Effective Marketing Practices in Healthcare

In this unit, you become the sole owner of a healthcare organization. You would like to increase marketing potential while maintaining social responsibility within your field. As a new owner, you are not afforded a budget to hire a marketing expert and must develop the marketing strategy and subsequent collateral materials yourself. Your objective for […]

Case study Fox Entertainment

1. (½-page). Summarize the company and its businesses. 2. (½-page). Define clearly and concisely the strategic challenges facing the industry and firm today (you will need to update the case information with outside research in this section – the case might be a few years old, but we are interested in the current situation – […]

Revising proposed health education strategies

  For this Assignment, review the Point Mar Case Study provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Reflect on Instructor feedback from Week 8 and consider revisions to your proposed health education strategies/methodologies for your selected health issue. Note: In grading this Assignment, your Instructor uses the Final Project Rubric, located in the Course Information area. […]


PART 1 (Suggest 1800 words) 1. As a director of Croftware Computing, identify the significant issues arising from each of the following six (6) agenda items, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, for the board meeting to be held on the 4th February 2016. 2. For each agenda item, state the reasons why you believe […]

Becoming a Registered Nurse

As you are nearing the completion of your program, many of you will have been employed in various roles, from assistants in nursing, carers or enrolled nurses, to working in the hospitality/retail sector. Some of you may not have been employed at all. Many of you will know by now whether or not you are […]

Health Statistics and Populationsok

The following website will aid you in completing this Assignment: Utilizing the US Preventive Services Task force site (http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/recommendations) Directions You will need to create a chart that illustrates preventative care measures for individuals ranging from age 21-65. The chart should include: ●Immunization recommendations ●Well person visit recommendations ●Cancer screening recommendations (cervical, breast, prostate, colon) […]

Report for the CEO of a public group company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) after reviewing the Exposure Draft (ED/2014/1)…

  You are required to write a report for the CEO of a public group company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) after reviewing the Exposure Draft (ED/2014/1), the Comment Letters from interested parties on the Exposure Draft (ED/2014/1), and other related sources. The following two issues should be addressed and discussed in the […]

Case Mix Index Calculation

Case Mix Index Calculation Case Mix Index Assignment1. Listen/watch the lecture on CMI calculation.2. Locate the spreadsheet file “CMI Excel Worksheet”. Using the Excel formulas, calculate the CMI for this group of patients.3. Then go to this website:https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/AcuteInpatientPPS/FY2016-IPPS-Final-Rule-Home-Page-Items/FY2016-IPPS-Final-Rule-Tables.html (Links to an external site.)On the bottom of this website, locate table 5 and download it. 4. […]

Electronic Databases

This assignment is intended for you to become more research savvy by utilizing academic level online tools available to you through the library’s website.   Assignment: 1) Find a recent article (published within the past twelve months) on a subject in ART that interests you. You will do this by utilizing one of the library […]

research paper outline ( crime rate in saskachwean canada)

please note this is an outline to a research paper ( crime rate in saskachwean canada) talk about what why the crime rate is high and how it is measured , what type of crime is being committed and who are those that commit the crime and why ,and compare it the a neigbouring province […]

Systems Thinking

Soft system Methodology The portfolio should include one example of each of the following: SSM – A Rich Picture. (Case and diagram) (Use rich picture symbols to show the relationship) SSM – Analyses 1 (Client. The practitioner.Issue owner), List and diagrams for each one in analysis 1. SSMAnalysis 2(Social) Role. Norms. Value. (List all stakeholders […]

Illustrated Report for a brand

Select one of the following brands: Topshop, Adidas, Reiss or Ralph Lauren Collection. Introduction (150 words) Section 1 1. Deduce and analyse who the target customer of the brand is. (100-250 words) 2. Research the target customer’s fashion needs using segmentation and consumer motivation theory. Discuss whether the target customer’s fashion needs are currently met […]

Major Essay

Task This essay assesses your ability to construct an argument. It is based on the lectures, tutorial discussions and dossier readings from Weeks 6-13. You must formulate an argument in response to ONE of the following questions:       Was the Renaissance a European or a global phenomenon?   OR   How did the […]

investing in bonds

• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number with your writing assignment. • Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type). • Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs […]

Commodity Chain

write about one specific commodity- something that is available for purchase locally in Vancouver, BC Canada. Select a spefic brand or make of product or even just one particular product made by a company. You will try to trace the chain backwards from the final product to its origin included the raw materials and where […]

Finance exam

You have been elected to the town council for a small town where its previous budgeting system has been universally viewed as a failure. As part of your new role, you have been tasked with developing a new system from scratch. How would you recommend your town structure its budgeting system, including its form, process, […]


Assessments Instruction     Assessment Items 1, 2 & 3 Preparation of a Business Plan, Report and Presentation for an identified problem within a Third Sector Organisation   The three assignments comprise the progressive completion of a business plan based on the identification and solution of a diagnosed problem.     Assessment Item 1 Problem […]

survey data (correlation) analysis

Write a correlation analysis for this data and make sure each graph much have 1) introduce the table 2) insert table 3) paragraph to describe the table and a page of summary of the finding (or maybe less than a page but at least two paragraph) The document “question 1” excel is for research question#1, […]

Cloud computing

Cloud computing has been used by the various organizations to improve how various IT services are accessed by the end users. This has been achieved by coming up with ways that improve cost efficiency in the management of such services, improve innovation, improve the time-to-market of the various products and services and increase the capability […]

competency standards

This assignment is about you choosing a topic from your previous small assignments that you are interested in and want to know more about. What you choose is up to you.  The final assignment is about you using something from one the topics (Topics 1-5) and using it as a springboard for you to jump […]


Hello! -This needs to be a Synthesis Essay……(from my textbook) – -A synthesis essay addresses your synthesis question. It also summarizes and analyzes the views of at least two writers on your synthesis question. Furthermore, the synthesis essay shows how you have wrestled with different perspectives on your synthesis question and have synthesized these ideas […]

Cumberland Plain Land Snails

  Questions Some questions that arose from a recent discussion about the snails were: Bring the issue (endandgered and how?) Population and where they live and how many What is the snail features and characteristics and compare with garden snail The below questions of markings – compare with other species   How many populations are […]

Reintegrating children in armed conflict in sub-Saharan Africa

Please review exactly three seminal texts (books or articles in a journal) in the field and provide a literature review of at least two pages per source. The following three countries should be represented: Sierra Leone (Revolutionary United Front), Uganda (Lord’s Resistance Army), and the Sudan. The topic which should be focused on is the […]

Landslide Development

Analyze the case study. Answer the following questions as they apply to the case study. Use the case study attached- Landslide Development. Also incorporate and then integrate into your analysis three scholastic real estate related articles. This paper must be written in third person. • What are the key leadership activities present in the case […]

primary article

pick a PRIMARY article that is on a topic of interest to you that relates to any of our labs. two paragraphs (I really mean 2 paragraphs, 500 words total) describing 1- why it is of interest 2- evaluating the quality of the journal that it is in. 3- pick an article that is related […]

Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) of Youth

( Instructions from teacher) Use the library software. I recommend that you start with JStor to find the full version of these two articles. Journal article for Critique 1) Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) of Youth: An Analysis of State and Federal Efforts to Address the Issue, by Michael J. Leiber, 2002. Crime & Delinquency. 42 […]