The Island of Tagg



With the arrival of the oil company, the population of Tagg is growing in number and also in diversity. What was once a relatively homogeneous population with a single religion and value system has become a melting pot, with people from different races, ethnicities, religions, etc.

The Leader and the Council of Elders are very worried about the impact of all this change on the Island of Tagg. They want to avoid the mistakes made by other governments in the past.

Report on the ways that various legal systems have attempted to serve and protect large diverse populations.

Identify at least three legal theories that have been used in large diverse populations.

Discuss whether those systems were successful in creating a just and prosperous society.

Recommend a legal approach to the Council of Elders on the Island of Tagg.

First Part:

Discuss the historical mistakes that other countries or legal systems made in failing to live up to constitutional ideals to protect minorities.

Provide specific examples of the laws and principles that these countries or legal systems violated when they failed to protect or actively discriminated against minorities.

Second Part:

Address the specific situation of the Island of Tagg, and make specific recommendations to the Leader and Council of Elders based on what you have discovered in the first part of your paper.

Make sure that there is sufficient analysis and connection between what you discovered in Part 1 and what you recommend in Part 2.

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