Giving a interview on Pearl Harbor.

Giving a interview on Pearl Harbor. Paper details: Pearl Harbor Your person must have been at least 7 years old when the event took place and must have lived in the United States. Questions to ask the person. 1. How old were you at the time of the event? 2. What was your reaction and […]

Notes + Assessment – Author's Notes

Notes + Assessment – Author’s Notes Paper details: Provide Notes from the Author’s Standpoint: All questions must be addressed Author’s Note: Include an author’s note that addresses the following two components: Writer’s Assessment: Discuss your assessment. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the piece? What works well? What needs work? Refer to the course […]

Narcissistic leaders may affect business world

Narcissistic leaders may affect business world Paper details: How narcissistic is prevalent in the business world, and it occurs in the workplace. How narcissistic leaders may affect business within an organization. Write a thoughtful, well-organized argumentative research essay, carefully supported by scholarly sources, in which you argue for a particular position or for a particular […]

Inference and presumption in a court of law

Inference and presumption in a court of law Paper details: define and discuss the usage of inference and presumption in a court of law. Include its applicability and an example case where one or both of these were used. Do not forget to provide references and cite your material correctly.

EX: Global Pricing

EX: Global Pricing Pricing is one of most important marketing mix strategies. A price must be low enough to gain sales, but high enough to guarantee the flow of funds to support activities like R&D, production, and distribution. However, pricing is more complex internationally than domestically. We often see identical products being priced differently in […]

Urgent java project

Urgent java project In this assignment you are to write a program that keeps track of yours and your friends DVD’s. The program should have the function to loan DVD’s. That means that you should be able to borrow the dvd’s your friends own, and they should be able to borrow yours. The program is […]

Please show your work if possible

Please show your work if possible 1. Which one of the following terms is defined as a conflict of interest between the corporate shareholders and the corporate managers? A. Articles of incorporation. B. Corporate breakdown. C. Agency problem. D. Bylaws. E. Legal liability. 2. Which one of the following functions should be the responsibility of […]

Assignment 3 (20 points) This is similar to Assignment 2. However, instead of a case you will select an OD topic for your presentation. Topics can be: Managing Change, Transformational Change, Appreciative Inquiry, Talent Management, Consulting as a Management Practice, Workforce Diversity and Wellness, Team Building, Story Telling, Motivation, etc.

Assignment 3 (20 points) This is similar to Assignment 2. However, instead of a case you will select an OD topic for your presentation. Topics can be: Managing Change, Transformational Change, Appreciative Inquiry, Talent Management, Consulting as a Management Practice, Workforce Diversity and Wellness, Team Building, Story Telling, Motivation, etc. You have the option to […]


REFORMING THE NATION, RESPONDING TO WAR, FAMOUS SPEECHES World War I and World War II were “pivot points” in world history in the sense that they produced new global conditions and gave rise to new movements. From the Treaty of Versailles (1919) through the founding of the United Nations (1945) and the years that followed, […]

SOC 4133: Content Analysis Paper

SOC 4133: Content Analysis Paper Due: Monday, November 23rd For this assignment, worth 10% of your course grade, you will carry out your own content analysis. Remember, you are conducting social scientific research, meaning that your methods and research process should be logical, systematic, documented, and unbiased. The unit of observation that you choose is […]


COST VARIANCE CONCEPTS THIS PAPER IS ABOUT COST VARIANCE CONCEPTS. QUESTION: How could you use the cost variance concepts as described in this Module at your organization, or an organization of which you are familiar? SAMPLE ANSWER BELOW (DO NOT COPY) Utilizing the 3 way cost variance analysis would be helpful for explaining why my […]

: Origins of Early Colonies

: Origins of Early Colonies Origins of Early Colonies Prepare: In Chapter 2, you will read that Jamestown, although remembered today as the foundation upon which English North America was established, came quite close to abandonment several times in its early history, and suffered extraordinarily high mortality rates for decades. By contrast, despite one bad […]

Repetitive Processing Product Layouts, specifically Production Lines/Assembly Lines.

