Supervisory Skills

  Your research paper is based on the following scenario: You have just taken over as the head of Toyota’s Quality Control Department. You are a Vice President (VP) and answer directly to the CEO. You have seven directors that answer to you. Each director manages one of the following divisions: 1. Drive Systems (including […]


RESEARCH ESSAY You are required to write a research essay of no more than 2000 words of the following topic: What makes for “good” science as opposed to “bad” science (i.e. on what grounds can we judge whether to adopt a scientific theory or claim)? Drawing on what you have learned in this unit, present […]


   Prompt: The goal of this essay is to turn our attention away from what your food actually is (nourishment), to how the food plays a role within larger rhetorical issues in our society. In other words, how is the food more than just food? How can we look at the food as playing a […]


ETHICAL RESPONSE Ethical Response Paper Guidelines The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free by Hector Tobar There are several purposes for this assignment: 1. To provide you with an exploration into the ethical, legal, and spiritual insight of 33 men who were buried alive. […]

Leading Effective Organizations

Leading Effective Organizations This paper is to reflect some the the theories presented over the course for the last six weeks. What is leadership and describe your theory of leadership? What makes good or effective leaders; What qualities do they possess?; What do they do? How do they behave?, How leaders develop/How to develop leaders? […]


Critique of a Local Integrated Site: This 40-point, 5-7 page assignment (not including title and reference pages) requires students to identify, describe, and provide a description of a local integrated behavioral health care site/program (primary care is preferred). Students are encouraged to visit a local site and set up a brief interview with a manager, […]

Silicon Valley Staffing Position Paper

Silicon Valley Staffing Position Paper For this project you will provide a thorough examination of a the Human Resources Assistant position with Silicon Valley Staffing(links provided with info) in Phoenix, AZ. You must provide thorough research as each instance of unverified / evidence supported claim will result in a score reduction. Common “popular” internet databases […]

"Internet safety among middle school students."

1. dentify several factors/behaviors that contribute to “Internet safety among middle school students.” write at least one (SMART) behavioral objective for each behavior you are studying. Remember that behaviors can be preventive, they can deal with early diagnosis, and they can enhance treatment.   2.  Since you might be providing educational sessions, consider including learning objectives. Write […]

text analysis

text analysis Task: write a 700 word (+/-10%) forensic report analysing the veracity of a statement submitted to the police. To what extent do you believe the author is telling the truth? You should base your report on CBCA though, due to word count restrictions, you will not be able to cover all the criteria. […]

Catching is a critical fundamental motor skill that children should learn.

espond to two classmates.  Reflect on any additions you might make to their created rubrics.  Also include an explanation of how you might assist a student who scores primarily in the “Needs Improvement” area for that skill.   Catching is a critical fundamental motor skill that children should learn.  It is a foundation for many […]

Management Information and Communication Systems

Management Information and Communication Systems Business information and communication flow Produce a formal report in which you provide a critical evaluation of the role of ERP and CRM systems in an organisation of your choice (MUST BE UK BASED ORGANISATION). Describe the role played by wireless networks and other types of networks in involving different […]

“The traditional budget is a rigid tool and should therefore be discarded in practice”. Should the traditional budgetary model be abandoned as suggested above?

“The traditional budget is a rigid tool and should therefore be discarded in practice”. Should the traditional budgetary model be abandoned as suggested above? Critically evaluate this claim in the light of recent external pressures from the capital market for timely and accurate information. Please support your answer with theoretical arguments and practical examples from […]

Balancing the Federal Budget

Write a report with a proposed plan to balance the Federal Budget by either reducing expenditure or by increasing taxes. Evaluate the macroeconomic implications of both plans, qualitatively and more importantly, quantitatively. Take on the role of a macroeconomist who will advise the President of the United States or a senator on fiscal policy. The […]

relations of power in regards to the London Pride Parade applying Foucault’s theory of power (Actions over actions; power of discipline and power of resistance)

relations of power in regards to the London Pride Parade applying Foucault’s theory of power (Actions over actions; power of discipline and power of resistance) Identify one key stakeholder (government) of Pride in London Parade and discuss its role in relation to the event using Foucault’s power theory. Integrate a critical evaluation of the political […]

gonadal hormones

1.What information about the influences of gonadal hormones on human brain and behaviour is presently able to inform the debate about the medical treatment of individuals with ambiguous genitalia, according to Melissa Hines in “Engendering the Brain” from her book Brain gender? Select one: a. In cases where chromosomal and hormonal information conflict, chromosomes should […]


