Service Encounter Paper

Service Encounter Paper Service Encounter Paper Objective: To evaluate critical aspects of two distinct service encounters from your own perspective as a customer applying concepts discussed in class. Directions: After creating a journal of service encounter entries (described on the following page), the purpose of the service encounter paper is to analyze two service encounters […]

Ottomans to Arab urban life

Ottomans to Arab urban life Based upon the attached reading: Review the main changes introduced by the Ottomans to Arab urban life. In your last paragraph, what does these changes tell us about Ottomans and Ottoman rule. Explain your answer. *Important Tips: -Kindly include some (not all) dates when necessary -Do not mention “this paragraph […]

Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues In the unit studies, you completed an interactive CapraTek activity involving a CapraTek employee and the challenges she faced while setting up a new call center in India. For this assignment, you are asked to prepare a brief report that provides an analysis of those events. Use the CapraTek activity for context and […]

Global Challenges Impacting SME

Global Challenges Impacting SME 1) In the introduction define SME’s and provide reference to their contribution to global economic performance. State the 4 factors that will be discussed in the report (100 -200 words) 2) In the main body of the report you should provide a discussion of what is meant by international activities and […]

Regional Growth Analysis

Regional Growth Analysis Assignment: you are an economic development specialist for the State of Florida preparing a regional economic analysis for the Miami-Fort Lauderdale- Palm Beach metropolitan areas. Using the data provided in the tables below, 1. Calculate location quotients for both metropolitan areas for 2000, 2005 and 2010 2. Analyze Miami and conduct a […]

Modified caregiver role strain

Modified caregiver role strain Modified Caregiver Strain Index Directions: Here is a list of things that other caregivers have found to be difficult. Please put a checkmark in the columns that apply to you. We have included some examples that are common caregiver experiences to help you think about each item. Your situation may be […]

Evidence Based Nursing Practice

Evidence Based Nursing Practice Search for evidence-based nursing practice regarding “Counseling weight loss in young adult obesity.” * Describe the difficulties and successes YOU experienced in the search process, using the topic as designated, and describe your search results in writing. * Explain what YOU find more relevant regarding the role of information technology and […]

4 PRO511 Landlord and Tenant

4 PRO511 Landlord and Tenant The coursework is based on copies of 3 of the leases which can be accessed via blackboard (namely, Unit 2 Milbanke Court Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Grantley House, Park Lane Cranford, Middlesex and the draft “Typical commercial lease.) Questions (Answer ALL questions) 1. Explain and discuss the main differences between the […]

Walt Disney's Organizational Environment

Walt Disney’s Organizational Environment Walt Disney is the company use the company Website, financial records, annual reports, other public sources to gather the information using 2 scholarly sources in addition to the Organization’s web site. What are the business environmental issues that the Walt Disney’s management is facing? These are not issues with land air […]

