White Paper

White Paper Research Paper Assignment There are many types of research reports written for business. Your textbook looks specifically at recommendation reports and feasibility reports. I’m offering you the option, too, to write a white paper. (A white paper is an informative and definitive overview of a well-researched topic. Some white papers may have a […]

Brand Plan of . Fashion industry

Brand Plan of . Fashion industry Assessment 3 – Brand Plan Assessment Type Proposal / Plan Description Purpose sample: The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ Knowledge of Discipline Theory, Models and Concepts and Proficiency in their Application and their Knowledge and skill specialisation within Discipline Description sample: Students apply their knowledge of […]

animal testing pro

animal testing pro You need to find at least 2 resources from my school’s library website. https://www.greenriver.edu/academics/library/search-and-find/databases-by-subject.htm you need my account to login in. Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value Main Elements Includes all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element (23-25) Includes most of […]

complex spatial organization of large cities, and urban development dynamics

  complex spatial organization of large cities, and urban development dynamics REPORT ASSIGNMENT Throughout this course, you have explored the complex spatial organization of built environments and socioeconomic activities in large urban areas and the dynamics of urban development processes. Among others, attention has been paid to the critical roles of transportation in connecting various […]

Ageism in Japan

Ageism in Japan The following below is from the syllabus: Purpose of Paper: The purpose of this paper is to help you understand cross cultural perspectives on aging in American culture and subcultures or any other culture that you choose (Japan.) You should be able to discuss culture and use anthropological perspectives to explore aging. […]

Just a Piece of Cloth Reflection

Just a Piece of Cloth Reflection Order Description Format: 300 words or around 1 1/2 pages double-spaced, each paper. Turn your paper in through the Canvas website. You can paste or type your response right into the box provided. Content Guidelines: Write a reflective response after viewing the video. To receive full credit, your paper […]

Strategy and Planning paper

Strategy and Planning paper Order Description Strategy and Planning paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following: • Explain why the 3 types of goals are important to the strategy of an organization. • Explain why the different types of planning are important to the strategy of an organization. • […]

MeMO Fiasibility

MeMO Fiasibility Write a 1-2 page memo, addressed to me, Professor Hirst, regarding your recommendations for 3 of the feasibility studies that you would most like to see go forward. In other words, if you had some “seed” money to put down on 3 of the topics, which ones? Why would you pick each one? […]

What is the ethical dilemma Arjuna faces in the Bhagavad-Gita, and what arguments does Krishna give him for resolving this dilemma? On balance, do you think Krishna makes a strong case?

What is the ethical dilemma Arjuna faces in the Bhagavad-Gita, and what arguments does Krishna give him for resolving this dilemma? On balance, do you think Krishna makes a strong case? Order Description Or do other topics: 2. A central theme in the Bhagavad-Gita is the ideal of unattached or desireless action. What is such […]

Individual reflection

Individual reflection Order Description Individual Reflection Each student should write a short individual reflection of their own experience of being involved in the iLab 1 & 2 group work. Reflection is the process of considering what you have learned, how useful it was, and how it may affect your future personal and career development. Each […]

WRTG 391 /Writing Assignment #2/The Critical Annotated Bibliography

WRTG 391 /Writing Assignment #2/The Critical Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment #2 will be a critical annotated bibliography of at least 12 scholarly sources. Please make sure you use 12 academic scholarly articles. In this assignment you will write a list of at least 12 scholarly references in alphabetical order in APA format. In addition, each […]

Labor Union Rights in America

Labor Union Rights in America Order Description The Critical Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment #2 will be a critical annotated bibliography of at least 12 scholarly sources. Please make sure you use 12 academic scholarly articles. In this assignment you will write a list of at least 12 scholarly references in alphabetical order in APA format. […]

Karl Marx

Karl Marx Humanities Seminar IIIntellectual Heritage ProgramTemple UniversityFall 2015Instructor: Matthew J. Smetona, Ph.D Write an analytic essay of four to six pages answering the questions listed below. Use relevant textual citations to support your argument. The essay is due on Friday, November 13th. It should be submitted to the instructor via the blackboard website for […]

Feminism and antislavery movement

Feminism and antislavery movement Order Description The primary source and focus in this research paper is Lydia Maria Child’s book: Anti slavery catechism which can be found through the following link: https://archive.org/stream/antislaverycatech00chil#page/n1/mode/2up The research should focus on the role of feminism and feminists in the antislavery movement in the USA, what drove it, and what […]

