Human resource strategies to reduce cost

Imagine you are a Compensation Manager at a large service organization. Roughly 700 of your employees are paid the MWR (Minimum Wage Rate), which is presently $7.25 per hour. The CEO recently came to the CFO (your boss) in a highly excited state. He was upset, because he had learned that local legislators were preparing […]

Complete three short essays.

Complete three short essays. 1. With Locke, Rousseau and Kant, we come across the idea of reason as having a moral component. This is often identified as “moral reason.” How does reason and moral virtue in the political among Ancient Greeks appear in the moral reason and political thought of *one* of these thinkers: Locke, […]

How the human resource function interacts with other functions in the organization

The objective of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of how the human resource function interacts with other functions in the organization. Create an agenda for New Employee Orientation at Southwood School. The orientation should last one full day. The new employee will meet with representatives from: HR, Finance, Information Technology and the school […]


Article Order Description Unit VIII Article Critique The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a professional journal in the field of fire prevention that interests you. The objective of your critique is to find an article and compare the information in the article to what you have been learning in class. Critique the article […]

strategic analysis for starbucks

Complete the second portion of our project that continues the organizational development assessment in the following areas: Strategic Analysis and Planning Vision Mission Culture Governance, Leadership & Decision Making Leadership Assessment (shared & democratic) Committee/Work Group Assessment (In place and effective) Organizational Chart Describe the organization’s strategy toward change. What is the current mission, vision, […]

questions and answers

questions and answers ) Define the Communication process in detail. What are the basic elements or processes involved? Explain your answer while featuring the concept of “shared field of experience.” 2) Explain in detail the concept of Persuasion Matrix. What this is for, and why it is essential to deploy this matrix in order to […]

"Second Wave Feminism

“Second Wave Feminism”, gained strength during the 1970’s. For this essay assignment, research and write about a popular television show from the 1970’s, which reflected the changing role of women in American culture. Discuss your findings. Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to […]

Strategy development

Differentiate between each of the following strategies: directional, adaptive, market entry, competitive. Provide one example of each to support your response. Provide one example of a specific value-added service, and demonstrate the fundamental manner in which the service in question would correspond to market entry or competitive strategy.   Strategic Alternatives” Please respond to the following: […]

Architectural history

– There are three topics in this assignment. The topic that I chosen is tectonic. -Need to choose two architect for the assignment. The first one should be Glenn Murcutt, another one can be either one of the architect under the topic- tectonic – When working on the essay, two architect need not have any […]

Marketing Campaign Order Description Assignment Instructions Over the past 4 weeks, we have discussed many forms of communication. Last week, we specifically looked at visuals and the best way to make use of them. We are, once again, going to focus this information on a specific area…Marketing. Following, you will find links to several journal articles. Please read all of them to give you a good idea of what you need to do to come up with a good marketing campaign. I would like you to create a fictional company and come up with a marketing campaign to brand that company. Make sure that you give me some background as to what the company sells and who you are trying to reach, your campaign should target that audience. Think of this as a pitch to the customer as to how you would like to brand their and why. I do not expect you to create an all-inclusive campaign, you just need to be able to clearly express your ideas to your client. You will want to include some research to show your client that you have looked into their company as well as the market that they intend to sell. Please attach your paper as a Word document to this assignment. Sandhya, R., & Girija, P.P. (2011). Tata Tea's Jaago Re! Campaign: The Social-Cause Marketing Initiatives and Long-Term Branding Initiatives. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 8(2), 31-60. Fairy Liquid Case Study: Using Evocative Marketing Techniques to Boost Product Sales. (2011). Datamonitor, 1-14. Old El Paso Case Study:Addressing the Connectivity Trend with the Meal Kit Concept.(2010). Datamonitor, 1-12. Vaseline Case Study: Creating Stand Out Appeal in the Body Skincare Market, (2010). Datamonitor, 1-16. Paper must include: Cover Page 3-5 pages content Reference Page – Wikepedia is not an acceptable source for this paper should you choose to use additional sources.

