Real Estate Securities

FIN 4310 Real Estate Securities Fall 2015 Assignment 3 Due: October13, 2015 Part 1 (100 points, 10 on each question except 7 which has 10 on each part) 1. Make assumptions as follows for a pass-through mortgage backed security (MBS): a. initial principal balance (after seasoning) between $300 million and $800 million; b. weighted average […]

Research Design & Execution

Research Design & Execution Assignment Guidance RESEARCH TOPIC: Sustaining the Tourism Industry in a Country Perceived Dangerous: Nigeria as a Case Study As a 30-credit module, the assignment should be 6500 to 7000 words in length. Assessment will be by one assignment, which will present a critical evaluation and comparison of relevant research methodologies appropriate […]

industry analysis

So today, I want to talk about one of the major assignment for the course the Industry analysis. Who knows what an industry analysis is?? It is a report on all of the import characteristics of an Industry such as Market Size, Market Trends, Major Competitors etc. Here is an example of a professional industry […]


Epigenetics link for the library

Change management models

Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over time to remain competitive. Research change management models, and address the following: Describe 2–3 change management models. Place your order now for a similar paper and […]

Case Study – National Cranberry Cooperative

Case Study – National Cranberry Cooperative 1. The case study will include three sections, as a MINIMUM: A. Section 1 – Summarize the Case Study so the Reader knows the basis of your analysis (without having to read the case study themselves). B. Section 2 – Analyze the Key Elements of the Case Study. C. […]

Baptist Foundation of Arizona, BFA

Baptist Foundation of Arizona, BFA This memorandum highlights the issues related to the Baptist Foundation of Arizona, BFA, its related parties: ALO and New Church, and Arthur Anderson LLP. BFA was known to be a nonprofit organization. It was founded in 1948 to raise and provide financial support for the Southern Baptist Convention. In 1999, […]

Case Study – National Cranberry Cooperative

Case Study – National Cranberry Cooperative 1. The case study will include three sections, as a MINIMUM: A. Section 1 – Summarize the Case Study so the Reader knows the basis of your analysis (without having to read the case study themselves). B. Section 2 – Analyze the Key Elements of the Case Study. C. […]

The facility’s scope of services and design

1st assignment- Write a paper for a health care organization of your choice (real or hypothetical). Evaluate the facility’s scope of services and design (e.g., integration model). Provide a proactive plan to optimally manage supplies and staff for a calendar year, assuming the demand for services and supplies fluctuates +30% in December and July and […]

C++ programs

When writing C++ programs include comments in your code, make the program readable by indenting, use meaningful variable and function names, give end users instructions on what the program does and produce meaningful output. Program: 20 points – shapes1.cpp   Create the following class hierarchy Shape has nothing in it for now, we will add […]

Issues Facing Athletic Academic Advising

Issues Facing Athletic Academic Advising For the Signature Assignment, you will research issues facing academic advising and the current strategies that are being utilized by advisors in the NCAA institutions. For this final assignment, you are to: 1.Identify an Academic Athletic Advisor at a major university who is involved with an athletic department student services […]

Communicating Eligibility Requirements

Communicating Eligibility Requirements One of the critical concerns in an athletic program is the eligibility of their athletes. As you can see by all of the information that has been presented to you, students often have nowhere to go to get this information to understand how to become eligible and to maintain their eligibility at […]

Ethics in Marketing Strategies

You have been hired as a consultant for a multinational organization that has a major marketing strategy for its product lines, yet is struggling to maintain its market share. The organization specializes in athletic wear. You have completed an internal assessment of the organization’s business practices and are now required to make suitable recommendations for […]

Typology of different leadership

Choose a set or typology of different leadership styles, evaluate and describe each style, and explain the pros and cons of each style for application in a public or nonprofit organization. Search the literature in our library and choose a set of decision-making steps utilized in a public or nonprofit organization. Describe how decision making […]

Mind map Template

Mind map Template Draw A Mind map Template that I can edit as I go along from October to Jan .In this course we will use mind mapping to help demonstrate connections among various concepts. The tool we use, “text 2 mindmap”, can be found at develop a mind map. Make sure that you […]

Social Psychology

Consider these examples from a typical, large suburban high school. Kelly is a sophomore who attends a meeting of the all-male robotics club. She says she has an interest in joining the club and working on building a robot for an upcoming competition. The male members of the club snicker at her and one boy […]


15 CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING WRITE-UPS Feedback will consist of narrative comments, corrections, and suggestions and an overall rating as described below: Preceptors will attend to the following criteria in evaluating the quality of write-ups: a. Punctuality b. Adherence to specified format with correct organization of data. c. Write-up is neat, legible, and with few spelling […]

Apple supply chain process

Create an MS PowerPoint Presentation which you evaluate the current state of the process you selected in Week Two and summarize the proposed future state.  Describe the company’s supply chain Identify a process internal to the company that you wish to analyze. Describe the process internal to the company that you wish to analyze. Identify an […]

Research Dispute between Jawbone and Fitbit

Research Dispute between Jawbone and Fitbit read this article What is the likelihood of Fitbit imports being blocked? When will the government agency make it’s ruling? (Based on how long previous cases have taken to complete) Do Jawbone allegations have merit?