NR- 500 Foundational Concepts & Apps

NR- 500 Foundational Concepts & Apps Order Description NR- 500 Foundational Concepts & Apps Reference Readings are as follows: Cleary, M., Hunt, G., & Horsfall, J. (2009). Conducting efficient literature searches. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 47(11), 34–41. doi:10.3928/02793695-20090930-03 Below are the Course outcomes and how they relate to the program outcomes. […]

Using a Quantitative Research Method, “Chi Square” in the City and Regional (Urban) Planning Profession

Using a Quantitative Research Method, “Chi Square” in the City and Regional (Urban) Planning Profession Order Description This is for a personalized professional doctoral writer who has a Planning and Public Policy PhD., on a 10 Day delivery schedule. Detailed Instructions: Use thoughtful historically grounded insights, examples, ideas, and findings from planning literature ONLY to […]

Using a Quantitative Research Method, “Chi Square” in the City and Regional (Urban) Planning Profession Order Description This is for a personalized professional doctoral writer who has a Planning and Public Policy PhD., on a 10 Day delivery schedule. Detailed Instructions: Use thoughtful historically grounded insights, examples, ideas, and findings from planning literature ONLY to support and meet the guidelines as set out below. All examples and illustrations must be documented cases in city or regional (urban) planning with supporting qualitative or quantitative data in APA format. Paper: 26 pages @ 275 words per page = 7,150 words / Format: APA writing style / double space / Font: Times New Roman / Size 12 point / Site all sources in APA style / Reference page in APA style / Using the Quantitative Research Method, “Chi Square” in the City and Regional (Urban) Planning Profession: General Concept Tell them what you are going to tell them / Write 2 pages about 550 words: • Introduction: Introduce Chi Square to City and Regional (Urban) Planning by: o Pose a couple fishing question that could be answered by using the Chi Square research method in the planning profession. • Background information o Put together a condensed history or back story on the Chi Square research method. o What is typical and atypical for the Chi Square research method? • Setup and outline the paper by telling the reader what you are going to tell them in this paper. • Transition to… Applications of the Chi Square Method Tell them / Write 4-6 pages, about 1100 words with diagrams and examples mixed throughout. • What is the purpose of the Chi Square research method, (use planning examples to explain) • Why and when it is best to use the Chi Square research method in the planning profession. • Applications in city and regional (urban) planning (use good and bad examples) • Transition to… Mechanics of the Method Tell them / Write 2-4 pages about 550 words with diagrams and examples mixed throughout. • How does the Chi Square research method work? • Formula, graphic, illustrations, etc. • Explain or approach from an urban planning profession prospective • Use urban planning examples • Transition to… What You Do Tell them / Write 8-10 pages, about 2200 words with diagrams and examples mixed throughout. • Create a urban planning research question of your interest • Provide step-by step guideline (with screenshots examples if possible) of how to perform the Chi Square test • Present the results / findings • Explain or interpret the results / findings • Transition to… Two Case studies From Top Planning Journals in City Regional (Urban) Planning Validate what you told them / Write 4-6 pages, about 1100 words per case study with diagrams and examples mixed throughout. (Copy and Paste information, diagrams, findings directly from case study, be sure to cite in APA format) • Background information about the case study • Research question(s) • Dependent variable(s), independent variables, unit of analysis, • Why they used the Chi Square method? • How the author(s) used it? • Findings and interpretation of the results • You critical assessment of the study: o Articulate why you believe is or it is not an appropriate use of the Chi Square method? o Does it have Validity and reliability, why or why not? o Does it make since in the context in which it is being used? • Transition to… Conclusion Write 2 pages about 550 words: • Simplify what you told them and tell them why you told them Additional Comments Direction: • Stay on topic • Avoid random or separate points or ideas • No random statements or facts. • No statements without backup facts and documentation, APA cite style • Be sure to articulate clearly and concisely, so the ideal, point, example, or illustration is conveyed and is clearly understood. • Be persuasive and entertain the reader by using facts and documentation, which are relevant and are backed up by creditable planning reports or literature. Cite in APA style. • Tell the reader what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. • Use transition statements between thoughts and paragraphs. • Tell the reader what it is you are telling them clearly and without a lot of wordiness. • Use published literature in national recognized planning journals as well as published urban planning case studies to illustrate or give your position validity and reliability. • Write a conclusion which summarizes what you clearly articulated and documented as to why the reader should give validity to your position or findings. • Tell the reader what you told them and how and why you believe this method is the one to use in these instances. Cite examples you used to illustrate your point in APA • Must be original work! • Do not plagiaries, Cite everything in APA style, as its only plagiarism if it is not cited. • It is okay to use others work for references but it MUST be cited in APA format. • Cite all references in APA style, in the body of the paper and on reference page. • The paper must be submitted both electronically as well as on paper, and will be subject to plagiarism screening, including screening by a commercial plagiarism detection service. • Some of the commercial screening services will permanently retain the text of this paper in order to facilitate routine screening of papers submitted by others in the future.

