […]

Mall Database

Access Assignment – Mall Database For this assignment you will be required to turn in screen printouts as you proceed through the assignment. The best way to do this is to copy and paste the screen printout into MS Word. Thus, CNTL Prt Scrn and paste into MS Word. Place your name (you can type […]

How the debt capacity of the governmental entity is determined.

Select a government agency (local/state/federal) and develop a four- to five-page APA-style paper summarizing the following: Explain how the debt capacity of the governmental entity is determined. Evaluate the effect of refunding or reorganizing existing debt obligations. Analyze various funding alternatives that can be used to support debt obligations.Place your order now for a similar […]

Real-time data warehousing (RDW

  Organizations require faster decision making to be competitive in today’s marketplace. Data is coming in faster and requires immediate conversion.) is also known as active data warehousing (ADW). RDW is the process of loading and providing data via the data warehouse as it becomes available. For this discussion, explore the following questions: In an […]

Implementing a daycare program for unwed teenage mothers

Imagine that you are the mayor of a small rural town and have received a large federal grant to fund a daycare program for unwed teenage mothers. the intent of the mandated program is to allow those mothers to continue their education. Write a 350- to 700 word memo to the town council in which […]

computerized Inventory System

  Management of a variety store has decided to implement a computerized Inventory System to give the store capability to track and record every transaction from the purchase of goods from suppliers, purchases made by customers, available stock, and when to replenish stocks. Management will receive reports daily and monthly summary reports on purchase orders, […]

Creative Response with Exegesis

Creative Response with Exegesis (2,000 words) 1,500 words for the topic chosen + 500 exegesis Description: This assignment focuses on reading and responding creatively to the readings, ideas and issues raised in the latter half of the course. Broad prompts will be provided [see topics below]; you may respond in any genre, form, or style […]

the similarities and differences between the major national interests of China and India.

  India and China are two fascinating countries that are rapidly growing and changing. We can better understand these two very different countries by comparing and contrasting some of their key political systems, processes, and policies. Specifically, these two very large states provide illuminating country case studies for comparing and contrasting political systems, political cultures, […]