Choose focus group qualitative research methodand:

1) Choose focus group qualitative research methodand: a) Identify a research problem and or question (s) that would be most appropriate to this type of method; that is what you will study;((something related to physical activities or diet)) b) Develop a research design appropriate to focus group method (that is how you will study the […]

Title:Dedicated equipment and techniques fordigital X-ray mammography

Title:Dedicated equipment and techniques fordigital X-ray mammography How does X-ray equipment and radiographic practice for mammography differ to that used in general radiography? You should discuss equipment issues (such as the X- ray tube (e.g. filament size, anode, focal spot size), generator, beam filtration, collimation, image receptors, X-ray tube/image receptor stand) and radiographic technique. For […]

Paper Two

Paper Two Order Description Instructions Answer the following question with a thoughtful, carefully constructed essay in response (minimum of four double-spaced pages with 12pt font and one-inch margins). Be sure the essay begins with good thesis statement, and make sure that each subsequent paragraph supports this thesis with evidence from the course readings. In this […]

Five Points

Five Points Order Description The major project may take the form of a research paper or a curriculum project dealing with any aspect of New York’s development or with a New York landmark, or a person who has had a major impact upon New York State. MY TOPICS IS: FIVE POINTS. All projects must be […]

6 Thinking Hats Project

6 Thinking Hats Project Assignment 1 (15%) Deadline: _______________________________ Community Proposal – Analyze and Recommend – Written 1. You will be assigned 1 community-related proposal. The topic is: The minimum salary any employer (companies and private individuals) in the UAE can give is 3,000 dirhams. Any new building development must contain at least 20% affordable […]

PSY 550: Annotated Bibliography Assignment

PSY 550: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Overview An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually under 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph: the annotation. Note that abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in […]

Evaluation of Marketing Plan Instructions Unlike traditional cases, a simulation provides you the opportunity to revisit your prior analysis, examine the impact of your decisions, evaluate competitive response to your strategy, and redevelop your strategy. You have developed and implemented your marketing plan, now it is time to evaluate the success of that plan and reflect on what you have learned. Part 1: Overall Evaluation of Results What is your cumulative net income, share of manufacturer sales, and stock price (including your class rank) at the end of Period 4? You can find this information under comparative results in PharmaSim. Based on your results on these metrics and your class rank on each, what is your evaluation of the overall success of your marketing plan? Based on these metrics, what conclusions can you draw about the relationship between cumulative net income, share of manufacturer sales, and stock price? Part 2: Key Performance Indicators Setting meaningful objectives requires a good understanding of your company and market. Doing it effectively is challenging and takes practice. Go back to your Two-page Marketing Plan and complete the first three columns of the table. Complete the last column of the table after the rollover. Based on what you have learned about the industry and your company, were these the right KPIs to monitor the overall performance of your marketing plan? Have they provided you with insight into the most important factors underlying your progress? Are there different KPIs that you should have included in place of the four that you selected? Part 3: MVA of Results As a marketing manager, your ability to make accurate projections based on changes in the environment and on the impact of changes in your marketing plan on the market is critical to your overall success. These estimates are commonly used to evaluate the likelihood of breakeven on new marketing initiatives and to prepare pro forma income statements. Go back to each of the Period Worksheets and record your MVA of results for Allround below in the columns labeled $M. You will need to calculate the MVA components for Period 5 before completing the table. Calculate the percent of the total NMC variance accounted for by each component of variance. For example for Period 1, the Demand Variance % is equal to Demand Variance $M divided by NMC Variance $M. Theoretically, the sum of Demand, Share, Price, Cost, and Marketing Expense Variances should total NMC Variance, but this may be slightly off due to rounding error. Each period, you have been estimating total industry demand and your share of the market. To the extent that your estimates of demand and share are correct, your total NMC variance is minimized. In the context of the simulation, unexpected changes between your planned and your actual results in price, cost, and marketing expenditures are generally contained. Aside from the impact of inflation, they are not allowed to vary much from your plans. You are much more likely to find that your demand and share variances are larger components of your overall NMC variance. Part 4: Demand Estimation How has your accuracy at predicting demand improved? What external factors have the biggest impact on demand? Which of the external factors are most difficult to predict? Why? What elements of your marketing mix have the biggest impact on demand? (Remember, here we are talking about total industry demand and not demand for your brand.) How can you improve your estimates of demand over the next 5 periods? Part 5: Share Estimation How has your accuracy at predicting share improved? What external factors have the biggest impact on share? Which of the external factors are most difficult to predict? Why? What elements of your marketing mix have the biggest impact on share? How can you improve your estimates of share over the next 5 periods? Evaluation of Marketing Plan Instructions Unlike traditional cases, a simulation provides you the opportunity to revisit your prior analysis, examine the impact of your decisions, evaluate competitive response to your strategy, and redevelop your strategy. You have developed and implemented your marketing plan, now it is time to evaluate the success of that plan and reflect on what you have learned. Part 1: Overall Evaluation of Results What is your cumulative net income, share of manufacturer sales, and stock price (including your class rank) at the end of Period 4? You can find this information under comparative results in PharmaSim. Based on your results on these metrics and your class rank on each, what is your evaluation of the overall success of your marketing plan? Based on these metrics, what conclusions can you draw about the relationship between cumulative net income, share of manufacturer sales, and stock price? Part 2: Key Performance Indicators Setting meaningful objectives requires a good understanding of your company and market. Doing it effectively is challenging and takes practice. Go back to your Two-page Marketing Plan and complete the first three columns of the table. Complete the last column of the table after the rollover. Based on what you have learned about the industry and your company, were these the right KPIs to monitor the overall performance of your marketing plan? Have they provided you with insight into the most important factors underlying your progress? Are there different KPIs that you should have included in place of the four that you selected? Part 3: MVA of Results As a marketing manager, your ability to make accurate projections based on changes in the environment and on the impact of changes in your marketing plan on the market is critical to your overall success. These estimates are commonly used to evaluate the likelihood of breakeven on new marketing initiatives and to prepare pro forma income statements. Go back to each of the Period Worksheets and record your MVA of results for Allround below in the columns labeled $M. You will need to calculate the MVA components for Period 5 before completing the table. Calculate the percent of the total NMC variance accounted for by each component of variance. For example for Period 1, the Demand Variance % is equal to Demand Variance $M divided by NMC Variance $M. Theoretically, the sum of Demand, Share, Price, Cost, and Marketing Expense Variances should total NMC Variance, but this may be slightly off due to rounding error. Each period, you have been estimating total industry demand and your share of the market. To the extent that your estimates of demand and share are correct, your total NMC variance is minimized. In the context of the simulation, unexpected changes between your planned and your actual results in price, cost, and marketing expenditures are generally contained. Aside from the impact of inflation, they are not allowed to vary much from your plans. You are much more likely to find that your demand and share variances are larger components of your overall NMC variance. Part 4: Demand Estimation How has your accuracy at predicting demand improved? What external factors have the biggest impact on demand? Which of the external factors are most difficult to predict? Why? What elements of your marketing mix have the biggest impact on demand? (Remember, here we are talking about total industry demand and not demand for your brand.) How can you improve your estimates of demand over the next 5 periods? Part 5: Share Estimation How has your accuracy at predicting share improved? What external factors have the biggest impact on share? Which of the external factors are most difficult to predict? Why? What elements of your marketing mix have the biggest impact on share? How can you improve your estimates of share over the next 5 periods?

