case study

case study The question is for Volkswagen’s case, and the other two are the reading you need to read to answer the Volkswagen’s case question. questions are: How does the strategy map (Exhibit 4) and Balanced Scorecard (Exhibit 5) help Schmall and Senn implement the new strategy? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the […]

Hidden Bed

Hidden Bed Please market this Product “Hidden Bed” in a country that do not have it yet, Excluding the UAE and Jamaica. Watch this video I will upload a guideline, follow each step. Read it all carefully please. If you just name a country then try to justify your choice without demonstrating its superiority […]


AH2 UNIT 1 ESSAY PLEASE CLOSELY FOLLOW THE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS AND REFERENCES! Unit I Essay Within this unit, you have learned many things regarding the Gilded Age, while getting a quick peek into the Progressive Age. Based on this knowledge from the lecture and readings, identify the one event introduced in this post-Civil War era […]

case study report

case study report it is a case study report we have to write about particular event of particular location which is Gold Coast in Queensland, event should be held in between 30 November to 4 January . more specifications/guidelines of assignment m going to attach in file. This is second assignment , you can have […]

total rewards director for a large domestic manufacturing company

total rewards director for a large domestic manufacturing company Unit VIII Scholarly Activity You are the total rewards director for a large domestic manufacturing company. The CEO has announced that they will be opening a new foreign production plant next year in Mexico. This new plant needs to be up and running by the deadline […]

Big Data

Big Data In this assignment, you will experiment with Big Data and what media theorist Lev Manovich calls ‘cultural analytics’. The practical side of this one is slightly more demanding than the others, which will be factored in during grading (12% for practical component, 8% for reflection). As we will discuss in lecture, Big Data […]

World Literature

World Literature Show the advancement of 1,000 word + word essay through the works of Genesis. Synthesize major points to show the most important concepts advanced. Sections studied Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Aeneid.


INVESTMENT PLAN: PARTS 1 AND ll – FINANCE 344 Create a mutual fund investment plan for Roger MacMillan based on his cash flow surplus and available investments (Cash.flow Analvsis and Financial Profile prot,ided). This plan should be typed and include a cover page. engagement lefter (assume you are mutual fund licensed and prepare a letter […]

business law and legal environment name of my course —————————

business law and legal environment name of my course —————————————————————- the questions are: 1. 20 POINTS: For writing up a report regarding the California Supreme Courthouse field trip either in Sacramento or San Francisco (Class Field Trip.) San Francisco (or Sacramento) Court House (3 pages in length) – In your report, identify the following if […]

Assignment 4.2: Intelligence Tests

Assignment 4.2: Intelligence Tests Research three types of intelligence tests. Create a chart that lists the name of the test, a summary of the test, and an example of how it is used. Name of Test Summary of Test Example of how it is used Use a word processing program (such as MS Word) to […]

Assignment 4.1: Problem Solving

Assignment 4.1: Problem Solving Write a 2-3 page paper following the steps below: With an abstract Step 1: Identify a problem you would like to solve. Think about the problems you are now encountering or may be encountering in the future. Consider problems about relationships, money, living arrangements, school, career, family, friends, or others. Document […]

Roles and Opportunities for Ministry Reflections

Roles and Opportunities for Ministry Reflections Write a reflections on the note below. Only use the source/references from the note below please. Week Five – Roles and Opportunities for Ministry Understanding traditional and non-traditional contexts/opportunities of ministry Kenneth L. Mills There are several traditional roles of ministry easily understood and accepted in the wider scope […]

Sociology video response paper

Sociology video response paper Order Description In this hidden camera television show, part of ABC’s Primetime series, What Would You Do? actors act out scenes of discrimination in public settings to see if bystanders intervene. Even if you have seen the show before, watch these episodes and analyze them from a sociological perspective. Compare five […]

Grey Matters

Grey Matters Paper details: Summarize the following book. Grey Matters: Fictional Dialogues for the Real World by Bradford Tatum, ISBN: 978-0-9844896-8-8 or 0-9844896-8-1 you do not have to write it as a formal easy. however, I need you to mention all important point into it. I will have quiz regarding this book so mention as […]


