The Department of Homeland Security.

Topic: Chapter 1 Case Study – The Department of Homeland Security. Every question needs to be answered in the reply and it needs to be at least 500 words. This is the book information Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas. (2015). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management – Custom (6th ed.). Florence, KY: Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN: 9781305751149   How does the […]


In 2007, there were an estimated 1.7 million Americans with an upper limb loss. OTs work with clients with UE amputations and prosthetics to increase independence with self care, work and leisure tasks. In chapter 43 in Pedretti’s text (Pendleton, H., & Krohn, W. (2012). Pedretti’s Occupational Therapy (7th ed.)) please read the case study […]

Ethical Decision Making

  After reading about Bill Daniels and the story about the insurance company in Chapter 5 of Gonzalez-Padron (2015), answer the following questions in essay form:   Which ethical tradition best describes Bill’s decision to pay the client from his own funds? Did he approach the decision using a rules-based, virtue or relationship-based, or outcome-based […]


I am looking for a research dessertation paper of 15000 words. Topic: Renal genetic disease in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Awareness of renal nurses regarding identifying identifying and educating patients and their families with inherited renal disease Title: Common Understanding of Renal Health Care Providers Regarding Supporting Patients and Their Families with Inherited Renal […]

Future of Data Warehousing

You have been asked to present to the steering committee of your organization a Future of Data Warehousing presentation. Your team has decided to discuss 1) cloud computing, 2) SaaS (software as a service), 3) web, social media, and big data, and 4) real-time data. Create a PowerPoint with a minimum of 5-7 slides to […]

Making Music Together with Infants and Toddlers

  What Might and Infant/Toddler Music Class Look Like Each year, the infant-toddler program you work in offers a variety of lunch ‘n learn events. The upcoming event is scheduled to be “Making Music Together: The Powerful Role of Music in Your Child’s Life.” Your director has asked you to conduct a 30-minute workshop with […]

The sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice

Reflect on your practice and identify a significant nursing clinical issue that you would like to search for evidence in online sources. This issue will be the basis for the Research Database Assignment that you will submit in Week 3. Formulate searchable, clinical questions in the PICO(T) format for your nursing clinical issue. Remember to […]

Introduction to sociology

1. Why do you think culture differs from one location to another? Why do you feel there are changes within a culture across time? 2. What are media and how do they affect our values and norms in the United States? 3. List and give an example of the 4 main agents of socialization. 4. […]

Calculate Different Types of Mortality Rates

Conduct research to address the following: Requirements: Calculate the 2006 United States cause specific mortality rate for the following: Diseases of heart (heart disease) Malignant neoplasms (cancer) Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke) What was the proportionate mortality rate for heart disease (or diseases of the heart) and cancer in the United States in 2006? Calculate the 2006 […]

Legislative Consequences

Write a 2-3 page paper analyzing the “legislative consequences” of health care reform related to the 2010 Congressional and Senatorial Elections results where Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives. (Remember, this election came right after passage of the 2010 Affordable Health Care for America Act.) In your paper, include one or two specific […]

factors in training users of health information systems technologies

Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) is the field that helps to connect the gap between patients and health resources. Its focus is to provide patients with the most complete health information possible. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on CHI. Based on your readings and understanding, create a 3- to 4-page Microsoft […]

Physiological and Psychological Healing through CAM

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique for curing various chronic pains. It has also been used as anesthesia for surgery and for curing postoperative nausea. Using South University Online Library, search the article, “A randomized trial comparing acupuncture, simulated acupuncture, and usual care for chronic low back pain.” On the basis of your research and […]


Physiology Instructions:- A 65yr old man with hypertension develops a chest pain and reports to GP Practice. What routine tests GP could be recommended for him? Discuss in relation to routine measures such as weight/height: BMI, pulse, respiration rate, blood pressure, blood tests, food intake, etc. (3.1) Explain how routine measures are recorded (ethical consideration: […]

personal statement

i’m applying for a master degree in business in order to exceed my knowledge in business, skills and qualities that will allow me to stand out in the employability job market also, to prepare myself for entrepreneurial projects that requires expertise in several skills and qualities. Academic and non academic experience: blackberry model: working as […]

