M3 EVALUATION PART 2 For this exercise you will participate in a public health simulation, Disaster in Franklin County created by the University of Minnesota. To participate in the simulation, you will need to register. Use the registration link at the end of the activity description. Registration is FREE; all that is required is your […]

Order information

Order information Order information is a critical part of business that requires close observations if business is to make any progress or make any changes to failing plans and strategies. Order information also determines what marketing strategies work and what do not work. With order information, a firm is also in a position to know […]

Discussion Assignment Week 7 — 25 points total

Discussion Assignment Week 7 — 25 points total I. Original Message (15 pts) Post a brief (approx. 250 word) message addressing one of the following questions. Be sure to use information and examples from the readings: 1. Author in Context. Choose one of articles (either a “Yes” or a “No” article) from the Taking Sides […]

Self esteem used in class

Self esteem used in class Here is the link to the blog: https://selfesteem03.wordpress.com/ So, because it is a blog it is rather informal where you have to comment on what Sarah will say (cause she has not posted yet on the blog, but she send it to me.) Here is Sarah’s post: The Physical Environment […]

Correction assignment.

Correction assignment. For this assignment, you will need the Quantitative Literacy Research Essay that was recently returned. Your paper has my comments on it. To read those comments, open your essay and from the top menu click on “review” (Located in the center of the top menu). When in the review menu, click on the […]

Literary analysis

Literary analysis Assignment: This paper should make an argument about “The Colonel” based on a close analysis of a single element of the work. This can be a character, a symbol, a moment, an image, a passage, etc. Your argument should make a claim about how the element you have chosen embodies certain thematic and/or […]

SOC 341-02 – Fall 2015

SOC 341-02 – Fall 2015 Mon., Oct. 12 Dr. Putney Instructions for Interview Project and Paper Paper due: Monday, November 16. For this assignment, you will interview two people: a man and a woman. One of your interview subjects should be older, age 60 or above; the other subject should be in midlife, ages mid […]


Sets Write a report that answers the following questions and meet the list of requirements that follows. Questions: 1. Write the following in set roster notation: the set P of natural numbers less than 7 that are divisible by 3 2. Let ?= {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}, A= {a, b, c}, B= […]



develop and analyze a retirement planning model

develop and analyze a retirement planning model Instruction This’s a project assignment for the course of Decision Modeling. Please develop and analyze a retirement planning model for your personal situation. First, the attached example11.11 can help you have a good understanding of the concepts in these problems, build and analyze a more realistic planning model […]

Assignment 12

CS 1181 Assignment 12 Reading Liang Chapter 14 JavaFX Application – TicTacToe Create a JavaFX application named TicTacToe.java to display one of the following screens. Create a Tic-Tac-Toe grid. Place red Xs in the cells from top left to bottom right. Place blue Os in the two cells left in the left-most column. Include the […]

Endeavour Space Shuttle discussion

Endeavour Space Shuttle discussion Visit the Endeavour Space Shuttle (any day) at the Science Center. It’s near USC in downtown LA. Instructions: a 2-page report, single spaced, font 12 pts. Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins. Your report should contain a discussion of how any aspect of what you learned in your visit connects […]

JPL Open House discussion

JPL Open House discussion V isit JPL Open House in Pasadena, CA (Sat. & Sun. Oct. 10 & 11, 9AM – 4PM). Instructions: a 2-page report, single spaced, font 12 pts. Times New Roman, and 1 inch margins. Your report should contain a discussion of how any aspect of what you learned in your visit […]

Project Closure

Project Closure 1). Consider a course that you recently completed. Perform a review of the course (the course represents a project and the course syllabus represents the project plan)? Solution Project Process Review Questionnaire (Items) Comments 1. Were the project objectives and strategic intent of the project clearly and explicitly communicated? Yes, the instructor has […]

Social Media and Canadian Municipal Public Service

Social Media and Canadian Municipal Public Service Please edit the first draft of the article I ordered and add 3 more topics. 1. Local Government Ethics and Social Media 2. Privacy and Security versus Efficiency 3. Conclusion The 7 pages is about this remaining topics.


political You will turn in a 3-4 page (double-spaced, normal 12 point font) analysis of who you predict will be the Presidential nominee for the republican party based on these three factors: polls, endorsements, & money raised and any other factor you want to add. Be sure to cite your sources. You may use MLA […]