ASSIGNMENT BRIEF – INDIVIDUAL REPORT 2,000 WORDS When working in a business context it is typical to produce reports in a relatively autonomous manner. The assessed part of the work for the course aims to help students to develop skills for report writing. The main aim of the individual coursework assignment is to give each […]

Housing crisis of 2008

Housing crisis of 2008 Write about what led up to the housing crisis of 2008 and why. Talk about the banks and how they securitized mortgages as well as the problem with the subprime mortgages. Talk about Fannie and Freddie’s involvement in all of it. Sources to be used: Attached file is a short paper […]

Further Qualitative Research Methods

Further Qualitative Research Methods P14123 Individual coursework The individual coursework is not only meant to assess your learning in this module. In addition to being an assessment, it is designed to help extend and consolidate your learning as well as prepare you for the writing of your Master’s dissertation. As such, it will take you […]

Introduction to Management (Luxottica)

Introduction to Management (Luxottica) Paper details: This assessment requires you to undertake research, and convey your findings relating the academic terms and concepts to Luxottica. To achieve this, you will need to first understand the academic material, and then how these concepts apply or describe the company based on the information uncovered in your research […]

Human resource training in UAE

oHuman resource training in UAE Order Description 1. I want an article about advances in technology which should be a training issue related to the UAE business context. 2. Write an article to explain your argument and views. 3. Article should be between 1500-2000 words. 4. Appropriate referencing is required


MANAGING CHAIN VALUE ASSIGNMENT 1 Order Description Unit 1 Assignment: The Contemporary Value Chain Model in Action This Assignment is an opportunity for you to relate what you learned about the Contemporary Value Chain Model to your own knowledge and experience. The purpose of the Assignment is for you to demonstrate a graduate level understanding […]

written appraisal of a study of risk communication

written appraisal of a study of risk communication Order Description This assessment takes the form of written appraisal of a study of risk communication. At the beginning of the module you should select a research study in consultation with the module tutor that you will use as the basis for your appraisal. Thereafter you should […]

The Bouncing Ball

The Bouncing Ball Chapter 1 and 2 of the text gives you an introduction to the order of science and some history within the field of physical science. For this assignment: Address each question below. In your document include the question number and the question statement immediately before your response. Each question response should be […]


PROJECT SUMMARY (SCENARIO) In planning the production system, major decisions are made concerning the design of the product or services as well as the design of the production processes. Entrepreneurs usually formulate new businesses based on a unique product or a service idea. In existing firms, new products or services are introduced when the competition […]

Preschool Observation Guide

Preschool Observation Guide Date: School/Program: Number of Children: Number of Adults: Ages of Children: Length of Observation: The Role of Play in this Environment: Ways in which the philosophy and practice of encouraging, guiding, and supporting children’s learning through play were evidenced: Opportunities and Kinds of Play Observed: Children’s Actions: Adult Actions: Physical Environment Ways […]

depends on who you pick for the topic

depends on who you pick for the topic Order Description You are to interview someone that works counselor of any kind (youth, drug, guidance, etc.)Introduction to Human Services Interview Paper Question Suggestions You are to identify a direct services provision professional in a specific area of human services you are interested in. This person can […]


ASSIGNMENT BRIEF – INDIVIDUAL REPORT 2,000 WORDS When working in a business context it is typical to produce reports in a relatively autonomous manner. The assessed part of the work for the course aims to help students to develop skills for report writing. The main aim of the individual coursework assignment is to give each […]

The purpose of the assessment is to allow students to reflect on the processes involved in second language learning, with reference to the main SLA models and theories discussed in different textbooks in relation to SLA

The purpose of the assessment is to allow students to reflect on the processes involved in second language learning, with reference to the main SLA models and theories discussed in different textbooks in relation to SLA Order Description You have to write a Learning Diary for a new language that you took to learn. The […]

MCGR 331-Information Systems – Fall 2015

MCGR 331-Information Systems – Fall 2015 Team Company Technology Assignment • The assignment is to be done in teams of 4 or 5(randomly assigned) • Deliverables: o Preliminary report due no later than Sunday, November 8 at 11:59pm.This is a 1 page report (in word format) identifying your company and an outline of your major […]