Changing for Success

Changing for Success Order Description The planning for the community building session is almost complete. The last details are how to conduct the plenary sessions for sharing information across groups to develop key priorities and themes that will need to be addressed. There are 2 sessions that need to be planned. One is to review […]

Current Dominant Trends in Automotive Design Engineering

Current Dominant Trends in Automotive Design Engineering Title of Case Study #3: “The Current Dominant Trends in Automotive Design Engineering Related to the Development of Driverless (self-driving) Motor Vehicles” Assigned October 10, 2015 Due:November 4, 2015 (The full CS #3 related required paperwork submission is due in the beginning of the class.) Hint: Please perform […]

Dual-Relationships and Boundaries

:Scenarios:A psychologist is seeing a client in therapy. The client tells him she can no longer pay for sessions. He has been struggling to deal with the paperwork imposed by managed care and billing. He suggests that the client can work for him 2 days per week instead of paying for sessions. Write a 300-400word […]

What effect does Health Information Management and Health Informatics have on individuals residing in rural communities?

What effect does Health Information Management and Health Informatics have on individuals residing in rural communities? Order Description Outline  be 6 pages. HIM 3500 – Isom Research Question From a student in Health Information Management Health Information Management and Health Informatics in rural communities. What effect does Health Information Management and Health Informatics have on […]

implementation of Travelling salesman problem using branch and bound algorithm, nearest neigbourhood search algorithm, genetic algorithm

analyse and discuss Implementation of travelling sales man problem using Branch and Bound Algorithm, Nearest Neighborhood Search Algo For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% Privacy and Confidentiality • High […]

The older police workforce within the UK face growing challenges within the current policing environment. Discuss

The older police workforce within the UK face growing challenges within the current policing environment. Discuss Order Description This assessment will require the writer to examine and compare policing reforms and policy in order to identify key trends in relation to the structure, organisation, accountability and delivery of policing within Britain. The sources needed for […]

A patient with suspected intestinal cancer

A patient with suspected intestinal cancer shows up in the radiology department at 11:45 am, 2 hours before her scheduled appointment time. There are other tests she needs to undergo for the rest of the day at the same hospital. Unfortunately, the specific room, Room A, scheduled for her half‐hour procedure, is currently not available. […]

Public Relations (PR)

Public Relations (PR) What do you believe to be the most promising profession in the communication field today? Why? Make sure no plagiarism, i will upload the paper to turnitin to check.

African American History After 1877

  Writing assignment #1: Write a 3 page paper with a title page and bibliography following the format by the History department of using one of the required reference format for bibliography and footnotes such as APA, MLA or CSW.  Check with your major to find out what format they require you to use. Save […]

Applied Managerial Economics

Applied Managerial Economics Order Description Over lunch, you and Lester meet to discuss your next assignment. “The board of directors has been working on the cost and benefits of various expansion options,” he says. “We have developed the numbers for one scenario in this spreadsheet, and we want you to review it,” he says handing […]

Finding the initial speed of the bullet

A bullet of mass 7.00 g is fired horizontally into a wooden block of mass 1.15 kg resting on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between block and surface is 0.250. The bullet remains embedded in the block, which is observed to slide a distance 0.270 m along the surface before stopping. What was the initial speed of the […]

Cultures of Spain

Cultures of Spain Order Description Using the Source: Williams, M. (2009). The Story of Spain. San Mateo, CA: Golden Era Books Answer the following questions with a minimum of four sentences a question. Use the question as a heading. 1. Explain how a Frenchman, Felipe V, came to be king of Spain. 2. Name at […]

Presentation Analysis

Consider the difference between presenting information in a face-to-face environment versus an online environment. Search the Internet for two different videos of people presenting information in a face-to-face environment. Answer the following questions: How did the presenters demonstrate their knowledge of the audience? How would the presenters need to modify the presentation for an online […]

