Engaging with Politics

  This assessment item requires students to select a political issue of interest. This can be a local, state, or federal issue. There are two components to this assessment. The first component takes the form of a series of questions and answers about the political issue chosen by the student. These will require short answer […]

Microsoft and its management style that makes it become successful.

Paper will focus on Microsoft Corporation and a “Management-related” topic include these sections: • Four (4) sections that relate to the core management functions (Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling). • Leadership: Research the President/CEO of Microsoft. • Teamwork: Research ways Microsoft uses “teamwork” to be effective and successful. • Motivation: Research ways Microsoft motivates its […]

Consolidating the Municipal and Superior Court Systems.

Consolidating the Municipal and Superior Court Systems. • Identify and describe the advantages and disadvantages of consolidating the municipal and superior court systems.• Recommend the action your team thinks the court administrator should take regarding consolidation.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of […]

Learning to Die in the Anthropocene

Read the article “Learning to Die in the Anthropocene”, then imagine you are a guest editor for The Longhorn (The school’s newspaper), and the opinion editor has asked you to analyze the article and offer recommendations for or against publication. The editor is looking for columns students will find interesting,(keep in mind most students are […]

Data analysis

Chapter 7, 8, and 9 Please write a 300 word response to the following discussion question. I expect your response to reflect critical thought based on information from the textbook and from one additional source. Whenever possible, try to relate the discussion question to your own experiences. Be sure to appropriately cite and list your […]

discussion of Rushdie’s book or of the film itself

Please select one of the following quotations from Salman Rushdie’s book, The Wizard of Oz, and build a discussion of Rushdie’s book or of the film itself around it: • “‘Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,’ she says, and that camp classic of a line has detached itself from the movie […]

analysis of the structure of the aviation industry

You are to help with an analysis of the structure of the aviation industry and air cargo shipping sector in Brazil.. i.e Analyze how elements of the industry structure in the above industry sector (i.e., barriers to entry, power of suppliers, power of buyers, threat of substitutes, degree of rivalry) affect the performance of firms […]

Business partnerships

Sam, Stan, Sue and and Sean have have a partnership in which each of them own a 25% interest in the business. The books are maintained by a CPA who set it up based on the cash method of accounting. The balance sheet has Cash, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Equipment, Land and other assets. Sam wants […]

Utility theory

[Utility theory is a powerful tool, and has been used to study a wide range of issues. Questions 3 and 4 will expose you to two of the many applications of this theory; you will see more applications in other economics courses.] 3. Consider a person’s decision problem in trying to decide how many children […]

risk based decision making

The assignment forms a part of the portfolio for the assessment of the module which consists of elements of research linked to the teaching and learning of this module. You are also expected to carry out research related to risk based decision making. You will need to demonstrate competency in two approaches of data analysis/modelling […]


Discussion # 5- Discuss within the context of your assigned reading .You have one attempt to post your answers. Define phenotype and genotype. Please give examples. A. Why do we see changes in gene frequency during evolution? Give an example. A. Genetic and environmental changes can produce identical outcomes. Give a pair of examples that […]

anti-coagulent therapy

everyone understands the concepts of anti-coagulent therapy since it is complex and plays an important role in coding. Pull out your pathology books to review the coagulation cycle. Please compare and contrast the various pharmacological interventions for bleeding disorders. 1.) What is the difference between anticoagulent drugs and thrombolytic drugs – provide an example of […]

Forensic accounting

This is the question from the text book : Hopwood, W., Young, G.R., & Leiner, J. (2015). Forensic accounting (Custom edition). McGraw-Hill Education. The question is: You are recent graduate with a degree in accounting. Your new employer is unfamiliar with the concept of auditor independence. EXPLAIN to your new boss why auditor independence is […]

a Turing Machine

The purpose of the practical session is understand how to use a Turing Machine to perform simple computations, and to practise working with undecidability. Solutions to Problem 2 must be implemented in the simulator tuataraMonash, which is available on Moodle. Solutions to Problem 3 are to be written in Prolog. Instructions Instructions are as for […]

Monolayer formation and stability

Acknowledgements: Thank My sponsor My family Professor Denise Jackson, Laboratory Medicine Program Leader Fiona Morris, Project Demonstrator Method 1. Monolayer formation and stability: A) Monolayer Formation: Make 0.2% red cell suspension from each panel cell (3% red cell suspension) by adding 40 µL of panel cell to 560 μL diluent (CFB) Add 50 µL of […]

multiple regression

Week 6 Required Resources This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select required and optional media resources, please use the media players below. • Course Text: Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics • o Chapter […]

Revenge Tragedy.