Advanced Management Accounting

1 AcF 303: Advanced Management Accounting Michaelmas Term 2015 COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT Typing-4-U is an online service that provides word processing and graphic formatting services to academics and students. The customer emails scans of their handwritten documents and diagrams to Typing-4-U who then provide accurate, neat and corrected versions of the documents. The final versions are […]

free will and determinism

Consider a work situation or a social situation in which you believe that your right and ability to make a decision from free will was compromised by obstacles or rules or societal norms. Answer the following questions: • Why do you think that free will was compromised? • What led you to make the decisions […]

Critical Review of Article

Everson, M. (2003). ‘Subjects’, or ‘Citizens of Erewhon’? Law and Non-Law in the Development of a ‘British Citizenship’. Citizenship Studies 7 (1), pp.57-83. Write a critical review of one of the articles listed below. The review should demonstrate understanding of the article’s key contribution/argument and its place in the wider literature. Most importantly, instead of […]

Critical Review of Article

Everson, M. (2003). ‘Subjects’, or ‘Citizens of Erewhon’? Law and Non-Law in the Development of a ‘British Citizenship’. Citizenship Studies 7 (1), pp.57-83. Write a critical review of one of the articles listed below. The review should demonstrate understanding of the article’s key contribution/argument and its place in the wider literature. Most importantly, instead of […]

Socrates's philosophical lifestyle

Socrates compared Athenians to a dazed, sluggish horse that could possibly be awakened by the persistent biting of an (annoying!) fly. This idea of Socrates as a transformative “philosophical gadfly” inspired many who have read about Socrates’s life and death. Your formal writing assignment this week is to write a 600-900 word essay that answers […]

Blue or Red? Exploring the Effects of Colors

  Study 1 Question 1. In the first study, the effect of red and blue colors on avoidance motivation and approach motivation was investigated. Question 2. The first concept that was in the first study involved giving the participants anagrams that had target words in them then response time was recorded. The operationalization in the […]

Theoretical Frameworks & Types of Research

The required text is: Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc. After reading Chapters 1 and 3 from your text, address the following: Discuss the three different types of research approaches Provide examples of how each would be applied in the field of […]

Annual Reports of Tesco Plc.

Please do not copy any write-up directly from the Internet, except references, this is not allow and will have a bed FAIIL results I will attached more information and work you have done before. In answering the questions, you will need to refer to the Annual Reports of Tesco Plc. You may also refer to […]

Health Information Technology:

Visit the Health Information Technology: Key Topics website.   Choose one of the topics listed. Click on the topic and explore the information provided. Using the information accessed from this site, write a four- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you assess this information and discuss your reactions and opposing viewpoints on […]

Corporate strategy

Hi , please answer the 3 Questions that I will upload in file’s Questions and you Must following these points: *In a 1. Corporate strategy is inextricably linked to a company’s strategy and affected by the environment in which it operates. (20 marks in total). a) Using Tesco Plc’s 2015 Annual report, as a reference […]

Typical reasoning

People often take shortcuts in problem solving and quickly arrive at answers. Known as heuristics, these shortcuts may increase the speed of decisions but may also decrease the accuracy of those decisions. The experiment used in this assignment deals with inaccurate decisions based on the conjunction fallacy, where people think the chance of two events […]

Substance Use and Mental Health

  Question 1. 1. Clients who are in treatment for cocaine use disorder and who are court ordered for treatment and have children, usually have immediate case management needs for: (Points : 2) Vocational training, clothing, and housing Transportation, child care, and financial support Transportation, vocational rehabilitation, and medication Clothing, long-term housing, and GED/college education […]

Mastering Modern Psychological Testing: Theory and Methods

l. m. Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet) n. Performance on pure tests are assessed based on time, while pure _ tests are assessed based on d iffic u Ity. o. speed; power p. power; speed q. achievement; maximum performance r. maximum performance; achievement 2. Which scores would be interpreted […]


Learning Activity 1:  1. Chapter 5 of Mastering Strategic Management, four generic strategies are outlined!  Research a company that exercises one of the four strategies. Explain how the organization operationalizes the strategy. Attach the article (ensure the link works) as part of the reference.   Learning Activity 2: 1. Describe limitations and advantages of either the Boston […]