Intervention Strategies program for Obesity in Escambia

  Use these TWO type(s) of intervention strategies your program will use to be efficient and effective and give a description of how that strategy applies to your program Explain why and how that particular strategy will be efficient and effective for your particular program ·         Research and reference similar evidence-based practices […]

Employment-At-Will Doctrine

Imagine you are a recently-hired Chief Operating Officer (COO) in a midsize company preparing for an Initial Public Offering (IPO). You quickly discover multiple personnel problems that require your immediate attention. 1. John posted a rant on his Facebook page in which he criticized the company’s most important customer. 2. Ellen started a blog to […]

Why organizations use strategic planning

“You earn your living helping businesses and organizations implement strategic planning.  It’s often hard to do, but it pays well.  You have just been asked to address a group of public sector organizations, including government agencies, IGOs, and NGOs.  They are interested in strategic planning but do not currently undertake any strategic planning. You want […]

Reflective report

  The clinical reflective report should be a report demonstrating consistent reflection on experiences and learning throughout the clinical placement. You are required to comment and reflect upon 1 experience or behaviour gained/observed during your clinical replacement. You are to describe the event and then reflect upon the behaviours of staff, along with your own […]

Perform a Fraud Risk Assessment for Diamond Foods

Assignment: Perform a Fraud Risk Assessment for Diamond Foods (View the case study using the link in your Syllabus.) You are an auditor on the Diamond Foods audit team. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to your team. Include the following Checklist: Present on the fraud risk assessment process as outlined in SAS No. 99, and apply […]

Customer Service:

Customer Service: Career Success Through Customer Loyalty by Timm, 5th edition, 2011 The real issue when working with customer solutions is: not whether the customer is right. making sure the customer feels justified and helped. both a and b neither a nor b Deciding that the customer is always right is: less effective than deciding […]

The Vacation Request

  Tom Blair has a week’s vacation coming and really wants to take it the third week in May, which is the height of the bass fishing season. The only problem is that two of the other five members of his department have already requested and received approval from their boss, Luther Jones, to take […]

Case study on credit and personal loan

  Brooke has two personal loans and 1 credit card. Brook defaulted on a payment of $450 six years ago. She has been able to manage her personal financial affairs to date. Her income is $70,000. [before tax] No Mortgage at this stage. Margin loan of $20,000 Share Value: $30,000 yield 7% Interest on loan […]

Customer Relationship Management

Discussion 1 Choose a water park or other vacation destination. Create a hypothetical marketing campaign that uses what you’ve learned about the CRM approach. Describe how you might apply insights about developing long-lasting relationships with customers to retain or reactivate past visitors. You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source.   […]

Aspirations and Attainment in a Low Income Neighborhood

Read the book, “ Ain’t No Makin’ It: Aspirations and Attainment in a Low Income Neighborhood” 3rd Edition by Jay MacLeod Overview/Instructions: Use the following set of questions to guide your reading of Chapters 1-8 of Ain’t No Makin’ It; Although each of you will ultimately be responsible for knowing the key concepts/material presented in […]

Prominent Business Leaders

For this project, students will research several business leaders to discover their views on leadership skills needed for the 21st century. Required Elements of Project One: •Research prominent business leaders and their views on the leadership skills needed for the 21st century. •Select at least one large corporation (fortune 500 company) leader, one medium sized […]

health promotion

Each week students need to construct a 2-3 paragraph (or 200-250 word) response to the question on the basis of the lecture content (do not reference the lecture but you may cite references used in the lecture), readings from your readings list and wider readings. Hence each week students should have a draft response to […]


ALGEBRA HOMEWORK Directions: Please show all of your work for each problem. If applicable, you may find Microsoft Word’s equation editor helpful in creating mathematical expressions in Word. There is a tutorial on using this equation editor in Module 1 Lecture Notes. You also have the option of hand writing your work and scanning it. […]

Evaluating Bias in Research

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1: Evaluating Bias in Research Due Week 3 and worth 60 points Read the article titled, “As drug industry’s influence over research grows, so does the potential for bias,” located […]