Please select one of the following topics: 1. As Carol J. Clover has argued, popular film can function as a litmus test indicating pervasive cultural attitudes about sex and gender. However, it remains to be determined whether our engagement with popular films such as slashers, Westerns, and action movies, reinforce conventional norms or challenge them. […]

High Density Wireless Design

Masters Course Plan for 2015 Project 1: High Density Wireless Design – Project Assignment The following projects are designed to provide students with real world experience in the design, review, recommendation, and deployment of wireless network infrastructure implementations. Each project is intended to take roughly ten weeks for a team of 3 students. Business Case […]

benefits of HRA practice

Research topic: The beneficial of HRA practice and the effect of disclosure of human resource related to corporate performance. Introduction (1200 words) Literature Review (3000 words) The Concept of Human Resource Accounting History of HRA The measurement Models of HRA Vision of HRA (necessity) Methodologies (2400 words) Results (2400 words) Analyzing the multiple cases Categorizing […]

solar panel project

Download the solar panel project spreadsheet given in the table on the bottom of this html page: http://www.solarchoice.net.au/blog/solar-power-system-payback-calculator In the bottom right corner of the table there is a small button that allows you to download the table as an MS Excel file. Answer the following questions in this MS Word file. The page numbers […]

a vane-type vacuum pump

Background Details of a vane-type vacuum pump are given in figures 2 to 9. Assembled kits equipped with a single pump driven by an electric motor are to be offered. The following design considerations and modifications are to be implemented. The pump and the motor need to be mounted on a specially designed base fabricated […]

Sustainable educational strategies for disaster health preparedness.

examine a topic of strategic disaster health management and write a strategic report on the issue. And the topic is: Sustainable educational strategies for disaster health preparedness. Include in your report the following: A description of the topic and its elements and a discussion of why this topic is important to disaster management. Identification of […]

Housing project

The Situation:   Tim and Kim Hartke with their two kids are moving in three months from Sioux City, Iowa to the Twin Cities.  Tim has been relocated to a job in downtown Saint Paul.  He has negotiated with his new contract that all of his moving expenses will be paid by the company.  Tim and […]

Making and executing strategy

Please answer question 1 and question 2 SEPARTELY PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER AS A WHOLE. Thompson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland, A. J. (2015). Crafting and executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases (20th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Question 1—Figure 2.1 in your textbook depicts those […]

intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction

Please Answer question 1 and question 2 SEPARTELY. DO NOT ANSWER AS A WHOLE.EACH QUESTION SHOULD BE A PAGE OR MORE. Question 1—Read Chapters 3 & 4 in the Greenberg textbook. Chapter 3 DQ=–a.Define personality and describe various personality dimensions that are responsible for individual differences in organizational behavior. b. How would you describe your […]

Biblical Interpretation Assignment Help.

Biblical Interpretation Instructions:- Biblical Interpretation The purpose of this interpretation assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to practice and hone your skills of biblical interpretation. The focus of this project is the New Testament letters. Duvall and Hays explain and illustrate the four steps of the Interpretive Journey for New Testament letters in […]

Formal Dihybrid Cross Report

Formal Dihybrid Cross Report Instructions: One inch margins. Font: Times New Roman, size 12. Page Number at bottom.   General Guidelines: Please READ your lab manual carefully. Understand what you did BEFORE you start writing! Instructions on the general format of a lab report are found on pg. 7 in your lab manual. In lab […]

soil contamination of heavy metals

Discuss sources of soil contamination by potentially toxic trace elements. Explain how soil physical, chemical and microbiological properties influencing bio availability (to plant and to human) of Pb. Design an appropriate soil remediation plan for land areas covered with mine spoils highly contaminated with Pb.   Do you want your assignment written by the best […]

The impacts of mobile, wireless, digital application on the airlibe business

what are the posibilities and the impacts of mobile, wirless, digital application on the airlibe business   1) statistics about how the technology and social media impacted the airlined in general 2)benefits on the industry 3) conclusion (personal opinion about it ) Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written […]

Barriers to care relating to Suicide and homicide

Suicide and homicide Instruction:-  Suicide and homicide are violent actions reported in the news daily. Individuals suffering from abuse, depression, mental disorders, or substance-abuse disorders are at an increased risk for committing suicide or homicide. Factors that contribute to the risk are age, gender, socio-economic status, and race/ethnicity. Additionally, situations that cause extreme life or […]