Case Study – Toyota Motor Manufacturing

Case Study – Toyota Motor Manufacturing 1. The case study will include three sections, as a MINIMUM: A. Section 1 – Summarize the Case Study so the Reader knows the basis of your analysis (without having to read the case study themselves). B. Section 2 – Analyze the Key Elements of the Case Study. C. […]

why a tagline is an important part of blue ocean strategy.

  A newly launched product that creates disruptive innovation has a clear-cut and compelling tagline. For example, Apple’s tagline is “think different,” which clearly appeals to a market that sees itself as creative and innovative, while playing on a similar tagline from the competition (IBM’s “Think”). For this discussion, complete the following: Describe why a […]

Case Study – Toyota Motor Manufacturing

Case Study – Toyota Motor Manufacturing 1. The case study will include three sections, as a MINIMUM: A. Section 1 – Summarize the Case Study so the Reader knows the basis of your analysis (without having to read the case study themselves). B. Section 2 – Analyze the Key Elements of the Case Study. C. […]

week 4

week 4 This will have 2 parts Part A and B Part A Make a chart in Word. Told you it was simple. Your chart can be a pie, bar, or line chart and reflect any data you want, from the how your time is divided throughout a day, week, or longer, or even one […]

Priority rules for Job Sequencing

Priority rules for Job Sequencing Instructions:- Explain the four primary priority rules for job sequencing. In what instances at the Nissan car manufacturing might each rule be most advantageous? When would each rule be most disadvantageous? The company believes that it might have some inefficiencies in its inventory managementprocess. Develop an ABC classification system for the following […]


inclusion What are the advantages and disadvantages of the inclusion of disabled students in the “regular” classroom. Also, please share with your classmates your suggestions or tips for addressing the opportunities and challenges related to inclusion. Remember Initial posting: minimum 150 words-maximum 200 words, with in-text citations and references. quotations must be used to avoid […]


charts The project is winding down. You have selected a topic and performed scholarly research on your topic. The board of directors are pleased with your research and want to present it at the next regional meeting. But who wants to just read words. Some of the regional directors are visual and need diagrams to […]

Determining the credibility of a source of information?

What criteria do you recommended to determine the credibility of a source of information?   Develop a list of no less than 10 elements you would use to determine the credibility of facts, articles, websites, news, etc.   Thoroughly explain each element and why it is important.   Your response can take the form of […]


Strategy ASSESSMENT 1: BOOK REVIEW (2000 words; value 50% of grade) DUE IN WEEK 8 – Deadline: 20/11/2015 Time: 23:55 (GMT) PLEASE BUY BOTH BOOKS NOW! The two books for review are: Cowen, D., (2014) The Deadly Life of Logistics. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press Nolan, P., (2012) Is China Buying the World? Cambridge: Polity Press […]

Instructions 10 Writing Self-Assessment Overview In this assignment, you will describe your perceptions of yourself as a writer. Audience and Purpose The audience for this document is me, your instructor. Instructions • give some history of your experience as a writer. (e.g. I am a good writer, I hate writing, etc.) • explain how your perceptions have changed while you've been in this class • explain how you would like to change and mature as a writer (unless you are already okay with yourself as a writer — then comment on why) • Length: approximately 300- 500 words Evaluation Criteria Note: Pay particular attention to the evaluation criteria for each assignment; they will help you focus on the key strategies to use for each document. Content (50%) • The introduction indicates the purpose of the piece • The body addresses the issues mentioned above • The conclusion summarizes your perceptions and goals Organization (25%) • The information is chunked for the reader and organized in a logical flow. The memo has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. • The paragraphs hold together well, and each has a unified theme. • The transitions help link sentences and paragraphs in a flow of ideas. Expression (25%) • The writing is clear and concise. • The style and tone are appropriate for the audience. • The memo uses correct grammar, punctuation, and word choices. The element of design will not be evaluated for this assignment, since at this point in the course we won't have addressed it yet. However, the design of your documents will become more critical as we move forward.

Instructions 10 Writing Self-Assessment Overview In this assignment, you will describe your perceptions of yourself as a writer. Audience and Purpose The audience for this document is me, your instructor. Instructions • give some history of your experience as a writer. (e.g. I am a good writer, I hate writing, etc.) • explain how your […]

growth Horizons

Growth Horizons In a three to four page paper (excluding title and reference pages), explore the key factors that influence how entrepreneurs look at growth horizons. A growth strategy requires not looking for “sources of growth” but building strategic initiatives that encompasses future horizons. Be sure to include in your analysis the following: Define what […]