Repetitive Processing Product Layouts, specifically Production Lines/Assembly Lines. Conduct an Internet search to find and read at least 3 RECENT articles that relate to Repetitive Processing Product Layouts, specifically Production Lines/Assembly Lines. *Before finding the articles, please read the document I uploaded of the text, which explains the topic clearly (beginning at the bottom of […]



Writing Paper #2 150 pts

Writing Paper #2 150 pts Drone Warfare Answer the following question in 3-4 double spaced pages. Read chapter 3 of the Drone Warfare book and relate the central theme of that chapter to each of the “4 P’s” Jentleson uses to explain US foreign policy motives and interests. Review the 4 P’s as Jentleson describes […]

Transformation of the Americas

Transformation of the Americas Transformation of the Americas Prepare: Chapter 1 discusses how in the year 1400, perhaps 50 million people or more lived in the Americas, completely isolated from the Old World of Eurasia and Africa. The peoples of Western Europe and West Africa were largely, though not completely, isolated from each other, and […]

BSc Operations Management UG5002

1 BSc Operations Management UG5002 Minor Assessment Angelo Arcuri AY 2015/2016 Assessment: Individual Project Word Count: 2000 +/–100 per person Percentage of final grade given: 25% Submission Date Written Report Week 6 – See Portal for submission details Submission Date Oral Presentation: N/A Objectives of the minor assessment The aim of this assignment is to […]

Word count or equivalent: 1400 words

Word count or equivalent: 1400 words Assessment briefing: It is essential for marketers to understand the implications of changes in the macro and micro environment. Critically appraise all elements of the PESTLE analysis and how marketers should adapt to changes. Provide specific UK examples from your industry to illustrate each point of the PESTLE analysis. […]

A Biblical Theology Of Jonah

A Biblical Theology Of Jonah used popular acadimic Bibliography . There are-1.Bruce Waltke OT theology 2.Paul House OT Theo logy 3.Evgane Merill OT theology etc—-and commentaries . Pls according to sample papers.I will send sample papers.

School of Science and Technology

School of Science and Technology COURSEWORK ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION MODULE CODE : BIOL40472 MODULE TITLE : Medical Microbiology (e-learning) MODULE LEADER : Dr Jody Winter TUTOR(S) : Dr Jody Winter TITLE : Review article LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSED : K1-4, S1-4 CONTRIBUTION TO ELEMENT : 50% of module mark DATE SET : Week 16 DATE OF SUBMISSION […]

What is the ethical dilemma Arjuna faces in the Bhagavad-Gita, and what arguments does Krishna give him for resolving this dilemma?

What is the ethical dilemma Arjuna faces in the Bhagavad-Gita, and what arguments does Krishna give him for resolving this dilemma? Directions: Write an essay on any ONE of the following questions. Essays must be submitted via Blackboard, in Word (doc or docx) format. Please double space. Include a title page with the following information: […]

OSINT Project Prospectus

OSINT Project Prospectus Assignment Instructions Write and submit a draft (typically two to three pages) of the Topic Description and Background section of your OSINT Course Project for instructor feedback. The Description and Background section should: 1. Concisely describe and define a problem scenario and/or organization that could be targeted using Open Source (OSINT) intervention. […]

Design4Practice (D4P) Program

Design4Practice (D4P) Program To: EGR 186 Students From: Dr. Ostroha Re: Histograms – Button Experiment This assignment is due on Wednesday by the beginning of class. PART I: Collect Experimental Data • Measure the diameter of the provided 30 buttons (use mm). o Follow the instructions presented in class on how to use the digital […]

Instructions for Data Collection Project

Instructions for Data Collection Project 1. Choose 2 variables in your own life that you think may correlate. (Positive correlation: when 1 goes up, the other goes up, or when one goes down, the other goes down. Ex: hours of sleep go up, alertness goes up. Negative correlation: when one goes up, the other goes […]

What is the structure of the oceanic crust and how was it determined?

What is the structure of the oceanic crust and how was it determined? please Note: Oceanic Crust and not continental crust For the this essay mainly talk about the structure which is the ophiolite stratigraphy, state how its confirmed, or proven or not For how it was determined, include 1) using seismic refraction surveys 2) […]

Environmental Biomonitoring, Sampling, and Testing & Water Economics

Environmental Biomonitoring, Sampling, and Testing & Water Economics Part IV. Free Response/Essays – provide a response for each question below. {30 points} Provide enough information to show your mastery of each topic. 1. Explain the two principles that form the basis of using a biotic index to assess stream condition. 2. Identify four specific purposes […]

Interviewing and Communication

Interviewing and Communication With Prospective Employers Lesson 14 Print This Page Introduction: Connecting Your Learning In this lesson, you will learn how to use the details from your résumé and application letter in your interview as a part of employment communication. Your interview will determine whether you get the position you want. Learning some techniques […]