Analysis of Unexpected Results

Using the results of your work from week two project Identify Overall Scope/ Analysis of Unexpected Results; two additional events will be introduced. You will again analyze the impact of these events to the final project. In a 2-3 page Word document, discuss your analysis on the following events: 1. It is discovered the refrigerated […]


analyze the advantages and disadvantages of charting by exception when faced with a malpractice lawsuit. Discuss how you would correct mistakes in a medical chart and the formatting of your documentation when witnessing an adverse patient occurrence (APO). What APOs have to be reported in your state? How would charting corrections be perceived in a […]

Warehouse Health and Safety Risks

Chapter 7 (excellence in warehouse management by Stuart Emmett) provides a detailed discussion of warehouse health and safety risks. These include risks associated with layout, floors, heating, noise, housekeeping and fire. Review these risks, and in a two- to three-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), present a risk assessment of a warehouse. […]

Social structure theories

Social structure theories Paper details: Social structure theories place much of the criminal activity into the lower class. If someone would say to you that crime only happens in the lower class, how would you answer? Do all people in the lower class commit crime? Response of 400 – 500 words with examples. Ensure that […]


CONCEPTUALIZING AND OPERATIONALIZING VARIABLES Paper details: INSTRUCTIONS: Make sure to follow the directions in order. 1. First, provide a definition of the terms conceptual definition and operational definition. 2. Next, conceptualize and operationalize the variable “race.” 3. Read the Census Bureau’s report on race at: 4. Answer the following questions after reading the report: […]

International Business Issues and Ethics

International Business Issues and Ethics Paper details: 1. Identify two firms with similar problems but from different countries. 2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the firms. 3. Analyze political, social,ethical, and legal differences facing both organizations and determine the impact these differences have on management decision making. 4. provide substantive conclusion and recommendations. 5. Support […]

Bless me, Ultima

Bless me, Ultima Paper details: After closing the topic of historical witch hunts, you must do research using two sources and the novel “Bless me, Ultima”. Create an essay describing your findings, their relationship to the novel, and the conclusions you draw as the result. Be sure to use supporting evidence from the novel to […]

Critique 1

Critique 1 Paper details: What’s good from the short story that writer used? Give critique and feedback for classmate’s short story to make it better.


MAN0713M Marketing Strategy Project Workbook Developed by August 2015 PROJECT – GENERAL OUTLINE Introduction: The Project work book sheets are designed as a guide to assist you with your project development. The work book sheets detail the work you should be completed at certain stages of the semester. The work will help you to: • […]


MARKETING MANAGEMENT PROMOTIONAL MIX “GO FOR 2&5” Social marketing campaigns aim to change the behaviour of the population regarding a specific topic. The “Go for 2&5” campaign in Australia pursues creating healthy eating-habits among the Australian population. Visit for a campaign review. Check out the campaigns in QLD and SA. You will find TV […]

Summarizing a film

Film is a powerful medium through which societies express concerns and aspirations, providing us an opportunity to explore visually some of the topics of the course. You will receive a list of films from which you will select one. Your review should include a very brief summary (maximum two pages double-spaced) and your reaction (minimum […]

Homework 2 – Macroeconomics

Homework 2 – Macroeconomics Prof. Tafoya Problem 1 (each part is worth 5 points) : Suppose the government’s national income and product accounts revealed the following information: Personal consumption expenditures 525 Gross private domestic investment 110 Consumption of fixed capital (depreciation) 31 Government purchases 72 Net exports -15 Compensation of employees 462 Proprietors’ income 59 […]

Essay question:

Essay question: Being in business requires competence in a wide range of communication situations. Identify five competences and explain why you selected these competences. Due date: 8/11/15 Word limit: 750 words References number: 4 Written work must be presented in either Arial or Times New Roman Font (12pt) and double spaced. */ Essay Instructions

Analysing the Produce Market Industry

Analysing the Produce Market Industry Standard economics response in essay form. No cover page or title pages required. Just simple reference list at the end. Question has two parts 500 words each. Essay to be written by an Australian writer who can write clearly and coherently but with simple explanations easy to understand – not […]


