Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Select one of the following topics and discuss it from both the Federalists and Anti-Federalists perspectives: National defense and standing armies Commerce Taxation Legislative authority Executive authority Judicial authority States’ rights Individual rights Share your point of view on which position you find more convincing, and explain why. Cite at least two Federalist and two […]

Arturo Islas

The paper is supposed to be over one of the 5 prompts listed below in response to the novel “The Rain God”. The first two prompts provide an already defined thesis, while the last three require development of an original thesis. (1) The Rain God explores the Angel family’s movement back and forth across borders. […]


Amani Alotaibi 11/1/15 Best –self (section two) Step one (passion/ dreams) My dream is to be apart of the free world. To stimulate positive growth of the human existence, and people work together to create anything they want. From freedom of thought and being without social persecution to swaying people towards accomplishments and not pleasure. […]

musical performance

1.Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater or musical performance before the end of Week 10. The activity (museum or performance) should have content that fits our course well. Have fun doing this. 2.Write a two to three (2-3) page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience. ◦Clearly identify the event location, […]

Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline

      After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways. However, industrialization also created problems for American society. Consider events that took place after the Civil War and discuss ways that industrialization affected the U.S. between 1865 and […]

"The Rain God" – Arturo Islas

The paper is supposed to be over one of the 5 prompts listed below in response to the novel “The Rain God”. The first two prompts provide an already defined thesis, while the last three require development of an original thesis. (1) The Rain God explores the Angel family’s movement back and forth across borders. […]

pieces of architecture

Subject: choose one of the following pieces of architecture. Each reflects traditions from one of the ancient and medieval cultures which we study. Find an ancient or medieval building with the similar characteristics. Describe those elements which they share. Why has the recent work used the older tradition? is the purpose of the newer building […]

The Mexican ceramics folk-art

The Mexican ceramics folk-art firm signs a contract for the Mexican firm to deliver 1500 pieces of artwork to an Italian firm within the next 120 days. The contract is denominated in pesos. During this time the Mexican peso strengthens against the euro. What is the net profitability effect on the Mexican firm? What international […]

Identification of the historical and evolutionary development of the city

I. Please provide explanation for the listed items relative to the applicable city of analysis. Each item should be appropriately addressed and discussed to provided the audience adequate and informative data to gain an enhanced understanding of the applicable city. Report Format: Figures and tables must be numbered and indicated in (APA) List of Tables, […]

environmental scan

Week 6 Essay Topic:  Compare and contrast the factors of an internal and external analysis (environmental scan) in evaluating and assessing an unsuccessful logistic strategic plan.  In the analysis, provide an example of a particular problem, situation, or incident that justifies and supports your evaluation. Note:  First, define the key terms or concepts in the essay. That is, define internal factors. […]

The impact of Islamic Finance and Islamic banking in Western countries

The impact of Islamic Finance and Islamic banking in Western countries The Topic: The impact of Islamic finance and Islamic banking in Western countries. 1-Discuss the issue of how the concepts of Islamic Finance and Islamic Banking can be incorporated into the domestic business laws of Western countries in order to establish and improve the […]

What factors influence the labour market integration of immigrants, and how do these factors intersect? Illustrate your essay with relevant examples

What factors influence the labour market integration of immigrants, and how do these factors intersect? Illustrate your essay with relevant examples This is a migration module. The word count of the essay excludes the bibliography, it is not included in the word count. WITH THE TOPIC, YOu can also compare and constrast the united states […]


Report MNG93002 Strategy and Case Analysis Assignment 1 Instructions You have been asked to prepare a 2,500 word report on Porter’s Five Forces Framework. With the aid of clearly drawn diagram explain the key elements of Porter’s Five Forces Framework. What are the principal benefits and challenges in using this framework to inform strategy? Your […]

event managemrnt

event managemrnt Assessment Assessment will be by: Essay (2000 words) (50%) End of Semester Examination (January) (50%) Essay Title: ‘Successful event organisation is, invariably, a case of anticipating potential problems and opportunities, as well as maximising the effectiveness of your resources.’ Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed […]

Organisational behaviour

Organisational behaviour All discussion to be about only one topic which is (knowledge and Learning) in this organisation and how it’s implemented, if it’s good then WHY it’s good ? If bad talk say WHY and give explanation and solutions from the readings provided. you can also talk about Knowledge and creation and Link it […]

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 1 Using insights from the course, develop a personal action plan to meet future leadership challenges. There are two parts to this. First, write two or three paragraphs about your strengths in leadership situations, possible weaknesses that you need to be aware of, and how you intend to develop your leadership capability. Second, complete […]

CJST 4524 Network Security

CJST 4524 Network Security 1) One-Way Hash Values Go to the web site, http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/, and on the left side of the page, select the Download option. Once the file has been downloaded, unzip the file and install the software. a) (5 points) Open up the HashCalc program. In the upper left-hand corner of the window […]

July 2015 1

July 2015 1 ECON1000 Open Campus Worksheet #2 (Covers Units 5 to 7) – worth 5% Question 1 (10 marks) A recent study found that the demand and supply schedules for Frisbees are as follows: Price per Frisbee Qty. demanded (millions) Qty. Supplied (millions) $11 1 15 10 2 12 9 4 9 8 6 […]

Theme – 2 Blended Learning Activities

Theme – 2 Blended Learning Activities The blended activities associated with Theme 2 are aimed at getting you to think further around different views of work. Reading the associated chapters will provide you with some insight into the critical approach to OB. However, also consider your own views of work, how these have been shaped, […]

Essay for seattle University nursing admission

Essay for seattle University nursing admission Personal Statement: Seattle University is located in the heart of an innovative and progressive city, and our emphasis on personal education begins in the admissions process. We would like to learn more about you, your interests, and the contributions you would make on our campus. How do Seattle University’s […]

Regional Trade Agreements versus Broader Global Trade Liberalization

Topic Regional Trade Agreements versus Broader Global Trade Liberalization In the globalizing economy of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, liberalized trade has been sought by way of regional trade agreements and broader global trade liberalization. The policy choice between these two approaches has created debates among economists and politicians concerning which is a […]

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management An HRM manager tells you: “It is always best to use a realistic job preview when recruiting new staff, even if this means that we will need to portray our organisation negatively towards job candidates”. Based on your knowledge of effective recruitment methods, discuss whether you agree with this statement and propose […]

student reference

student reference When we learn, it?s usually information provided from others: ?experts,? historians, scientists, religious texts and leaders, scholars, etc. And we take the information they?ve gathered and pass it along to others in our own discussions and papers. So?when does ?learning? facts from others become a problem worthy of failing a class, being suspended, […]

artd 6086: Research Skills Assignment 1: Literature Review

artd 6086: Research Skills Assignment 1: Literature Review Assignment 1: Literature Review (1,500Words) Produce a literature review related to one of the topic areas listed below. The only sources you should use for this assignment are journal articles found in relevant high-quality journals. A literature review of this length will usually discuss 5{8 articles in […]

economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers

economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers This assignment is a longer paper written in the style of a Wall Street Journal opinion article. The article should be timely and address an economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers. Read several articles in the Op Ed section of the […]

Psychological Skills Training program

Psychological Skills Training program After reading chapters 11-14, week five lecture notes, and reviewing the following websites: http://www.sportpsych.org/nine2.html http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/psychological-skills-training.htm Design a Psychological Skills Training program for a collegiate athlete of your choice. Select an athlete and the sport, explain the issues, and then create a comprehensive Psychological Skills Training Program. You must include several of […]