Bethesda Classification of Pap smear

Discuss the Bethesda Classification of Pap smear testing and evaluation. What are some common causes of abnormal Pap smear results? What treatments would you recommend?   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.

nursing home tour

You are required to tour a nursing home in your community and record details about the physical setting, the social interactions of the residents, the activities of the staff, and other basic information. There are different checklists provided in class as a guideline for you to use. Feel free to use the checklists provided or […]

Case Study- Corporate affairs

Please use the instructions. all the information will be uploaded including the skeleton powerpoint which needs to be filled out ONLY. Please be creative but straight to the point. and also practical. the scenario will also be uploaded ———Situation:: It is your first day within the Corporate Communications team. Unfortunately, your line manager is attending […]


Identify the factors that affect toxicity in a population. Pick three of the factors and provide a brief discussion on how that factor can affect the health of a population. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. […]


Describe the processes by which chemicals move thorough the environment. Include a brief discussion and examples for each. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted […]

The Old Testament Q/A

Using the 50 words you wrote to summarize each O.T. book in Project Two, or the notes that you wrote while reading each book in Project One, create two questions, each with brief answers, for each book in the Old Testament. These should be questions regarding what you believe to be two of the major […]

Intellectual Property Rights

Topics:   Is the line between state and market clean and clear, or is it sometimes hard to determine? Discuss by reflecting on the terms “state” and “market” and give examples of “state actions” and “market actions.”   Why do mercantilists believe that international trade is a source of conflict rather than cooperation?   Does […]

Leadership Critique.

Prepare an essay using the following general outline:  Introduction  A description of one or two leadership theories, concepts or models that interest you, including a brief discussion on why you find them interesting or relevant to your work  A discussion of how these leadership theories, concepts or models relate to your personal […]

Leadership Critique

You have completed several activities and assignments in this module on finding and summarizing resources on leadership and connecting leadership concepts to your own experiences. As you have read and discussed, it is important for leaders to stay abreast of developments in the field of leadership and management and to maintain a critical stance towards […]

Does morality depend on religion? (Ethics)

pick a major social/ethical issue and formulate a policy on this issue using strictly religious justifications. In your response be sure to address the problems that arise as a result of this justification. Such problems will include problems of correct interpretation of the religious text, problems in deciding which text to choose, the veracity of […]

International Perceptions of Human Rights

Following the atrocities of World War II, world leaders created a legally binding declaration that would act as the foundation of international human rights law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, drafted by committee members from several continents, represents “the universal recognition that basic rights and fundamental freedoms are inherent to all human beings . […]


Your first research assignment is to write an argumentative research essay. To begin, you will select a topic based on one of the six Contemporary Arguments chapters in Good Reasons: Sustainability; Education; Globalization; Science and Ethics; Privacy; and Regulating Substances, Regulating Bodies. Each of these chapters contains many subtopics, offering a rich array of topics. […]

Intercultural Communication

Required text: Read chapters 9 and 13 Chapter 9- Answer questions 1, 4 and 5 p. 223 Next: In what ways does the U.S. legal system reflect the European American view of argumentation and persuasion? Does your culture value a particular style of persuasion? Do your own preferred ways of persuading others reflect your […]


Write an essay to get a scholarship, very sophisticated essay, to get a scholarship Scholarship Information in this link: I’m a student in a PHD program in Business Management, with a specialization in information systems, I’m in my first semester, I’m getting this degree because I want to research E-Commerce and add more the […]

CRT optimisation based on Left ventricular activation time

This is a Report to be present at a PhD meeting. The report imperatively needs to include: Background; Research question; Hypothesis and aims You can find an example of what I am expecting on the “Example Upgrade Report” document. The data has been collected accordantly to the “Data_Taken Protocol” document so please use this as […]

Higher Education Contribution Scheme

Methodology (400 words) • Who are your participants are, where you recruited them • Techniques used (qualitative interviews/ focus groups). What insights do these methods allow for? • Describe precisely what you did to gather your data. • Describe processes you used to analyse your data (if you used a coding tree include it as […]

