The Application of Evidence-Based Research, Literature Reviews, and Ethical Implications of the Research Within Allied Health Care DQ 3/1 317

The Application of Evidence-Based Research, Literature Reviews, and Ethical Implications of the Research Within Allied Health Care DQ 3/1 317 Order Description Compare and contrast the characteristics between qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. How would you apply each type of research methodology in your workplace? Cite at least one reference to support your rationale, using […]

Childhood obesity

Childhood obesity In this assignment, you will select your final topic using the information you prepared in the “Identification of a Research Topics” assignment and create a literature review. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select one of the three topics from the “Identification of a Research Topic” assignment. Utilizing the GCU library, locate […]

What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information? DQ 1/3 317

What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information? DQ 1/3 317 Order Description Complete the questionnaire portion of “What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information? Part I Questionnaire and Scoring Guide” resource. Make sure I get the questionnaire filled out and sent back with the paper thanks Score the questionnaire using the same resource. […]

Essay question:

Essay question: Account for the requirement to be able to work as part of a team. Critically consider people’s experiences of working in and leading teams or groups, either in their professional or personal life for academic or social and sporting activities and analyse how these reflect theories on team working. 1) Assignment Structure: planning, […]

Achieving the American Dream

Achieving the American Dream Order Description Compare the impact that World War I had on the 1920s and the impact that World War II had on the 1950s as to the achievement the American Dream for the average citizen. Be sure to include an explanation of what the Dream was for each decade. Include any […]

Women in U.S. History Essay Question

Women in U.S. History Essay Question Order Description Question: Using a minimum of two of the assigned documents, identify key arguments that each author or participant makes for the redefining of gender relations in the United States and/or sexual liberation of women. How do the authors’ or participants’ arguments compare or vary to each other […]

Lean You!

Lean You! Order Description Description outlining the creativity and innovation elements: the lean philosophy is an approach to eliminate waste in order to add more value. We want to apply the concept to the personal life. Develop a poster or a brochure to represent a smart roadmap to becoming a lean person. A lean person […]

Explication of Fiction(Short Story)

Explication of Fiction(Short Story) Essay Paper Explication of Fiction Select a short story(Sandra Cisneros, Merican, Daniel Orozco, Orientation, Kate Chopin, The Story of an Hour or Jamaica Kincaid, Girl) that resonates with you and has themes that you feel you can discuss. Compose an essay that includes the following information, but not necessarily in this […]

Critically consider people’s experiences of working in and leading teams or groups, either in their professional or personal life for academic or social and sporting activities and analyse how these reflect theories on team working.

Critically consider people’s experiences of working in and leading teams or groups, either in their professional or personal life for academic or social and sporting activities and analyse how these reflect theories on team working. 1) Assignment Structure: planning, clarity of thesis statement, topic sentences &structure which assists in the development of a coherent answer […]

American Politics

American Politics Order Description Please answer to this questions with evidences. Some common criticisms of the executive branch are that it is bloated and inefficient and/or suffers from a lack of transparency. Choose a prominent regulatory agency of the federal bureaucracy. There are many of these, but some of the better-known examples would include the […]

Compare and contrast PM 1.0 and PM 2.0 Order Description Project management practices are evolving. There is some recognition that a new age in project management is currently taking shape, and this is referred to as PM 2.0. Already established practices have then be referred to as PM 1.0. Compare and contrast PM 1.0 and PM 2.0. Discuss a selection of differentiating factors, which you argue are more prominent. The information needs to come from these books only: Kerzner, H., (2015) Project Management 2.0, John Wiley. Kerzner, H., (2013) Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 10th edition, John Wiley. Silvius, G., Tharp, J., (Eds) (2013) Sustainability Integration for Effective Project Management, IGI Global Publishing. Silvius, G., Shipper, R., Planko, J., Brink, J., Kholer, A., (2012) Sustainability in Project Management, Gower

Compare and contrast PM 1.0 and PM 2.0 Order Description Project management practices are evolving. There is some recognition that a new age in project management is currently taking shape, and this is referred to as PM 2.0. Already established practices have then be referred to as PM 1.0. Compare and contrast PM 1.0 and […]

Social Media Audit–Adidas

Social Media Audit–Adidas Order Description Write a social media audit paper on the sportswear brand Adidas. Here are the things you need to measure and mention in your social media audit paper: 1. Major Social networks and Minor Social networks of the brand- numbers of posts, followers, types of content, level of engagement with the […]

ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: Module 8

ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: Module 8 Choose a photograph from this module or elsewhere in our textbook. Write a critique of this image using a combination of formal analysis and second mode of analysis. Use the vocabulary learned in this module and tell us the genre of photography your example belongs. Next, choose a film or video […]