Using a Quantitative Research Method, “Chi Square” in the City and Regional (Urban) Planning Profession Order Description This is for a personalized professional doctoral writer who has a Planning and Public Policy PhD., on a 10 Day delivery schedule. Detailed Instructions: Use thoughtful historically grounded insights, examples, ideas, and findings from planning literature ONLY to […]

Humanistic psych

Humanistic psych Order Description This is a two part paper one page on the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJmm9Q2TDbQ&feature=youtu.be from a humanistic perspective and with a view from someone that is a nonbeliever or atheist and that struggles with the concept of spirituality. the second part is a 1 page paper discussed the thoughts on the required readings […]

Humanist psychology what it means

Humanist psychology what it means Order Description Making use of the readings of the Unit, post a brief but thoughtful reply to answer the Reflection Question, What do you think it means to do research in psychology, human sciences, or organizational systems, as a phenomenologist or a grounded theorist? Important note: Without direct quotation, paraphrasing […]

The Effects of Social Networking on Wellbeing

The Effects of Social Networking on Wellbeing Order Description Recently, there has been a huge growth in the number of social psychological studies examining the use of Facebook and other social networking platforms. Taking a social psychological perspective, please review at least 3 empirical studies (that is, those that collect data) to draw a conclusion […]

Assignment 2/ Strengths Analysis & Leadership Profile: Mixed Methods Approach

Assignment 2/ Strengths Analysis & Leadership Profile: Mixed Methods Approach – 30 points This assignment is based on the mixed method approach to gather data about you as a leader: quantitative (surveys) and qualitative (interviews). Part One (quantitative): Throughout this course you will develop your personal Leadership Profile and determine your strengths and areas to […]

How would you design a survey for setting pay for welders? How would you design a survey for setting pay for financial managers? Do the issues differ? Will the techniques used and the data collected differ? Why or why not?

How would you design a survey for setting pay for welders? How would you design a survey for setting pay for financial managers? Do the issues differ? Will the techniques used and the data collected differ? Why or why not? Order Description How would you design a survey for setting pay for welders? How would […]

PM 7016 week 3

PM 7016 week 3 Order Description The corporate chief financial officer (CFO) is requesting a budget to go along with the resource estimates you will acquire from the work breakdown structure. Formulate the resource estimates and budget for the project in a project management spreadsheet. Your spreadsheet should include integrating scope with costs and schedules, […]


ECONOMICS Order Description MBA 540 1. (10 pts.) Stella Ann Freeman is having a difficult time deciding whether or not to purchase a new car. How would understanding the concept of opportunity costs help her make a decision? 2. (10 pts.) Referring to the table below, hiring a driver costs $10. Each machine costs $100. […]

reading response M 23

reading response M 23 McNeill, John Robert, and William Hardy McNeill. The Human Web: A Bird’s-eye View of World History. New York: W.W. Norton, 2003. 9780393925685 – J.R. McNeill and William McNeill, The Human Web: A Bird’s Eye View of World History –Chapter VI What did the world look like in 1450? Why might the […]

reading response F 20

reading response F 20 Colley, Linda. The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History. New York: Random House, 2008 9780385721493 – Colley, The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History – Chapter 3 Your response should include a brief summary of the reading and your own interpretation of it. What are […]

The geology enrichment activities are intended to get you to think about some aspect of geology outside of the classroom.

The geology enrichment activities are intended to get you to think about some aspect of geology outside of the classroom. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, geologic hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides), natural resources (oil, minerals), fossils, and geologically related environmental issues. You can do any of the following for your activities: 1 Read […]

Peer Feedback on Rhetorical Synthesis

Peer Feedback on Rhetorical Synthesis Paper details: Provide Clear and Detailed Feedback on the attached essay. Make sure all questions below are addressed Is the writer’s topic clear and focused? Is the issue presented as one that is debatable and with multiple viewpoints? Is the writer demonstrating that s/he understands the arguments made in the […]