Research Methods & Statistics for Criminal Justice

Develop a questionnaire or interview with a minimum of 10 questions that address the criminal justice issue that you have selected. Make sure your questions are clear, concise, and unbiased. Consider the responses you might receive. Will these responses provide answers to the research question? You must use each of the 4 question types (open-ended, […]

double helix

Describe the role of double helix in complimentary base pairing in DNA replication. What does it mean when we say that the two strands of DNA in the double helix are antiparallel? What would the end of the double helix look like if the strands were parallel? (75 words)   For a custom paper on […]

look at one entertainment conglomerate and discuss the ways in which it has controlled a particular media and entertainment area.

look at one entertainment conglomerate and discuss the ways in which it has controlled a particular media and entertainment area. Order Description Select one entertainment conglomerate and discuss the ways in which it has controlled a particular media and entertainment area (film, TV, cable, satellite, music, games, print media, social network media). You will give […]

Application of moral imagination

Beginning in the 1990s, the oil company BP promoted its “green” initiatives, which were designed to highlight the company’s environmental practices. It launched an alternative energy division and cut its own carbon emissions. It changed its name from British Petroleum to BP and adopted a new logo featuring a sun motif, called Helios, to suggest […]

Ethics and Criminal Justice

Please use the library, Internet, or other media sources to find articles relating to racial profiling, and answer the following questions in a 2–4-page paper: Is racial profiling a matter of discretion or ethics? What are the ethical and moral dimensions of racial profiling? How do people judge other people that they meet? Why do […]

Modern Cuba

Analysis of the current government. What are issues that you see with this government? And why?  Need 9 modern examples.  APA format The minimum number of sources and citations for your short paper is three sources and citations for two quotations or paraphrases. There is a word count for the notes 1200 words. For a […]

Most Important Feedback

Most Important Feedback Order Description Describe the most important professional feedback you have received and how you responded to this feedback. (500 words maximum) General Essay Requirements Use the essay to display your writing skills and tell us more about yourself. You will be asked to organize a persuasive argument to show us how you […]

STEP vaccine clinical trial—Phase IIB

Between 2004 and 2007, the National Institutes of Health conducted a STEP vaccine clinical trial—Phase IIB “test-of-concept” study. The STEP study is the name of a clinical trial to test an experimental human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine. The STEP study enrolled 3,000 participants at sites in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, […]

Social Computing

In this activity we want you to choose one of the social networks below and investigate the technologies that are needed to make it work. Then we want you to find software components that could be assembled together to build a similar service. These could be Open Source or commercial software. Finally we want you […]

Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism

  There are different categories of weapons of mass effect—chemicals, biological pathogens and toxins, radioactive materials, nuclear devices, and nonconventional high-yield explosives. Out of these, biological weapons are used in a terrorism type called bioterrorism. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), there are the six focus areas for preparedness and response […]

The Federal Reserve is a creature of "Congress”

QUESTION #1 The Federal Reserve is a creature of “Congress” A. Explain what this statement means and who actually owns the Federal Reserve Bank system. B. How does the structure of the Federal Reserve indicate that it is relatively independent from the political process C. Do you agree with the independence of the Federal Reserve […]

Handling Influx and Evacuation

The ability to deal with the unexpected influx of patients is a key challenge in a disaster scenario. In order to be truly prepared, a healthcare organization must be ready to deal with the increased number of patients. In some cases, the military is also available to assist in dealing with the influx of patients. […]

Human Population

You will write a research paper about the demographic transition model and global food production and distribution for a growing human population to meet global food security goals. You must use APA format for the paper and documentation. Include the following: Describe the demographic transition model and how it was developed by demographers. Describe the […]


3pages   You will prepare an APA-style research paper to discuss energy topics, as follows:   In your own words, describe the laws of thermodynamics. Explain how these scientific laws apply to energy use, energy conversions, and the need for energy efficiency. Describe the pros and cons of the following energy types, writing 1 paragraph […]


SWOT Analysis Based on your unit reading, create a SWOT analysis for the company you chose to research. Your analysis should be between one to two pages, and identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Use Microsoft Word and create four sections for your paper using the SWOT categories as your headings. Each category […]

strategic management and business policy

  Research ONE of the following four companies: Apple Google Coca Cola American Airlines Respond to the four writing prompts below. Your responses must include information from your course materials and from outside research, including at least two resources from the CSU Online Library and at least two online sources. Create a case study summary […]