Learning Process Describe how learning is accomplished from stimuli to processing. Here you don’t have to be specific with the neural pathways if you choose not to, but you do have to identify the brain… continue of the topic is in the description box

Learning Process Describe how learning is accomplished from stimuli to processing. Here you don’t have to be specific with the neural pathways if you choose not to, but you do have to identify the brain… continue of the topic is in the description box topic Learning Process: Describe how learning is accomplished from stimuli to […]

Classical Film Theory

Classical Film Theory several key similarities between the cultural theories of Walter Benjamin and his colleagues, Horkheimer and Adorno. However, they also differ, either subtly or more substantially, on some key points. For this option, develop a thesis about the Benjamin and Adorno/Horkheimer pieces in relation to ONE of the following themes: a) culture and […]

Multidisciplinary Analysis.

Multidisciplinary Analysis. Select one of the topics listed below and develop a paper that analyzes issues of human sexuality from multidisciplinary perspectives. Apply concepts from three distinctly different disciplines of human study to analyze the particular phenomenon, see listing below one from each column. Incorporate theoretical frameworks, theoretical constructs and other “explanations” that have been […]

Medical Statistics

Medical Statistics Diegeler et al. [NEJM 2013; 368: 1189-98] undertook a study of off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery in older patients. You should read this paper carefully before attempting to answer the following questions. Students are expected to answer all questions in a concise manner and marks will be awarded for clear and succinct […]

Is globalisation leading to a single, homogenised global society and culture? What does the idea of multiple modernities contribute to debate on this question?

Is globalisation leading to a single, homogenised global society and culture? What does the idea of multiple modernities contribute to debate on this question? Is globalisation leading to a single, homogenised global society and culture? What does the idea of multiple modernities contribute to debate on this question? 2 parts to the question, make sure […]


volunteer How does your volunteer experience at a hospice clinic related to the three main theoretical perspectives in sociology. a. Structural Functionalism b. Social Conflict c. Symbolic Interactionism

A case study analysis is based on questions provided by the professor to illustrate the key concepts of the text and other information discussed during the course. Each of the questions is worth 100 points for a total of total of 200 points.

CASE STUDY: (200 points) A case study analysis is based on questions provided by the professor to illustrate the key concepts of the text and other information discussed during the course. Each of the questions is worth 100 points for a total of total of 200 points. Case Study: Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical […]

Assignment #3 – ENGI 2133 October 2015

Assignment #3 – ENGI 2133 October 2015 Due: October 22, 2015. 1. Consider the air over a city to be a box 100 km on the two bottom sides that reaches up to an altitude of 1.0 km. Clean air is blowing into the box along one of its sides with a speed of 4m/sec. […]

case study questions for Computers and Society

case study questions for Computers and Society Order Description Read the instructions and the chapter provided and answer the following questions. Instructions: 1- Each question should be answered in a short paragraph. 2- Note that I am particularly picky in how you use sources for your answers to case studies. I want YOUR words. You […]

Assessment item 1 — Individual or Group Assignment

Assessment item 1 — Individual or Group Assignment Due date: 18 January 16 Weighting: 40% Length: 3000 words approximately OBJECTIVES This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4 as stated in the course profile. This assessment task comprises several compulsory parts. This assessment item may be completed either individually […]

BUS 1303 Marketing

BUS 1303 Marketing Coursework: Report (30%) Instructor: Due Date: Week 14 Length of report: 1500-2000 words Weight: 30% Written Report (20%) and Oral Defense (10%) Market research survey questionnaire to be included Task Group project on marketing opportunities for a brand of consumer products. You will choose/be assigned a brand of consumer products. Each group […]

Introduction: During this discussion you will begin the process of critiquing qualitative research. To prepare for this activity, you should have completed reading the required articles for this module. The 3 studies will be used for class discussions (M5D1-M6D1):

Introduction: During this discussion you will begin the process of critiquing qualitative research. To prepare for this activity, you should have completed reading the required articles for this module. The 3 studies will be used for class discussions (M5D1-M6D1): • Ethnography: Ironside, P. M. (2014). Enabling Narrative Pedagogy: Inviting, Waiting, and Letting Be. Nursing Education […]

Writing Assignment:

Writing Assignment: Reading Historical and Cultural Landscapes 100 Points DUE: November 19, 2015 at 11:00AM on Moodle HIST 1118: U.S. History and Culture Dr. Youngs Project Description: This project will give you the opportunity to complete historical research and landscape interpretation and synthesize the readings and discussions from class this semester. Students will complete a […]

