The Island of Tagg

    With the arrival of the oil company, the population of Tagg is growing in number and also in diversity. What was once a relatively homogeneous population with a single religion and value system has become a melting pot, with people from different races, ethnicities, religions, etc. The Leader and the Council of Elders […]

Agriculture in England

  1. Whether conditions 2. Soil conditions 3. Main crops cultivated in the Country 4. Statistics on the plant production within last 10 years. 5. Main outlets for the agricultural commodities (i.e. main processors of the commodities) 6. Farm strucutre 7. Economic comparison of the main crops and sugar beet (GROSS MARGIN CALCULATION) – VERY […]

Research on advanced nursing practice role

  For this assignment, you will research an advanced nursing practice role and summarize your findings in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page, references and appendices): • Focusing on the specialty for which you were admitted to South University, select an advanced nursing role to research. (It must be one offered by […]

Workplace Burnout

  Please include article “Where values collide motivation and role conflict in child and adult protective services” By Janet coble Vinzant from Arizon University. to be included in the 5 sources. Goals: Within the MPA Program, you will develop many personal, analytic, and communications skills; the writing of an effectively grounded report crosses both analytic […]

most salient trends impacting the ancillary setting

Analyze and evaluate the two most salient trends impacting the ancillary setting(pharmacy). Be sure to fully define the ancillary setting you have chosen. Does healthcare need more or fewer ancillary services? Why? Are ancillary services missing in rural areas and how can such services be provided in non-metropolitan areas? Place your order now for a […]

Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership

  According to the article “Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership”, one of the most important constructs in leadership today is the concept and application of emotional intelligence (EI) (Batool, 2013). Imagine that you are an internal consultant to an organization of your choosing. The CEO has tasked you with preparing a presentation for the Board […]

Australian entrepreneur ecosystem

Analyze the Australian “entrepreneurial ecosystem”, as the set of individual variables such as sociocultural, political and economic variables, related to issues of access to financial resources, which facilitate and support the creation, growth and development of a start up. The chapter has to cover the following topics the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Australia: 1.1 The Australian […]

Employment Laws, Policies, and Processes

  Imagine that you are the Director of the HR Department at your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar. You are responsible for delegating duties to your team for the selection, development, and management of both the new and current employees. You must ensure that your organization is diverse and follows […]

"Effective leaders are made, not born

“Effective leaders are made, not born.” To what extent do you agree with this review? Support your answer with examples from your reading. Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ years experience on custom writing […]

ARAMCO company -Saudi Arabia

1- Historical discoveries, 2- Historical financial analysis, one example of investment decision (costs and returns) in the selected companies, the regulations about the energy sector in one of the GCC countries)   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby […]

Role of Political Action Committees in the political systems

  1. What roles do interest groups play in the American political system? 2. Discuss the various strategies that interest groups may use to influence government policy. 3. What are Political Action Committees (PACs)? What role do they serve in the political system? 4. What criticisms have been leveled at PACs? What reform efforts have […]

Work-life imbalance

Please answer following questions, use your own word and use first person “I” expressing your answer. Just answer Question by question and provide the question number! 1. If there has been a long-term reduction in the number of hours people work in the OECD countries, why is there so much concern about work/life imbalance in […]

Human Relations School of Thought

To what extent can the Human Relations School of Thought be considered a “more evolved”approach to management as compared to a Taylorist/Fordist perspective? Please discuss in light of the texts Caldari(2007) & Locke(1982) and Roethlisberger&Dickson(1939/2003) & Roberts(1984).     Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team […]

Infection Prevention and Control Campaign

  Description: The purpose of this assignment is to develop an Infection prevention and control campaign that will address an opportunity for improvement in your clinical context. The clinical context must be genuine; however it should be given a fictitious name. Part one: Proposal for campaign 1. Covering letter: a. Should be addressed to a […]

understanding of ‘Christian TV’ in Australia

  Survey Report: Questioning 10 Christians and 10 non-Christians about their attitude towards and understanding of ‘Christian TV’ in Australia, with summary and viability report. (1500 words) Survey Interview approx. 20 people, 10 church attendees, 10 non-Christians, with a short survey designed by yourself including simple demographic details and 5 questions aimed to achieve their […]

