Principal of Managerial Accounting

Principal of Managerial Accounting ? Please answer all the questions. ? This assignment will carry 10% from your total mark. ? Please upload your answers into portal (Hard copies will not be accepted). ? Deadline is 06/11/2015. Q1: Custom Metal Works Products uses a Job-order costing system. Overhead costs applied to jobs on the basis […]

online Quiz

online Quiz 1.What information about the influences of gonadal hormones on human brain and behaviour is presently able to inform the debate about the medical treatment of individuals with ambiguous genitalia, according to Melissa Hines in “Engendering the Brain” from her book Brain gender? Select one: a. In cases where chromosomal and hormonal information conflict, […]


CRITIQUE Critique of a Local Integrated Site: This 40-point, 5-7 page assignment (not including title and reference pages) requires students to identify, describe, and provide a description of a local integrated behavioral health care site/program (primary care is preferred). Students are encouraged to visit a local site and set up a brief interview with a […]

The proposal one-page briefing

The proposal one-page briefing (500 -600 words) of your project. In the briefing, you need to concisely describe the following issues: profile of the company chosen, the nature of project(e.g. product X exports to Country Y), marketing objectives, strategies for data collection; Structure of the written report; and action plan. To successfully complete the project, […]

problem of elite regulation

problem of elite regulation 1. Explain the problem of elite regulation 2. Cite sources 3. Have an explicit thesis statement in the first paragraph of essay. Please underline this thesis statement. The remainder of the paper should develop and elaborate this thesis.

NSTA Science for children with Disabilities.

NSTA Science for children with Disabilities. Write a reflection for the article as the first part, the second part is answering the question: What did you learn and how will it help you as a teacher? both parts are in the same one page.

Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan An implementation plan, including a Gantt chart of the process design for the Riordan electric fans.

Whey protein powder and muscle building

Whey protein powder and muscle building Choose ONE topic from the list below and prepare an essay discussing the sources of information available within this topic area. Critique the information sources using The 10 red flags of junk science and other relevant investigations, such as those identified in your unit notes and textbook. You must […]

Defend any one point made by Descartes

Topic: Defend any one point made by Descartes Details: First, choose a statement made in the texts which is supported by an argument, and with which you agree. Then write a paper with this structure: 1st paragraph – State and clarify your thesis (that the idea from the text is true) 2nd paragraph – Explain […]

Staffing Plan for a Growing Business

•Explain the role of staffing to support an organization’s strategy and improve productivity. •Develop a model for staffing an organization that supports the firm’s Human Resources Management strategy and sustains productive operations. •Summarize the key legal compliance issues associated with staffing organizations. •Explain the planning considerations for staffing organizations, the use of job analysis, and […]

Managing organizational culture

  Critically analyze whether organizational culture can be managed and consider the advantages and disadvantages associated with building strong cultures. Your answer should include discussion of theory and examples covered in weeks 1-5 of this module.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of […]

data on women in the House of Commons since 1918.

The aim of this exercise is to gain practice in the use of data, the different ways in which it can be presented and used to support an argument. Use the following websites for the data to be used in making your charts and supporting your argument in the second part of this assessment.: […]

:HR Managing the Employment Cycle

  Question Concerned about the human resource issues within the company, Michael and Peter have hired an external HR Consultant (You) to prepare a report for presentation to the board. Your task is to write a report in which you analyse the case study and offer suggestions on how to improve the business from an […]

Layoff/Severance Scenario

  After eight years as a marketing assistant for the New York office of a large French bank, Sarah Schiffler was told that her job, in a non-revenue producing department was being eliminated. Her choices: She could either be laid off (with eight months severance pay) or stay on and train for the position of […]


Lomba In “Lomba,” the reader is introduced to a journalist who’s been imprisoned for what they say is anti-government activity. Like the journalist in the article, he’s cut off from family and friends and at the mercy of his imprisoners. Interestingly,it’s his writing that gets him into trouble while in prison, but it’s also what […]

Unit Three Confidentiality and Legal Implications

Unit Three Confidentiality and Legal Implications Paper details: Instructions: 1. Be sure to submit your homework answers in a .doc .docx .txt .pdf or .rtf file. 2. Immediately upon submission check to make sure that your homework was, in fact, successfully submitted and in an appropriate file type. 3. When you take words and definitions […]

human flourishing

human flourishing Paper details: What impact did the rise of humanism have on people’s commitment to “human flourishing” in the West?

appealing a decision

appealing a decision Paper details: Unfortunately, I have received a denied admission for Spring 2016 from the university of W-M. write a strong email demonstrating compelling academic and/or personal information, as well as details pertaining to extenuating circumstances that were not addressed in my previous application. Here is the information to be included in my […]


essay Paper details: . For this assignment you will explore the Apollo Project, the space missions that put man on the Moon for the first time in history. Writers often analyze the reasons, effects, and factors related to what they are writing about.

human flourishing

human flourishing Paper details: What impact did the rise of humanism have on people’s commitment to “human flourishing” in the West?