Resume Editing

Write a resume for a law enforcement agency regarding a financial investigation job, so we need to turn my private business experience into an attractive public investigative experience, instead of talking about sales, we can talk about personal interest in financial investigation, and that I did many research in financial crimes and audits and identity […]


Erin is a 28-year-old professional woman who is 5 feet 8 inches tall and vigilantly maintains her weight at 118 pounds by following a lacto-ovo (non-fat milk and egg whites only) vegetarian diet that supplies approximately 1200 calories a day. With her understanding that protein should provide between 10 and 35 percent of her daily […]

Business game Report (company name:AceTech)

You should write a Report to your co-Chief Executive Officer. This is worth 60% of the AcF350a component mark. Students wishing to score highly on this report should aim to make best use of the business simulation game and presentation task as these will give you a better appreciation of the issues that will be […]


Write a short company story or legend that will reflect the culture that you, as founders, want to establish, involving different culture variables or showing the complexity of organizational culture environment. 1. Develop a ritual and/or ceremony that will be used by your company for eternity that will strengthen the bonds between employees, and enforce […]

Art historian Edwin Panofsky

HERE IS THE ENTIRE ABSTRACT. I AM UNSURE WHAT KIND OF PAPER THIS IS; I JUST CHOSE RESEARCH BECAUSE RESEARCH IS NEEDED. NEED A ROUGH DRAFT IN TEN DAYS. Art historian Edwin Panofsky helped create the foundations for art history in the early twentieth century. He is best known for his development and work in […]

Marketing Research Proposal for Apple

Students are provided with a case study (Ipad pro), a new product launch in the UK. This will form the background information to enable them to complete the assignment. The company has asked students to prepare a market research proposal (not a market research report). Within the proposal they should propose the most effective methodologies […]

themes and characters in stories

Choose two of the following essays and discuss them completely. Use specific quotes from the short stories that you are using in each essay. (The stories you use must be ones that we have done in class.) You may use your notes and your text books. The two essays I chose in class are as […]


Attached is a report of CAPITAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS. Write an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY which is a brief (half page) summary of the contents of the report (attached ) and highlight its major conclusions and recommendations. Also attached is an example of EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for previous assignment.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed […]

The Study of Ideas

Project Description Respond to each student post (PDF) by writing a paragraph or two commenting or adding anything insightful to the post, whether it be by providing an example or finishing answering a question they might have missed or could be expanded upon. Also, don’t be afraid to ask a question. Below, is the prompt […]

Fazlur Rahman’s Major Themes of the Qur’an

  You need to read the book and then answer the question: Based on Fazlur Rahman’s book, Major Themes of the Qur’an, explain two important essentials of Islamic Theology: a) What is the relationship between people and God, and, b) What are the main concepts that God is underlining in the Qur’an? Do you want […]

Forces affecting Theory Development

Barriers have long existed which have impeded the work necessary to develop the knowledge base of nursing. Many of these barriers are related to issues of gender and knowledge in a female-dominated profession such as nursing. What are your views about the ways in which gender has inhibited our growth as a knowledge-based profession? How […]

changing a negative attitude of an employee

  Question # 1: If we take Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as dependent variable, the personality trait Conscientiousness could be one of the independent variable. Justify this relationship using a suitable example? Question # 2: Based on the concept of Ability-Job Fit, prepare a portfolio of relevant abilities for a job that you may have […]

Barriers nurses can overcome when returning to school.

Reference: Brusco J. M. (2011). Know your netiquette. AORN Journal, 94(3). 279–286. doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2011.07.003 Morgenthaler, M. (2009). Too old for school? Barriers nurses can overcome when returning to school. AORN Journal, 89(2), 335. Wild, J., & Neville, L. (2008). Tips for learning: Effective time management. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 2(9), 454–44 1. Strategies for […]