Review This is supposed to be a review of the assignment ‘paragraph composition’ which was done by another writer. The assignment itself is to review the paragraph using an appropriate feedback method and a style that is appropriate for peer reviewing. In the discussion please: -defend the method used to provide feedback for the paragraph […]

Analysing the Produce Market Industry

Analysing the Produce Market Industry Standard economics response in essay form. No cover page or title pages required. Just simple reference list at the end. Question has two parts 500 words each. Essay to be written by an Australian writer who can write clearly and coherently but with simple explanations easy to understand – not […]

7S Framework and Value Reporting Framework

7S Framework and Value Reporting Framework The model is: 7S Framework and Value Reporting Framework -What is the Matrix, Model, Theory, Concept About – Provide Overview (2 slides) -When do we use this Matrix / Model (1 or 2 slides) -What is importance of this Theory / Concept (2 slides) -Apply these to organizations in […]

International Economics Essay

International Economics Essay The assignment is to complete an 8-10 page research paper on a topic of your choice that is relevant to the concepts studied in class. The class notes and essay guideline will be uploaded so you can take a look and see which concepts were covered in class. In the guideline it […]

IMF, or World Bank, or, WTO

IMF, or World Bank, or, WTO Here is the essay question: There is a great deal of debate and controversy surrounding the institutions of global economic governance (especially the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank). Evaluate the performance of ONE of these organizations (or another of your choice). Make recommendations as to how the […]

Tools that contribute to decision making

Comment on 3 specific decision tools (choose tools rather than processes such as McMasters, the problem solving steps, etc) that you have encountered in this course that contribute to decision making through one or more of the following: • Decision analysis • Reducing uncertainty • Risk analysis Explain how the 3 tools you’ve chosen might […]

Leadership of a 21st Century Business Leader

Leadership of a 21st Century Business Leader Using relevant theories and models critically evaluate and analyse the leadership of a 21st century leader of a (business, government or not-for-profit) organisation. If you were in the position of the leader, what could you do to be a better leader and make a stronger impact on the […]

CFD Analysis Concept

CFD Analysis Concept Issue Date: 30h Oct 2015. Hand-in Date: 13 th Nov 2015 (23:59pm). ? 3000 words (Technical Report)>> check 4 pdf reports examples. ? Use 2 Software for this assignment to get the results (SolidWorks + Star CMM+) ? Check the next pages for the report structure and requirements. ? Add references, quotations […]

Tracking Tectonic Plates

Tracking Tectonic Plates All that’s required from this assignment is to simply follow the instructions and answer the questions that need answers by writing no more than three lines per question. After that, You write a summary page about the experience of doing this project. Please notice that the answers must be written in the […]

Landing Gear RC Airplane

Landing Gear RC Airplane This is an individual assignment; each student is required to turn in there own document. Please make the document file name like “ME_441_smith_assigment_9.doc”. Please make your document look professional despite the fact the grade will be based on technical content, detail and clarity. Please refer to the “Writing issues for Engineers” […]

Morality and Fairy Tales

Morality and Fairy Tales Purpose: This essay asks you to use rhetorical analysis, modes of argumentation and persuasion, and the practice of discovering and conveying your own style. In addition, this essay asks you to avoid using logical fallacies in your composition. Primary Readings: “Beauty and the Beast” by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont <>, “Little […]

Essay 4: Argumentation

Essay 4: Argumentation Patterns for College Writing Purpose: The main focus for this essay will be arguing a debatable issue; providing evidence to support a thesis; refuting opposing viewpoints; and successfully incorporating quotes. Prompt: Take a stand on one of following debatable topics. Your paper must correctly cite one essay from the textbook and at […]

Action Research

You already learned that action research is a type of inquiry used to describe professionals studying their own practice for the purpose of inspiring the change process. According to the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory as cited by (“Action Research”, n.d., para 1), “Action research is inquiry or research in the context of focused efforts […]

eading Response 7

eading Response 7 Paper details: Read Philip Zimbardo and Nikita Duncan, excerpt of “The Demise of Guys” – In 150-250 words, respond to the following prompt: Do you find Zimbardo and Duncan’s argument compelling? Does their research in this short excerpt seem sound? Do you agree with their findings—that 21st-century boys and men are […]