Organizational behavior assignment In order to develop your analytical skills and a capacity for independent learning, you are required to write an essay of 2,000 words (excluding references) on the following topic: Drawing on theory and examples covered in this module, consider whether learning is something that can be done by organisations as well as individuals. Please be specific and don’t write in general be as specific as possible. Essays should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 or double-spaced. Page numbers must be given in the right hand corner of each page. In writing your essay you are expected to consult multiple sources and to reference a wide range of academic books or articles. Not less than 8 sources (at lease 2 books, the rest are articles & academic journals) Essays must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System. A basic guide is given below: Always cite the name and date of an author you are quoting (e.g. Smith, 1996; Jones 1988). All sources of material that you use to inform your ideas should be referenced. Direct quotes should be given in quotation marks and accompanied by the relevant page numbers. At the end of your essay, give full reference list of all the authors and works you have used. Use the following style for books: Smith, L. (1996) Human Resource Management. New York: Wiley; and for journal articles: Jones, R. (1988) ‘Leadership without tears’, Harvard Business Review, vol 6, pp. 40-47. Please use the related references from bellow to support the topic as they are recommended by the tutor of this module. Textbooks: Introduction to some topics Knights, D and Willmott, H. (2012) Introducing Organization Behaviour and Management. London: Thomson Learning. Grey, G. (2009) A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations. 2nd edition. London: Sage Publications. Wilson, F.M. (2010) Organisational Behaviour and Work: A Critical Introduction. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., and Pitsis, T. (2011) Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. London: Sage. Noon, M. & Blyton, P., (2013) The Realities of Work: Experiencing Work and Employment in Contemporary Society. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Thompson P. and McHugh D. (2007) Work Organisations: A Critical Introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. GENERAL READING LIST Buchanan, D. and Huczynski, A. (2010) Organizational Behaviour. 7th edition. London: Pearson.. Burrell, G. and Morgan, G. (1979) Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis. London: Heinemann. Czarniawska-Joerges, B. (1992) Exploring Complex Organisations: A Cultural Perspective. London: Sage. du Gay, P. (2000). In Praise of Bureaucracy: Weber, Organization, Ethics. London: Sage. Edwards, R. (1979) Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century. Heinemann Press. Jackson, N. and Carter, P. (2000) Rethinking Organisational Behaviour. Essex: Prentice Hall. Morgan, G. (1990) Organizations in Society. London: Macmillan. Parker, M. (2002) Against Management. Oxford: Polity. Perrow, C. (1979) Complex Organizations: A Critical Essay. Scott Foreman. Pugh, D. & Hickson, D. Writers on Organizations. Penguin Reed, M. (1992) Rethinking Organization: Redirections in Organizational Theory and Analysis. Tavistock Press. Ritzer, G. (1993) The McDonaldization of Society. London: Sage. Rose, N. (1989) Governing the Soul: The Shaping of the Private Self. London: Routledge. Salaman, G. (1979) Work Organisations: Resistance and Control. Longman Press. Thompson, P. The Nature of Work: An Introduction to Debates on the Labour Process. London: Macmillan. Recommended OB journals: These academic journals contain articles relevant to the topics covered: Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Administrative Science Quarterly British Journal of Management Ethnography Gender, Work and Organization Human Relations Journal of Management Studies Management Learning Organization Organization Studies Scandinavian Journal of Management Sociology Sociological Review Studies in Cultures, Organizations and Societies Work, Employment and Society Please be considered and careful as this professor is really tough and strict and she failed me last year so I’m really desperate. Also see the PowerPoint which has the lectures which need to be considered when writing the essay as the essay must relate to them. Don’t use the work books or articles or anything written by Emma Bell

Organizational behavior assignment In order to develop your analytical skills and a capacity for independent learning, you are required to write an essay of 2,000 words (excluding references) on the following topic: Drawing on theory and examples covered in this module, consider whether learning is something that can be done by organisations as well as […]

reflection paper

reflection paper This is the second paper that we have to write: Reflection paper #2 The purpose of this reflection, the second paper you are writing for this course is to continue to develop your skills and comfort in expressing your own thoughts and feelings in relation to the topics we have been discussing. Write […]

The Apology to the Stolen Generations could be described as either a ‘foundational moment’ (Balint) of symbolic justice or the perpetuation of colonial violence (Giannacopoulos). Critically discuss.

The Apology to the Stolen Generations could be described as either a ‘foundational moment’ (Balint) of symbolic justice or the perpetuation of colonial violence (Giannacopoulos). Critically discuss. Two readings are necessary for this essay 1. Balint, J. (2001) ‘Law’s constitutive possibilities: reconstruction and reconciliation in the wake of genocide and state crime’ in E. Christodoulidis […]

410 Reflection

410 Reflection You will observe and analyze one participatory planning event in the Phoenix region during the class. A list of potential activities will be posted and regularly updated on the Course Information page on Blackboard. You are welcome to participate in unlisted activities but are encouraged to consult with Paul first to ensure that […]

ACCO 350 – Fall 2015 / System Design Project with MS-Access

ACCO 350 – Fall 2015 / System Design Project with MS-Access Purpose: The purpose of the System Design Project is to 1. apply information system knowledge and computer skills to design and build a computer-based accounting information system, 2. utilize the REA diagram, 3. gain experience creating Tables, Forms, Queries, and Reports with the relational […]

A poem by “I Am Offering This Poem” by Jimmy

A poem by “I Am Offering This Poem” by Jimmy introductory paragraph that states your poem’s title, the author and provides a brief background on the poem. The last sentence in your first paragraph is your thesis statement and should tell your audience what the remainder of your essay is going to include. Then, choose […]

