intro to cinema

intro to cinema Order Description Using at least 400 words of analysis, explore the narration of STAND BY ME. Analyze the narration of Stand By Me. Explore how the film?s plot (its arrangement of its story) creates particular ideas about the film?s diegesis. What specific meaning does the film?s narration create? For example: what does […]

Supply chain management

Supply chain management Order Description 1. In Chapter 3 an announcement is made at headquarters about the future of the division. a. What was that decision? b. What does Peach say the future of their business depends upon? c. What is meant by the answer in 1.b? (How is the character using the term and […]

Groin Pull/H262 Common Sports Injuries Assignment

Groin Pull/H262 Common Sports Injuries Assignment 1. Ankle sprain 2. Groin strain 3. Hamstring strain 4. Shin splints 5. Knee injury: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear 6. Rotator Cuff tendonitis or tear 7. Tennis elbow (Epicondylitis) H262 Common Sports Injuries Assignment This TYPED assignment prepares you for an in-class group activity and discussion with a certified […]

Winner's and Losers

Winner’s and Losers Order Description Answer the following questions: •Has a nation ever “won” a struggle against a terrorist organization? •Was the victory short-lived or seemingly permanent? •Has a terrorist organization ever “won” in its conflict against a nation? •Cite specific examples from the readings and research you have done, and define what you mean […]

Literature Review

Literature Review Purpose Literature reviews are academic sources which includes the theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic (Project Category). Literature reviews use secondary sources, and do not report new or original work. Its main goals are to situate the current study within the body of literature and to provide context for the particular […]

Robert Kane

Robert Kane Order Description Simply read the reading and answer the questions Robert KaneEssay 500 word essay on the following: Robert Kane (make sure you cite the text when answering the following questions): 1 What does Kane describe as the two “consequences” of the Tower of Babel regarding conflicting views on morality? What two concepts […]

Quality improvement (QI)

Quality improvement (QI) GUIDELINES FOR QI ASSIGNMENT Quality improvement (QI) can be defined as the effort to better patient outcomes, system performance, and professional development (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007). The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has challenged professionals to improve healthcare quality, with quality described using the following six domains: safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity and […]

Statistics for Health Care Professionals-Workin?g with Excel

Statistics for Health Care Professionals-Workin?g with Excel answer all questions. The questions are not equally weighted. The point value for each question is listed below (100 points total). Data needed to complete the work are contained in this Excel file. Name: Problem # Point Value Your Points 1 9 c 2 9 3 4 4 […]

Implementing a Competence Framework for Administering Medication: Reporting the Experiences of Mental Health Nurses and Students in the UK

Implementing a Competence Framework for Administering Medication: Reporting the Experiences of Mental Health Nurses and Students in the UK Order Description You will be required to identify a piece of published research relevant to your practice area and undertake a critique of this. The article chosen must be discussed with the module tutor to ascertain […]

Personal Decision Making Reflection Essay (2000 words)

Personal Decision Making Reflection Essay (2000 words) This assessment requires you to engage in a critical reflection of your personal decision to study postgraduate studies at University of Newcastle. Using academic essay format, firstly, you are required to succinctly summarize the factors that led you to your decision to pursue postgraduate studies at the University […]


taxation Order Description You have just transferred to the Tax Dept of a well known, prestigious accounting firm and right after the breakfast reception in your honor (keep dreaming), the partner-in-charge kindly requests that you come to his office to accept your first research project. Upon your arrival in his plush and somewhat intimidating cavernous […]

shot analysis

shot analysis Shot Analysis This paper is an analysis of a single shot. You can choose a shot (one that we didn’t discuss in depth in class) from Sherlock Jr., The Wizard of Oz, Stranger than Fiction, or Singin’ in the Rain. Remember that you’re only analyzing one shot (which will have an edit—a cut, […]

book review/Rose, Tricia. Black Noise, (Wesleyan Press), 1994 /Smith and Jackson. The Hip Hop Church, (IVP Books), 2005/ Forman, Murray and Mark Anthony Neal. That’s the Joint!, (Routledge), 2004

book review/Rose, Tricia. Black Noise, (Wesleyan Press), 1994 /Smith and Jackson. The Hip Hop Church, (IVP Books), 2005/ Forman, Murray and Mark Anthony Neal. That’s the Joint!, (Routledge), 2004 Order Description Each reflection paper should be based on a required reading or supplemental reading listed on the syllabus and should be divided into three sections: […]

finance of business-A

finance of business-A Order Description You are required to: 1- Discuss and evaluate the factors that influence exchange rates. 2- Explain how each of the following conditions will affect the value of the krank, holding other things equal. a) UK inflation has suddenly increased substantially, while country K’s inflation remains low. b) UK interest rates […]