Mutual fund tracking assignment

Mutual fund tracking assignment Each student will be given 2 mutual funds, 1 from the stock mutual fund list and 1 from the bond mutual fund list. Invest $10,000 in each fund. Use a table format (example provided on Pilot) to record the initial number of shares purchased and closing price of each investment as […]

Team Observation

Team Observation For this 3-5 page paper, you will observe a team in action, and your assignment is to write an analytical paper about your observations. Your paper will discuss the team’s patterns, behavior, design, process, and effectiveness as well as describe what makes the team unique. At a minimum, your paper should include the […]

Case 2: Buffalo Wild Wings

Case 2: Buffalo Wild Wings Conduct in-depth analysis of each question. Questions require more than short answers, you should be able to answer each question in depth, find relationships between chapter readings, external sources, and company website. Use APA for citations within questions and include references at the end of each question. There are four […]

Construction Law – EBB 5/ 080 – Coursework Assessment, 2015/16

Page 1 of 5 Construction Law – EBB 5/ 080 – Coursework Assessment, 2015/16 Due Date: Friday 27 November 2015 Please submit your answers via electronic submission on Moodle in Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format. Please ensure that the names of each participant and their student number are listed on the document itself. […]

There are several types of market imperfections. Explain the natural monopoly

There are several types of market imperfections. Explain the natural monopoly • Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type). • Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e. an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion). • Responses must be […]


HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Organisation Design & Organisation Development (your Action Learning Set groups) produce 1. a report and 2. Deliver a PowerPoint presentation that uses academic models from the course to critically assess the effectiveness and efficiency of your Action Learning set. Specifically you should: 1. Reflect upon the outcomes of action learning set process […]

Organisation Behaviour

Organisation Behaviour Question:Citing, using and analysing evidence and theories from the module’s seminar and lecture readings (at least five): critically examine how coercion is an important element of management? 2500words Reading Sources from outside the module are only permitted if you are using them for examples e.g. Ford uses Taylorist production methods. It is expected […]

Assignment Task

Assignment Task Assess the benefits of supply chain “partnerships” for retail buying and merchandising. You should adopt a critical stance. (2000 words) Assessment Criteria • Knowledge and understanding of supply chain partnering concepts related specifically to retail buying and merchandising-related issues • Application of theory to practical context • Use of academic and industry references […]

Case Study 4

HCM530 Case Study 4 Risk Adjustment with Multivariate Techniques (New York) The state of New York (http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/heart/1996-98cabg.pdf) has reported risk adjusted mortality statistics for coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) for a number of years, as discussed earlier in the text. New York uses the second major approach to risk adjustment, a multivariate model. Such […]


SUPREMATISM, DADA, DE STIJL, SURREALISM, AMERICAN The discussion for our 13th week begins on Monday. The five styles/periods we are covering this week are Suprematism, Dada, de Stijl, Surrealism (Monday/Tuesday) and American (Wednesday/Thursday). It is everyone’s job on the discussion board to figure out how to identify/distinguish these two styles for Friday’s quiz. 1st, you […]


ALTERNATE HUMANITIES CULTURAL EVENT REPORT. This option is only for people who absolutely cannot visit a museum or performance during the term. Length: 4-5 pp. (1500 – 1800 words), plus a list of active links that go directly to the illustrations, as well as to the texts or active links you consulted for background information. […]

Discussion on social Media

Discussion on social Media Below is a list of questions, please answer each of the questions. All of your post must include proper use of grammar and MLA citation should you choose to quote from the selection. 1. Do you think Facebook is making you mean? Do you say things that you might not say […]


WicthCraft write a 10 page essay on witch craft based on the annotated bibliography and the power point attached at the bottom

Is capitalist globalization desirable, especially for poor countries?

Is capitalist globalization desirable, especially for poor countries? The research project invites students to substantively discuss a significant scientific controversy or debate by placing it in its wider social context. The aim is for students to explore how the production of scientific knowledge may be influenced by societal forces and interests, social identities, emotions and […]

Eight pages.

– Eight pages. – The paper must be critical and NOT just a book review or summary for the articles. Text: 4.Ellis and Nelson. Debating the Presidency. Sage/CQ Press, 2010, (2nd Edition). ISBN 978-1-60426-565-1. Material for the critical review paper must not be copied from the Internet. The material must reflect your own writing. Further, […]