Evaluation of Marketing Plan Instructions Unlike traditional cases, a simulation provides you the opportunity to revisit your prior analysis, examine the impact of your decisions, evaluate competitive response to your strategy, and redevelop your strategy. You have developed and implemented your marketing plan, now it is time to evaluate the success of that plan and […]

Compare and contrasts the businesses of insurance and banking

Compare and contrasts the businesses of insurance and banking Order Description Question In recent years the boundaries between the banking and insurance industries have become blurred, with many types of ‘bancassurance’ operators and instruments that combine the features of both insurance and banking products. Compare and contrasts the businesses of insurance and banking. (Your comparison […]


101LON Economics Coursework 1# (40% final mark) Title: Primark supplying consumers with ethically sourced garments Introduction In recent years, ethical sourcing of garments has been one of the most discussed in business, economics and government issues. Specifically, is it ‘ethical’ for firms to source low cost manufactured good in undeveloped countries? You will prepare a […]

What does it take to be a living organism?

What does it take to be a living organism? Living things share 8 characteristics that are listed in Chapter 1 of your textbook on page 19. Think of an organism or cell in which all 8 characteristics are not obvious. For example, coral looks like it does not move, red blood cells do not reproduce […]

Part ONE

Part ONE Discuss two the following statements Describe the Five Negotiation Skills in Closing the Deal and indicate how you would, or have used them in an actual bargaining and negotiation situation specifying the issues, actors, and outcomes. Explain the purpose of an agreement template and why a written agreement best serves to generate commitment […]

Talk: According to Adichie, what is the true danger of a single story? How does she explain its impact on one's understanding of literature? How does it impact our understanding of others different from us? How can we apply the ideas from her TED Talk to our upcoming novel, Soledad, which focuses on a the life a young woman struggling to reconcile her identities as both a Domincan and a New Yorker Your response should be 5-8 sentences. Mention specifics from the talk and your own take on these ideas Talk: According to Adichie, what is the true danger of a single story? How does she explain its impact on one's understanding of literature? How does it impact our understanding of others different from us? How can we apply the ideas from her TED Talk to our upcoming novel, Soledad, which focuses on a the life a young woman struggling to reconcile her identities as both a Domincan and a New Yorker Your response should be 5-8 sentences. Mention specifics from the talk and your own take on these ideas