Douglas McGregor's contributions to the field of management theory

  Part 1 The selected a person has contributed to the field of management theory and complete the following requirements: this is the person Douglas McGregor For your selected person write a 3-4 page paper (page count does not include title and reference pages) in APA format that responds to the following points: 1. Who […]

Influence of social media on sex gender and culture

  it is a blog entry assignment, with selection of examples from screen, media and popular culture to analyse (TV, film, news, advertising, online texts, social networking sites, etc.), as well as examples from every life, everyday practices, products, cultures, lifestyles and identities that is related to the subject- sex gender and culture. Place your […]

The making and breaking of European nations in the modern era

How have the following factors influenced the making and breaking of European nations in the modern era (late-18th century on)? Choose ONE of the following three factors and answer by discussing the identity, culture and/or politics of at least two European nations or autonomous regions.   Do you want your assignment written by the best […]

The political impact of the contemporary political movement for change

2 Explain the emergence of political movements 3 Analyse the relationship between political ideas and political practice 4 Present information in appropriate written formats  examines the development of a contemporary political movement for change  analyses its political impact in a particular political context  examine its political implications in that context.  examines […]

conducting an External & Internal Environmental Analysis

  Two stages 1. Industry Analysis Each team is required to select one industry within the Saudi market and analyze it from a strategic marketing point of view. Specifically, your team will be required to conduct an External & Internal Environmental Analysis, a Competitor Analysis and a Comprehensive Strategy Assessment of the main players in […]

Biblical perspectives and personal understandings of church, church planting and church development

  B Describe Biblical perspectives and personal understandings of church, church planting and church development C Articulate a vision and construct a strategy for planting a new church in a specific context E Describe the personal and team qualities and skills (competencies?) needed for successfully church planting and/or development Develop a Vision and Strategy Plan […]

Providing a strategic IT plan

Aim You should choose company such as Bank or Hospital or Business company . and find SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) for this company.  To provide a strategic IT plan which meets with and aligns to the business strategy, and reflects the culture and ethics, of a global organisation with which you are […]

The designation of creating a real life website model

    The strategic e-business model assignment requires you to explore a new business concept based on the designation of creating a real life website model. Students are allowed to use different software tools to create this e-business model. This creative business concept that you have chosen must be compatible and realistic to meet today’s […]

Modern graphic designer

“Choose a subject from contemporary practices in graphic design. Write a research paper of a modern graphic designer who is not dead. and whose work is completely contemporary. A designer that you admire and are influenced by, a movement a particular medium, new venues for graphic design etc. Choose something that is of interest to […]

On the Arrogance of Power

  In this essay, you will be critically evaluating a classic argument from the article listed below: Fulbright, William J. “On the Arrogance of Power, 1966.” Department of Physics: University of Washington Online. n.d. Web. 11 May 2012. Decide whether this argument is successful or not. (Whatever you choose) If you decide this essay is […]

Revenue from Contracts with Customers

  1. Why did the IASB and the FASB jointly decide to amend their existing Revenue Standards? 2. What are the basic requirements of AASB/IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers? 3. Are there any particular Industries that will be particularly impacted by the joint Revenue standard? 4.How should the company account for the Customer […]

MS Powerpoint Executive Presentation

  You will meet the Director’s requirements that are described on this page by creating and submitting a Word Table (Part 1), an Access Database (Part 2); and a PowerPoint Presentation (Part 3). These 3 assignments are due on separate dates. See the Course Schedule for due dates. NOTE: the standard applications to use for […]

The representational concerns of Indigenous people

  Over the last two decade at least, Indigenous Australians have managed to assert their presence across diverse forms of contemporary cultural expression. What impact do you think this has had on broader awareness of Indigenous Australia? Do you think the representational concerns of Indigenous people have changed? Discuss, with reference to examples from a […]

Heart of Darkness"

  select one passage from” Heart of Darkness”as 5 paragragh essay to explian how the passage is important (how did it fit in the book) it fit in the theme of the novel it contribute development the plot of the novel 3.what challenge about the passage   Do you want your assignment written […]