Apple case study

Apple case study Paper details: Course: International business strategy This assignment you have to read the case study and answer the questions giving. I would just write down the questions 1, what do you think was the main reason for iPhone’s success in America 2, With tough competition from Nokia, HTC and blackberry. do you […]

Integrating an Interview

Integrating an Interview Paper details: er: Late essays will not be accepted. Description: Through the prism of one of the essays/occurrences below, examine how women are viewed and/or portrayed in a male-dominated society. Interview a woman — a spouse/partner, sister, mother, friend, boss, daughter, etc. — to get her perspective, which must be incorporated into […]

Geology (and other Earth Sciences)

Geology (and other Earth Sciences) Paper details: Do a sensitivity analysis to determine the relative role of the following parameters in slope stability analyses using an infinite plane model for shallow landslides in unconsolidated sediments. This model would be applicable to construction sites in the developed area of the Wasatch Front where construction may cut […]

IOW is Maria's IOW topic, "Heaven of Hospital"

IOW is Maria’s IOW topic, “Heaven of Hospital” Paper details: here is what the teacher needs : This week’s IOW is Maria’s IOW topic, “Heaven of Hospital” Please make sure to find a credible article on the topic (and include the link in your post). You must cite (using MLA) at least twice within your […]

Sea Coast Cottage Painting by Walter Anderson

Sea Coast Cottage Painting by Walter Anderson Order Description There are six murals in total and the Sea Coast Cottage, 1934 is one of them. I need to discuse two paintings so I must have another piece of the six mural to write about. 12 font, doubled spaced, and Times New Roman. Need an objective […]

Organizational behavior in business

Organizational behavior in business Order Description (a) a narrow, carefully crafted thesis statement, and (b) a highly descriptive, detailed essay title that mirrors the thesis statement. As the thesis drives a paper, many points will be deducted if a student fails to follow these instructions. Topics: Globalization Diversity Work motivation, stress, and/or well-being Leadership Communication […]

Oxford University Press

g Oxford University Press Spain: Catalonia and the Basque Country BY MONTSERRAT GUIBERNAU AFTER 40 years of Franco’s dictatorship, the 1979 constitution offered a new political framework within which Spaniards could organise their lives. One of the major issues facing the new regime was the national question, particularly in Catalonia and the Basque Country. The […]

Identification of Research Topics 317 dq 1/3

Identification of Research Topics 317 dq 1/3 Order Description In this assignment, you will be identifying potential topics for a research paper. In Topic 2, you will select your final topic, which will inform subsequent assignments within this course. Select three topics of interest from your work area, or within a health care field. Examples […]

1. aCase Study #1: 2.1. Food poisoning outbreak at Bluegrass Hospital

1. aCase Study #1: 2.1. Food poisoning outbreak at Bluegrass Hospital An outbreak of food poisoning occurred among the 400 staff and patients at Bluegrass Hospital a few hours after eating dinner. Among the 60 people who became ill, the Symptoms were mainly nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The infection control nurse investigated the outbreak and […]

COommunity health

COommunity health Order Description 1. Compare and contrast clinical health services to public health and epidemiology in terms of a) how they are defined, b) goals, c) their target focus and d) functions. 2. Managerial epidemiology is integrated through general management functions. Explain each of the management functions in terms of the managerial epidemiology, i.e., […]


summary Order Description summary for the article : 1_ identify the project in the beginning 2_i want introduction , method , results , limitations depend on the method not what they mention already in their study ,and implication which is suggestion depending on what already on the article. The summary should answer the following questions: […]


Psychology Order Description For this assignment, you are to investigate specific significant examples of historical and current research and analyze the changes or trends that you find in your review. Psychological Bulletin is a journal devoted to literature reviews across all the areas of psychology. It is currently run by the American Psychological Association. It […]

Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis Order Description 1. Select one of the themes of Postcolonial theory that you would like to explore. This will be the lens through which you look at the literature. 2. Describe how the lens fits into Postcolonial theory and explain why it’s a good choice for the literature. 3. Apply that lens to […]

Design and fabrication of Reconfigurable and portable Programmable logic controller system for training purpose

Design and fabrication of Reconfigurable and portable Programmable logic controller system for training purpose Problem Statement: Programmable Logic Controllers(PLC) are predominately laboratory based subjects as they require “hands on”electrical wiring, interface to industrial electrical components, to Human Machine Interfaces(HMI) and may be networked with conveyor system, vision checking system, Servo motor etc. As PLC courses […]