Assigned Paper (5 pages, double-spaced) for GS 110

Assigned Paper (5 pages, double-spaced) for GS 110 Paper: discuss some fundamental value explored in the course that can be, has been, could be, or should be, shared, for better or worse, across various cultural boundaries. Please do not construe this as an invitation to defend your own favorite value (principle, ideal, standard). It should […]

Business and Finance Academy

Business and Finance Academy Research Paper Parameters & Resources: PART I AREAS of STUDY and EXAMPLES of TOPICS A career that interests you as a potential career choice for yourself A career in which you are deeply interested, even though you do not intend to pursue it as your own vocation for example, a student […]

mental health

mental health Identify a mental health issue common amongst university students. Discuss the cause of the problem, and possible solutions. Evaluate how effective these solutions are. Two causes of the mental health issue and two solutions. 500-650 words

Jazz Music 007 Final paper

Jazz Music 007 Final paper End-of-Term Written Assignment: Due: 11:59 p.m., Thursday, December 03 From the choices provided below, select a jazz musician for your paper of 600 to 800 words. You will be writing about the historic jazz style represented by this musician, as well as his or her individual performance style. An abundance […]

Instructions for assignment

Instructions for assignment . At the end of the semester, students will synthesize and summarize the materials collected to write a 4-5 page final research report that answers the following topics/questions: 1. Write a summary of your policy issue that includes the policy or policy issue. (5pts) 2. How are stakeholders affected by this issue? […]

This assignment was adapted by Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam from Alice Kendrick (2008), “Seven Exercises,” in Readings in Account Planning,

*This assignment was adapted by Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam from Alice Kendrick (2008), “Seven Exercises,” in Readings in Account Planning, Hart Weichelbaum, executive editor. INSTRUCTIONS – what you will do • Identify the behavior, process, consumer experience, or question you want to address. Be specific. For example, if you have never colored your hair, you might […]

Pursuit of happiness assignment

Pursuit of happiness assignment Write a three to five page informative essay on the subject of happiness. Chapter 11 in your Composition and Research textbook contains articles about the elusive subject from various perspectives, and I have posted some other articles and links that deal with it in even more contexts. Also, I have made […]

Benchmark Assessment: i) In this assignment, you are presented with a real-world problem framed in a strongly emotional letter that expresses dismay and concern about curricular programs at your school. The letter, Resource 3: Letter from a Very Concern

Benchmark Assessment: i) In this assignment, you are presented with a real-world problem framed in a strongly emotional letter that expresses dismay and concern about curricular programs at your school. The letter, Resource 3: Letter from a Very Concern b) Benchmark Assessment: i) In this assignment, you are presented with a real-world problem framed in […]

Leadership Interview & Reflection Paper

Leadership Interview & Reflection Paper AssignmentLeadership Interview & Reflection Paper Details:Interview a woman or minority person in a leadership position. The person must be responsible in some capacity for other employees. The interview may be conducted by phone, email, or in person.Write a 825-word paper in which you reflect upon the interview and concepts discussed […]

Plumbing & HVAC Motivation for Employees.

Plumbing & HVAC Motivation for Employees. Make sure you have read the chapter on Motivation and reviewed the videos on motivation before you write this paper – Hitt, M., Black, S. & Porter, L. (2012). Management, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall Describe an experience at work where you have felt demotivated to perform at a high […]

Communicating the Financial Position

Communicating the Financial Position Instructions: We have learned that effectiveness in communication is essential in every aspect of the business world. This assignment will focus on effectively communicating the financial position of the company. Please complete exercise 19.6 at the end of chapter 19. Locate two annual reports on the Internet. A good source is […]

Applying leadership style

Applying leadership style Situational variables: Contingency theories of leadership suggest that variations in a number of situational variables determine the leadership style that is most appropriate for any specific person or group. We believe that the most important contingencies you should consider in addition to follower readiness include the degree of trust in the leader-follower […]

Leadership/Self Awareness Paper

Leadership/Self Awareness Paper Each student will choose a book on self-awareness or leadership as a basis for this paper. The books may be similar to those on leadership/self-awareness noted above for the course presentation, i.e., Quiet, The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan McCain, On Becoming a Leader by […]