1. Explain the objection that utilitarianism renders men cold and unsympathizing. What is Mill’s reponse? 2. Why would someone say that “utilitarianism is a doctrine worthy of swine?” Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ […]

Discussion 7-1 Formal Assessment Critique and Response

Discussion 7-1 Formal Assessment Critique and Response Discussion 7-1 Formal Assessment Critique and response Choose one of the formal assessments to complete. Career Liftoff Interest Inventory at (Links to an external site.) Tech Issues, please contact Alexandra at [email protected] – Individual access codes are listed HEREPreview the documentView in a new window. Please see […]

Week 7 Assignment Case Study

Week 7 Assignment Case Study Week 7 Assignment Case Study In this assignment you will calculate how much a loan will really cost. In step one you will compare three different loan types using a comparison calculator found on College Board?s website. Then you will figure out the total loan debt for different loan types. […]

Employee Selection and Training

 Write a 1,050 word paper in which you examine the role of industrial/organizational psychology in selecting and training employees. In your examination, address the following:   Choose at least two real-world examples of how organizations have used industrial/organizational psychology to select and train employees. Discuss methods to measure the level of success of each training program. […]

Strategic conversation

Strategic conversation is communication that takes place across boundaries and hierarchical levels about the group or organization’s vision, critical strategic themes, and values that can help achieve desired outcomes. Write a paper on “strategic conversations” & your organization. Address the following elements in your paper. Explain why each is important in achieving outcomes. Open communication […]

Quantity of Electricity Consumed per Household

  1. You want to estimate a model for the demand for electricity by households in the U.S. States of the following form: Quantity of Electricity Consumed per Household in Statei = f (Price of Electricity in Statei , Price of Natural Gas in Statei , and Income per Household in Statei ). Obtain the […]

Andragogy and self-directed learning

First, select one (1) of the following scholarly journal articles to review: •Merriam, S. B. (2001). Andragogy and self-directed learning: Pillars of adult learning theory. New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education, 2001(89). (13 pages)(Attached) Next, write a three page review of the selected article in which you include the following items. Note: Make each […]

Rural, Suburban, and Urban Issues (OHIO)

Select a local government within your state to analyze. You may select either an urban, suburban, or rural government to review. Prepare a presentation addressing the following: Describe which area you chose: urban, suburban, or rural. Briefly describe the area’s demographics and characteristics. Describethe local form of government and identify the major elected officials of your selected […]

Impaired nurse

Assume that you have knowledge that the nurse working with you on your unit has been illegally using drugs. What are your obligations to disclose this? What are your obligations to the institution you work for? Are there any places you could refer the nurse to? What are the implications for this nurse’s license? Are […]

Maintaining inventory on shelves and in warehouses

Maintaining inventory on shelves and in warehouses can be quite costly. How would you determine the amount of inventory you should have on hand? Discussion #2 How does an organization decide whether or not to hold inventory? Why are these reasons important? Discussion #3 In this discussion, please address the following: • Discuss how often […]

Unethical Versus Ethical Leadership

It takes courage to lead an organization with ethics. For instance, Leaders at AIG argued that they were obligated to pay bonuses to executives even after the company was bailed out by the U.S.  Government.  They stated that they had a contractual obligation to pay these bonuses.  Many people argued that the Leaders at AIG […]

Predecessors Duration Activity Cost

In a 1-page Word document, consider the following activities and their durations. The original project schedule, using early activity starts, is shown below. Activity Task Predecessors Duration Activity Cost A Sign Contract None 5 days $5,000 B Design Survey A 3 days $1,500 C Identify Audience A 7 days $1,000 D Run Survey B, C […]

Empowerment Approach to Human Service Management

Review the 12 principles presented by Hardina et al. in the section titled “Humans Service Organizations and Empowerment” in Ch. 4 of Management of Human Service Programs. Additional resources may be used. Discuss the principles that characterize an empowerment approach to human service management. Evaluate how you might apply these principles to the developmental processes […]

Scope Creep

What do you believe are the major causes of an inaccurate project time estimation and how can this situation be improved? How does CCPM (critical change project management) approach this problem? Question 2 How does Scope Creep affect a project? Provide an example. Explain in two paragraphs. Question 3 What is the difference between a […]