Design Studio

Design Studio Web Services Table of Contents Module Overview 3 Introduction 4 Program to Program Communications 5 RESTfull Services 10 Consumption of an Existing SOAP Web Service 15 Creating Web Services 20 Lab 12 26 Module Overview In this module, you will learn how information exchange problem can be solved by using web services. E-Commerce […]


Finance In task 1 (a), State clearly each necessary step required to compute the price and Greeks of the option, you should also include the definition of the five Greek letters, which are delta, gamma, theta, vega, rho. In addition, please paste the screenshot of the Bloomberg of the graph and all the other files […]


MEDIATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Name of the book: •Doherty, N., & Guyler, M. (2008). The essential guide to workplace mediation & conflict resolution: Rebuilding Working Relationships. London: Kogan Page Limited. Please I need to answers action one : four questions of my discussion board on the blackboard: Chapter three, 1. The six step model is […]

1- Review below Resources with a focus on Stroop tests.

1- Review below Resources with a focus on Stroop tests. 2- Research at least two additional scholarly research papers pertaining to Stroop tests and more specifically the emotional Stroop test. 3- Analyse attached Stroop test data by conducting a simple paired-samples t-test and a correlation between the emotional and neutral conditions. 4- Critically evaluate your […]

Buddhist Philophy

Buddhist Philophy There are two essays to complete – 650 words each. A BACKGROUND IN BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY IS ESSENTIAL FOR THIS ORDER It is very important that this essay is free of plagiarism as it will be processed through software that can detect plagiarism. Sophisticated language, use of argument and good structure is essential. As […]


PROJECT 2 INSTRUCTIONS Project 2 requires that you use the Prentice Hall’s Self-Assessment Online Library (SAL) for Steps 1 and 2 (see below). You will find your access code for this library in your Organizational Behavior textbook. Note: If you did not purchase a new textbook, you may not be able to use the access […]


PROJECT 1 INSTRUCTIONS This project requires that you complete the Myers-Briggs Personality Test online, and then complete steps 1 and 2 (see below). Read all of the instructions for this assignment before beginning any of your work. Step 1: 1. Open the following website: Jung Typology Test. 2. Click on “Score it” and retrieve your […]

Nursing community assessessment and diagnosis

Nursing community assessessment and diagnosis Guidelines for Caring for Populations Milestone 2: Assessment and Diagnosis PURPOSE The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to utilize community assessment strategies, uncover a community health problem, and identify the components of one community health nursing problem related to the community dynamics. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment […]

leadership and mangement

leadership and mangement this essay consists of three topics, which are 1. “men and women do leadership differently” 2. “tough leadership is necessary for transformational leadership” 3. “leadership practice and skills must be adapted in different national and international contexts” which among these topics are you most comfortable to write?

Designing the Training Plan

Designing the Training Plan Hello writer, This assignment is an extension of previous assignments “Assignment 1 Training Analysis and Assignment 2 Determining Training Outcomes”. In order for you to do this assignment you will have to review my Stage 1 and Stage 2 assignments that have been uploaded. Please review and develop the training outcomes […]


PSY30009 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Assignment 2: Research Report Self-control and motivation to control prejudice in attitudes towards asylum-seekers Please note that this handout contains a general description of the study and the reasoning behind it. You must NOT simply copy text from this handout into your Lab Report – to do so will be considered plagiarism […]

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Objective: The Case: Agile Supply Chain: Zara’s case study analysis: Zara is a fashion label and fashion chain stores established in 1975 by the Spanish group Inditex owned by Amancio Ortega. Please read the attached case study. Choose another company and compare the supply chain of your chosen company to Zara’s in […]

Supply Chain Management

: Supply Chain Management Objective: The Case: Agile Supply Chain: Zara’s case study analysis: Zara is a fashion label and fashion chain stores established in 1975 by the Spanish group Inditex owned by Amancio Ortega. Please read the attached case study. Choose another company and compare the supply chain of your chosen company to Zara’s […]

System architecture design

System architecture design Company Background: Waterfront Development is a provincial crown corporation in charge of developing the strategic potential of waterfronts in Bedford, Dartmouth, Halifax and Lunenburg. The company is focused on tourism, and has an invested interest in operating the Halifax Waterfront as a fully functional Marina. The Halifax waterfront offers more than 1 […]