Handling Disparate

Dr. Vaji Case Study Seven Worksheet Respond to the following questions in 1,250 to 1,500 words. 1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma? 2. To what extent, if any, should Dr. Vaji consider Leo’s ethnicity in his deliberations? Would the dilemma be addressed differently […]


leadership Order Description Leadership Paper Write a pager incorporating the following three sections. Format your paper APA style. Cite at least three references. I. Describe (without identifying) a leader for whom you have worked that you consider an authentic leader. What characteristics made them an authentic leader? How did this leader influence your own growth […]

Anthropology on religion

Anthropology on religion Order Description Choose an issue/theme/topic that deals with the anthropology of religion. Write a 15-page long research paper about it (cited page does not include in this 15 page). I would like you to choose a topic about rituals and or something about a religion and its state relationship. Remember, choose a […]

Trans Pacific Partnership details

Write a 15 Page paper on the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, write the pros and cons. Write why it took so long to come to an agreement and also write a small analysis. Summarize in the beginnging as well.     For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We […]


CAPSTONE PROJECT: RESEARCH PAPER PURPOSE Write a coherent, grammatically correct research paper based on your annotated bibliography. You may also draw on the research you did for earlier papers (1,500 words not counting the works cited). This paper will cite at least four credible sources, two of which are scholarly articles. RHETORICAL SITUATION Your intended […]

Falling in a Gravitational Field

  For this lab you will drop several objects from the same height and observe how they fall and how long each takes to hit the ground. Consider the following as you complete the lab and answer the Write-Up Questions below: • Do the objects fall at the same rate? • What if the objects […]

English writing

English writing Order Description – the paper is based on this RPF – you are writing a summary for a government grand proposal which is longer then the normal one 1000 words – because you are soliciting money your project should be argumentative you need to convince them that your project is worthy, necessary […]


Attached is Quiz #1. To design the charts you can use Excel or you can do by hands and then scan the page. Send me the file in Doc, Pdf or Excel.     QUIZ 1 BUSI 401 STUDENT NAME:_______________________ Question: A motorist is using the AHP to choose a new car from three possible […]

Community Agency Observation

Community Agency Observation Order Description This project will continue until the end of the course, where the cumulative project is submitted in Module 5. Develop a Community Agency Observation project that would be of approximately ten hours duration in total at a community organization in your town or city. The community agency observation projects can […]

Healthcare Policy

Healthcare Policy Order Description Healthcare Policy The implementation of the Affordable Care Act means that many more citizens now have access to healthcare. However, some still “fall through the cracks.” Describe the role of the Nurse Leader when uninsured or under-insured patients present for care. What is the policy where you work ( work in […]

Fraud Examination Report

This case study will be used in a logical flow as the basic model for the fraud investigation in all the modules covered in the unit. The case investigation report is based on the findings of the fraud investigation case study used in the unit. Consequently gathering evidence for the report should be a continuing […]

Legal and Ethical Issues In Practices

Legal and Ethical Issues In Practices Order Description Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice The process of delegation has been referred to as “legal dynamite.” Please share an example of delegation in nursing that was not appropriate. Where did it go wrong and why?

Cultures of Spain

Cultures of Spain Order Description Using the Source: Williams, M. (2009). The Story of Spain. San Mateo, CA: Golden Era Books Answer the following questions with a minimum of four sentences a question. Use the question as a heading. 1. Explain how a Frenchman, Felipe V, came to be king of Spain. 2. Name at […]


leadership Order Description Leadership Paper Write a pager incorporating the following three sections. Format your paper APA style. Cite at least three references. I. Describe (without identifying) a leader for whom you have worked that you consider an authentic leader. What characteristics made them an authentic leader? How did this leader influence your own growth […]

designing a grocery delivery business

Question 1: You are designing a grocery delivery business. Via the internet, your company will offer staples and frozen foods in a large metropolitan area and then deliver them within a customer-defined window of time. You plan to partner with two major food stores in the area. What should your competitive priorities be and what […]