Talk: According to Adichie, what is the true danger of a single story? How does she explain its impact on one’s understanding of literature? How does it impact our understanding of others different from us? How can we apply the ideas from her TED Talk to our upcoming novel, Soledad, which focuses on a […]

Hauled Container System – Solid Waste Management

Hauled Container System – Solid Waste Management You have been retained as an external consultant to evaluate the collection operation of the city of Seremban. The basic questions center around the amount of time spent on off-route activities by the collectors. The collectors say that they spend less than 15 percent of each 8-h workday […]

Nursing Unit Proposal Paper

Nursing Unit Proposal Paper Order Description Due to the increased number of veterans returning from the current war with injuries related to limb loss, spinal cord injury and many other mobility issues, it has become necessary for Modern Health Medical Center to open a state of the art rehabilitation unit and will have ten inpatient […]

Creating an International Marketing Analysis for “IKEA”

Creating an International Marketing Analysis for “IKEA” Order Description IKEA Regular Assignment – Strategic Marketing Review Creating an International Marketing Analysis for “IKEA” This assessment is the culmination of all the work so far in this module. Students are required to draw up an International Marketing Analysis for IKEA. Students are required to present your […]

Department of History

Department of History History 1601E (History of East Asia), 2015-2016 Guide to the Written Assignment The written assignment is due on November 17, 2015 and is worth 5% of your final mark. NOTE: there will be a 2% per day penalty for late papers. Papers are to be submitted in class. Late papers are to […]

Public health in nutrition

Public health in nutrition Order Description Professional Development Portfolio 1a Write a personal statement outlining your qualifications and experiences that demonstrate your suitability to become a public health nutritionist. Highlight core requirements of the role such as organisation, communication, project planning skills, etc. look at relevant job specifications to help develop the key information you […]

Instructions of the Industry Profile

Instructions of the Industry Profile Please produce an industry profile for theaircraft manufacturing industry at the 6-digit NAICS level. Please note that a NAICS code is attached to an establishment – which is one physical location where production is being undertaken. An enterprise or firm may be made up of different establishments, that produce different […]

Cyber Kill Chain approach

Cyber Kill Chain approach please write one page of cyber Kill chain what you understand about kill chain? so in here summary of cyber kill chain and why it used where it used.. an example of organization use this model… how much could you cost to install such as model with different types since each […]

IQ Testing/ Functional Behavioral Assessment

IQ Testing/ Functional Behavioral Assessment Order Description What is the difference between a functional behavioral assessment and a functional behavior analysis? 2. Define the term tantrum in behavioral terms. 3. Mark and Joey are in the same math class. Mark was looking through his materials in his desk and was not attending to the work […]

Critical Discussion

Critical Discussion Order Description Section 51(vi) of the Australian Constitution is known as the Defence Power. This power has been interpreted widely by the High Court, including the taking possession of and controlling property, confiscating literature, and prohibiting public meetings of organizations whose activities were considered prejudicial to the defence of the Commonwealth or the […]

How to detect Sepsis?

How to detect Sepsis? Paper details: Reflective writing is one way of citing evidence of practice and learning in practice. Reflective writing involves thinking about and reviewing events to try and make sense of them, using acquired nursing knowledge and understanding. Reflective journaling also provides insight into context and emotions and addresses the matching of […]

Question for writing the paper:

Question for writing the paper: After considering this week’s reading and activities, please take no more than 2 pages and address the following topic in a response paper. Use Martin’s example of “The 3 Times,” to reflect about when you have experienced each of the “3 times” in your own life. Please use three different […]

Who Painted the Lion?

Who Painted the Lion? Paper details: This essay should be a 600-900 word essay. The essay should be in MLA essay format (see the attached sample essay below) and should have a self-assessment (which should answer these questions) as the first page. A works cited entry and in-text citations for each text discussed are required. […]

Air pollution

Air pollution Paper details: Regarding cost of air pollution to human health versus cost of control technologies, compare and contrast the Pigovian tax, tradable permits, and WTP (willingness-to-pay). . Question 2 Explain the primary source of each of the following: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide. How can these chemicals be reduced? Your response […]

how informatics and technology competencies are essential to nursing research?

how informatics and technology competencies are essential to nursing research? Paper details: • Identify one way that informatics and technology competencies are essential to nursing research • Articles must be within five years. (use article below)


Accounting In Carroll and Buccholtz (2015, p. 568) you will read the Case Analysis Guidelines, Issue/Problem Identification, Analysis/Evaluation and Recommendations. You will answer the associated questions using a substantive response-meaning you will need to answer the questions, but also expand upon your answers with information from one the (Cases 1-41) that you choose. There are […]