OrganisationalBehaviour Use ONLY these references: • OrganisationalBehaviour (8th Revised Edition) Huczynski& Buchanan Pearson • HR Management at Work (5h Edition) Marchington& Wilkinson CIPD • The Study Guide (attached) Please cover the following topics with the following suture (550 word in each question):Use cases from the course or your own experience. Define terms: Different ways of […]

argumentative essay

argumentative essay Paper details: Write an argumentative essay in which you take a position and defend your point of view. -choose one topic: *Do You Believe in Equal Rights for Women and Men? *Is homework harmful or helpful? *Do Violent Video Games Make People More Violent in Real Life? *Is animal testing necessary? *Do patients […]

Strangling the Confederacy by Kevin Dougherty

Strangling the Confederacy by Kevin Dougherty Paper details: need a book review completed that examines the book by Kevin Dougherty “the strangling of confederacy” Must have an intro, summary, and conclusion. It should present the thesis of the book. what is the book about? What writing style was used? Personal recommendations. Types of sources used: […]

research week 4

research week 4 Order Description Answer the Following Questions: Jackson, even-numbered Chapter Exercises, pp. 335-337. Explain the difference between multiple independent variables and multiple levels of independent variables. Which is better? What is blocking and how does it reduce “noise”? What is a disadvantage of blocking? What is a factor? How can the use of […]


DATA-DRIVEN DECISION MAKING Competencies: 3009.1.1: The Case for Quantitative Analysis – The graduate uses decision-making methods to develop strategies for organizational decision p rocesses. 3009.1.2: Statistics as a Managerial Tool – The graduate uses a variety of decision-analysis tools to evaluate alternatives during the decision- making processes. 3009.1.3: More Statistical Tools – The graduate uses […]

Argumentative essay on any technical, computer related matter

Argumentative essay on any technical, computer related matter Order Description RESEARCHED ARGUMENT ESSAY AND CONTRAST Length: 7 – 10 pages Format: MLA style sheet This Assignment requires you to research a topic in which you are interested. After some preliminary reading, you are to formulate a thesis and write a 7 to 10 page paper, […]

Managing the Growing Business

Managing the Growing Business Order Description Case Study: KRONOS INCORPORATED (A) & (B) Task: Analyse the strategic growth plan that was instituted at Kronos and suggest a viable alternative strategic path, while offering clear rationalization for your plan. Contextualize your suggestions with specific reference to aspects of the case study. Your analysis should consider environmental […]

research week 2

research week 2 Order Description This is a two part assignment that will be submitted within one document. Part I Part I checks your understanding of key concepts from Jackson and Trochim & Donnelly. Answer the following questions: Jackson even-numbered Chapter exercises (pp. 220-221; 273-275) What are degrees of freedom? How are the calculated? What […]

Mobile Health Applications for Consumers

Mobile Health Applications for Consumers Description outlining the creativity and innovation elements:WHO defines mobile health as “medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and other wireless devices”. Mobile health involves the use of voice and short messaging service (SMS) as well as […]

CJST 4524/6604 Network Security Spring 2015

CJST 4524/6604 Network Security Spring 2015 Ann’s bad AIM Anarchy-R-Us, Inc. suspects that one of their employees, Ann Dercover, is really a secret agent working for their competitor. Ann has access to the company’s prize asset, the secret recipe. Security staff are worried that Ann may try to leak the company’s secret recipe. Security staff […]

Marketing Events

Marketing Events In negotiation with the module tutors, you are expected to produce a 4,000 word in length report evaluating and critiquing two methodological stances from the range identified in the indicative content of the module. Focusing on these approaches, you will respond to a particular research problem (identified by you) in discussing the methodological […]

Caffè Nero

Caffè Nero Assessment Brief Module Title: DSM5A4 Branding Module Tutors: Rachel Lawes & Alyas Latif Academic Period: Fall Semester 2015 Assessment Title: Project B: Brand Implementation Report and Plan Digital Project Submission: 4 Dec 2015 by 23:59 on Blackboard (Week 12) Concept Board Presentation: During Week 12 Seminar (Week of 30 Nov 2015) Assessment: Summative: […]

Persuasive Claim: Double Payment for Air Conditioner

Persuasive Claim: Double Payment for Air Conditioner Your company recently purchased a Solana Model AC400 window air conditioner for your small business office. At the time of the purchase, the salesperson wrote up the bill for the wrong unit. You discovered the error, and the clerk canceled the initial bill and wrote a new charge […]

anorexia nervosa

anorexia nervosa One research paper will be required for this course. Students are to choose a DSM-5 mental health disorder that responds to both psychotherapy & biomedical treatments. (For the purposes of this assignment, occupational therapy and physical therapy will be considered psychotherapeutic approaches.) In this research paper students should cover: DSM-5 Criteria • €What […]

Research methodologies

Research methodologies Order Description In a paper, answer the following questions: Jackson (2012) even-numbered Chapter Exercises (p. 244). What is the purpose of conducting an experiment? How does an experimental design accomplish its purpose? What are the advantages and disadvantages of an experimental design in an educational study? What is more important in an experimental […]