Unit IV Mini Project EFAS Table Using the information gathered from your SWOT analysis conducted in Unit II, create an external factor analysis (EFAS) table for the company you researched. Use Microsoft Word, or a similar program, to create your table. It should have five columns. The first column heading should be titled External Factors, […]

We can work on Pre contract cost and value management

Order Description Rеduсing the life cуcle cоst of buildings is one of the keу expectations of today’s quantity surveying practice. Therefore, the selection of building components with an optimal life cycle cost is always encouraged. However, recent disasters such as Grenfell Tower fire in London has reiterated the needto consider and evaluate the suitability of […]

We can work on Post Response

Respond as if me….. When any employee sets foot at a hospital where he/she works for, the minute entrance is made, caring is the essence of what happens in that institution. Whether it is the nurse that is assigned to a patient, or environmental services keeping all departments sanitary, or dietary services elaborating multiple recipes […]

We can work on 2012 survey

In a 2012 survey, Gallup asked a sample of U.S. adults if they would prefer to have a job outside the home, or if they would prefer to stay home to care for the family and home. Partial results for the individuals who expressed a preference, broken down by gender, are displayed in the two-way […]

We can work on Old Testament

Old Testament Order Description Syllabus Requirements: focus on an analysis of your ability to compare, contrast, discuss, and analyze commonalities, differences, and parallels to the Hebrew scripture writings alongside those you have discovered in the Readings of the Ancient Near East. This is considered an academic paper and should be well researched, formatted in APA, […]

We can work on compose a short, original, thought-provoking argument for the (theoretical) “un-invention” of something – a technology, social practice, school of thought, etc.

compose a short, original, thought-provoking argument for the (theoretical) “un-invention” of something – a technology, social practice, school of thought, etc. Order Description   Uninvent This (Short Position) 600-800 words   Using the “Uninvent This” series of essays first published in New Yorker magazine (and available in the Resources area of our Laulima site) as […]


PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PRIVATE/PUBLIC Order Description   Two page response to post below. Scholarly sources only. The public and private sectors have similarities and differences in the functional aspect and in the structural aspect. In all the lessons the fundamental understanding of the United States government is incorrect in all the lessons and required readings and […]

We can work on opinion-editorial

opinion-editorial Order Description   Write an Op-Ed (opinion-editorial) piece that allows you to demonstrate an understanding of how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of the common good that may be addressed by you in your professional practice now and in the future as a registered nurse. Based on […]