Emergency Management

After reviewing the Chapter 1 Video in Lesson 1 (View the video at https://youtu.be/ySA1Uf0PzRI), post your response to the following questions: In a crisis, how is emergency management different from leadership? What traits do you think are necessary in a leader? Give an example of either a successful or unsuccessful leader in a crisis that […]


In Assignment 3 each student will write a 3,000 word architectural criticism paper (2,900 minimum — 3,100 maximum) that critiques an exemplary contemporary architectural project; specifically in relation to one of the theoretical positions discussed throughout the semester in the weekly lecture content and readings/essays. . In this assignment we aim to teach you how […]

Importance of the IGCE.

Imagine that you are working in a federal government office as a government employee. You have been tasked with preparing an Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) for a two-million-dollar procurement. The purchase is for the construction of fifty (52) towers with cameras and radar. The period of the contract is ten (10) years. The contract […]

Provide a semiotic analysis of the photograph

Provide a 1,500 word semiotic analysis of the photograph (attached). Your discussion should take into account issues such as signifier, signified, denotation, connotation, paradigm, syntagm, myth, and any other element of the photograph as sign that you find significant. You do not need to explain these terms or to offer definitions, rather, you need to […]

Organizational structure of Land Rover company

in these 2 slides please provide 1. what is the organizational structure of the company, what type of organizational structure the company uses 2. how this particular structure works , what are its benefits Please go to the Land rover website for the information and references   Click Order now to have a similar paper […]

empirical study

prepare a short report where you a) describe the mean returns and standard deviation of returns (risk) in the DC residential housing market, and b) quantify geographic differences in returns within DC (at the ZIP code level).   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.


Construct a spectrum plot on Excel of the absorbance (y axis) versus wavelength (x-axis) for each set of data, which is in the file attached. Using Beer’s law, what is the concentration of Oxy-Mb and Met-MB for the data sets? Answer these questions 1. What is the reason for the difference in color between white […]

Transportation system in London

the homework is an essay with an image to describe the transportation; Choose a region in the world ( 1 or more countries , 1 piece of land , one agglomeration … ) . – I CHOSE LONDON Make a sketch showing either : the entire transport system; 1 only mode . NB Sketch = […]

Excel Workbook Problems

Objectives, (I will attach assignment sheet and one other excel document to reference for assignment). - use Match and Offset functions to create dynamic query sheets, - import data from the web and create a pivot table and a pivot chart to help diagnose adefect rate problem, - create a frequency distribution from observational data, […]

Food insecurity

Paper Details: What is food insecurity? What are the main reasons for food insecurity in the developing world?   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

Lost Letters of Pergamum

: In order to better understand the historical and cultural context of Paul’s Prison Letters, each student will interact with Bruce Longenecker’s The Lost Letters of Pergamum. To complete the assignment, students must read the entire book and respond to only four of the following questions: Describe the role of honor and benefaction in the […]

Exegesis Paper of Philippians 2.5-11

  The paper will be divided into two sections. In section one, your principal objective is to state what the main point of the passage is, and explain how the passage develops this main point, supporting your statement with evidence from the text and from your investigation. In this section, you should consider the following […]

measures that can be taken to motivate staff individually

  In alignment to Week 9 topic(s) of discussion on motivation, the term motivation the term motivation can be described as “defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors”. From a manager or leader perspective, the highly sought after HIM professional is one that is highly motivated as it relates to giving […]

Precarious Work

    1. What do you understand by the expression ‘precarious work’? 2. What statistical measures might be used to indicate the prevalence of precarious work? 3. Are there aspects of insecurity of work that might not be evident from these measures? 4. How significant are these aspects for the quality of life? Place your […]

The Thin Blue Line

    The “Thin Blue Line” directed by Errol Morris was released in 1986. It is a landmark investigative documentary that became the gold standard for virtually every investigative film and television documentary to come. For this internet assignment, please research this film and answer the following: How did “Thin Blue Line” set the standard […]

Poster for a new business idea

Task; You are to design a poster (using Microsoft PowerPoint)for a new business idea. The company name is called Pyramid-Prints. The business will be a custom printing company focusing on academic/social/business activities. Orders can be made direct and online. The poster will be marked according to the following scheme. 1) Problem/ need definition – Identification […]

The present and future economic health of the radio industry

  The aim of this assignment is to evaluate and to discuss the present and future economic health of the radio industry. Please answer the following: In general terms, how is terrestrial radio faring today? Are local stations thriving, declining, or just maintaining some stability? How are Spotify, Pandora and other digital music sources impacting […]

The nomination process for presidential candidates: America

  1. List the stages and discuss the nomination process for presidential candidates: (number them in essay form) 2. What is the electoral college, why was it created, and how does it work? (You may wish to review The Challenge of Democracy) What criticisms of the electoral college system have been leveled by reformers? 3. […]

Water-waste-energy Nexus

You are required to write report after the field trip to Sydney Olympic Park How is the wastewater managed? Draw a schematic diagram and give a brief description of the treatment processes involved in Integrated Water Cycle System Management, including Water Reclamation and Management Scheme (WRAMS). Do you want your assignment written by the best […]

Eating disorders

Paper Details: 1.Discuss a substance abuse trend associated with children and adolescents and describe the impact of this trend in the schools and the community. Describe how school counselors can collaborate with community stakeholders to address the identified trend. 2. Identify a journal article related to eating disorders and provide a summary of what you […]

An Advance Care Directive

An Advance Care Directive (‘Living Will’) is a written statement regarding someone’s wishes for their future health care. An Advance Care Directive can be made by anyone who has the capacity to do so. An Advance Care Directive is only used if, at some point in the future, the person becomes incapable of making health […]

Advance health care directive and palliative care

  Assessment Task 3 – Essay Question An Advance Care Directive (‘Living Will’) is a written statement regarding someone’s wishes for their future health care. An Advance Care Directive can be made by anyone who has the capacity to do so. An Advance Care Directive is only used if, at some point in the future, […]

Substance Abuse, Eating Disorders common in children

  Please respond to the two questions below. Provide subheadings to label each response. 1.Discuss a substance abuse trend associated with children and adolescents and describe the impact of this trend in the schools and the community. Describe how school counselors can collaborate with community stakeholders to address the identified trend. 2. Identify a journal […]


Green computing Research Project Part 1: Project Integration Management You are working for We Are Big, Inc., an international firm with over 100, 000 employees located in several different countries. A strategic goal is to help improve the environment while increasing revenues and reducing costs. The Environmental Technologies Program just started, and the VP of […]

Emirati females

Respond to the following questions 1.“Nonetheless, the greatest barriers to participation of Emirati females in the workforce remain social and cultural factors. These can include social and family obligations that prevent workforce participation, the refusal of male family members to grant females permission to seek work, and perceived social and cultural factors that discourage females […]

Chinese living in Australia

How many Chinese are living in Australia/Victoria? How often do they travel? At what time of the year do they travel and which locations do they prefer? How many have parts of their family still in China? Would local Chinese rather visit their families in China or would their families come to visit them? How […]

Developing a schematic table

Assignment Topic Assignment 3 (Individual) Length: One page schematic table (or diagram) plus 750 words (no leeway beyond 750; penalties for exceeding the word limit apply). Please use double spacing and 12 pt font for the written part; any font size can be used for the schematic table (as long as it can be read […]

Personal triumphs and challenges

The subject should also relate to culture as well. Include the following (a) your interest in communication (b) your undergraduate and/or professional preparation for graduate studies in the communication program (c) your personal and/or career objectives that graduate studies in communication will help you pursue (d) your educational and career goals. why you have chosen […]