How media reinforces the invisibility of Asian Americans and perpetuates the Black-White Binary within the Affirmative Action Debate Order Description This research paper will focus on how CNN ( perpetuates the Black-White binary (Perea, 1997) and reinforces the invisibility of Asian Americans within the affirmative action debate post 2003. Please sort through articles on to determine how media has largely contributed to the silencing of Asian Americans as it relates to affirmative action policies within higher education. Use the Black-White binary as a framework when parsing through the articles. I need the actual findings from the research with citations to specific articles illustrating how media reinforces the affirmative action debate as a Black-White issue. Please reference and elaborate on the relevant Supreme Court cases including Grutter v. Bollinger (2003) and Fisher v. University of Texas (2013). Also highlight the invisibility of Asian Americans in the discussion and the problems of their model minority status by specifically looking at those Supreme Court cases. Use as many citations as necessary. I do not need an introduction – I just need the body of the paper to be about the research findings. This assessment is designed to support you towards writing your portfolio. It requires you to independently identify and review relevant literature for one of the topics covered on the module. This should be followed by a filmography – a list of films that can be placed within the context of your chosen topic. Guidance for the Annotated Bibliography/Filmography An annotated bibliography gives an account of the research that has been done on your chosen topic. An annotated bibliography is more than an alphabetical list of research sources – it provides a concise summary of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance. • Your annotated bibliography should include a selection of at least 5 academic sources (i.e., book, journal article, or a book chapter). • Use the correct bibliographic format. For example: o Doll,SusanandGregFaller(1986)‘BladeRunnerandGenre:FilmNoirandScienceFiction’ Literature Film Quarterly 14.2 (1986): 89-100. • You are required to provide an annotation – a full paragraph of discussion of at least 200 words – for each source. • Each annotation (see example below) must briefly restate the main argument of a source (i.e., describe and summarize the argument) and offer a critical evaluation of the source (e.g., what are its strengths, what are its weaknesses). • Title your annotated bibliography ‘Annotated Bibliography on [TOPIC]’ • Your annotated bibliography should be followed by a filmography – a list of at least five films that can be placed within the context of your chosen topic. You are only required to list the films – you don’t need to discuss them. You may include films cited in the annotated bibliography. • Please use the following format for the filmography: oSpacey,K(2005).BeyondtheSea.USA Example of an Annotation Doll, Susan and Greg Faller (1986) ‘Blade Runner and Genre: Film Noir and Science Fiction’ Literature Film Quarterly 14.2 (1986): 89-100. Doll and Faller assert that Ridley Scott's film, Blade Runner, exhibits elements of two distinct pulp genres, film noir and science fiction. The genre cross-pollination is a reflection of Philip K. Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, upon which the movie is based. After a useful discussion of genre, the authors go on to effectively discuss defining characteristics of both noir and sci-fi, despite the difficulties of such a project. Through the course of accessible discussion and useful examples from the film, the complexities involved in the combination of genres are revealed. In addition, the article also examines the ways that noir and sci-fi in fact complement each other, noir providing a distinct style and sci-fi a distinct narrative direction. Both genres are also concerned with many of the same issues, especially social constructs, ethics, and the state of being human.

How media reinforces the invisibility of Asian Americans and perpetuates the Black-White Binary within the Affirmative Action Debate Order Description This research paper will focus on how CNN ( perpetuates the Black-White binary (Perea, 1997) and reinforces the invisibility of Asian Americans within the affirmative action debate post 2003. Please sort through articles on […]

final question

final question Order Description Image you are a business personal who likes to invest in small size start up businesses in urban environments. you want to invest 500,000 into a Sydney based start up company. A team of student from UTS has presented you with with their business concept and have asked you to consider […]

Discovering you

Discovering you Order Description the class is Seminar in Leadership and Ethics the paper need to look professional (don’t write it as points, it’s need to look like an essay : overview of why do we need to understand our self (( use at least 2 references like articles or books )) Amani Alotaibi 11/1/15 […]

assocation of dietary pattern and increased risk of gestational diabetic in Arabian gulf countries

assocation of dietary pattern and increased risk of gestational diabetic in Arabian gulf countries write the same methods which is done by dr. faruk ahmed in griffith university. please select the recent articles to write this proposal. You should write the proposal: abstract, synposis of literature, research objectives/ research questions and methodology ( data collection […]

Faulkner "A Rose for Emily"

Faulkner “A Rose for Emily” Order Description Assignment: Choose one of the stories we have read (by the author you like) and find another story or two by him or her. We will then find some research about the author, the themes he or she likes to write about, and his or her writing style. […]

film culture

film culture This assessment is designed to support you towards writing your portfolio. It requires you to independently identify and review relevant literature for one of the topics covered on the module. This should be followed by a filmography – a list of films that can be placed within the context of your chosen topic. […]

Different Perspectives

Different Perspectives Order Description Reread your essay from that assignment. In this assignment you will assess the acquisition and maintenance of your habit using the following four psychological perspectives: Humanistic Psychodynamic Neuroscience Cognitive You will be expected to describe why you developed this habit, what purpose having this habit serves in your life, and how […]

Employee Morale

Employee Morale Order Description Paper 2 (PROSPECTUS): Select a research issue/problem (it can be the same topic as paper 1), prepare and turn in a prospectus (a plan to do research) indicating the background of the problem, the problem statement, the purpose of the study, the hypothesis (es), the methodology to be employed in the […]