Marketing Campaign Order Description Assignment Instructions Over the past 4 weeks, we have discussed many forms of communication. Last week, we specifically looked at visuals and the best way to make use of them. We are, once again, going to focus this information on a specific area…Marketing. Following, you will find links to several journal […]

Developing a Strategic Approach

    For this assignment, continue your role as the administrator of the organization you created for Assignment 1.   Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Create a mission and vision statement for your organization. Determine three (3) specific strategic goals that align with the ideals in those two (2) […]

Elastic and Inelastic Traffic

t. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 3: Elastic and Inelastic Traffic Due Week 5 and worth 80 points Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Outline a plan for the development […]

A Clear Vision

Read the section called “A Clear Vision: The Link Between Investment and Growth” in the following article. In 1-2 pages, evaluate the article with the following: Summary of the article. Outline issues in the article that you thought were relevant or irrelevant to an employer sponsored plan. Why? What would be the advantages and/or disadvantages of […]

opacity calculation of low-z material plasma in nuclear fusion

n several research areas , such as ICF and astrophysics the knowledge of the interaction between the radiation and plasma is essential In these plasmas the calculation of its radiation properties is a difficult task due to the huge number of levels and transitions involved ,even for low Z plasmas such as carbon plasma. Most […]

Performing a job analysis

Performing a job analysis allows compensation professionals to ensure the job description actually matches the duties performed by an employee. It is important to regularly perform a job analysis on the position you have created for this project. Now that you have your job description in place, begin your detailed compensation plan and include the […]

stem cell biology

Background: During mouse embryonic development, neural stem cells (NSCs) arise at embryonic day 7 in the neural ectoderm area. They continue to expand in the neural plate, neural tube, and fetal brain and persist throughout life in several parts of the adult brain. Current culture conditions developed for the maintenance of NSCs are not optimal. […]

Role Development of APN

The role of the APN has changed drastically over the last 5 years. Has society and the healthcare industry provided opportunities for recognition, and institutional credentialing? How will this affect the future development of the APN role? Defend your answer. Are you able to provide this on Nov 3,2015 by 1700 Cental Time?   Do […]

Difference of Means T-Test

This is for a U.S. native English speaking and writing personalized professional doctoral writer who has a PhD. Planning and Public Policy PhD. And/or Qualitative research methods, on a 5 Day delivery schedule. Detailed Instructions: Use thoughtful historically grounded insights, examples, ideas, and findings from planning literature ONLY to support and meet the guidelines as […]

Relevance of the affirmative action in the 21st century

Review the background of affirmative action. Then, argue whether or not the intended fairness afforded by affirmative action is relevant to the 21st century, considering that organizations are typically trending toward promoting a diverse workforce. Justify your response. Select two (2) of the following types of harassment: same-sex harassment, cyber harassment, or hostile virtual environment. […]

Capstone Project

CAPSTONE PROJECT: RESEARCH PAPER PURPOSE Write a coherent, grammatically correct research paper based on your annotated bibliography. You may also draw on the research you did for earlier papers (1,500 words not counting the works cited). This paper will cite at least four credible sources, two of which are scholarly articles. RHETORICAL SITUATION Your intended […]

pigmentation function of the skin

Describe how pigmentation function of the skin contributes to the health and well-being of living organisms.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as per your specified instructions. Order Now, […]

"e-Marketing and Social Networking

” Social Media has revolutionized the way that companies market themselves and how they reach their customers. Examples of social media outlets include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. Choose a brand or product you are familiar with and who you feel are successfully using social media in their marketing campaign. In your response discuss the […]

Global Supply Chain

********Address questions below. Proof read work******NO PLAGIARISM 1. Discuss the rationale and challenges related to sourcing from low-cost countries.? Expand on your response- 300 word response with reference NO PLAGIARISM 2. What is meant by the level of threshold service of a least-cost system? Expand on your response and give example 300 word response with […]

UnderCover Boss

Go to YouTube, located at, and search for an episode of “UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.   Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:   Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position. […]

Urinary Tract Infections

Week 10 Discussion Increase text size Decrease text size Print Page Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria—most often Escherichia coli. However, certain viruses, fungi, and parasites can also lead to infection. The infection can affect the lower and upper urinary tract, including the urethra, prostate (in males), bladder, ureter, and […]

challenges you may face in a new business environment

A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving those businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose a country with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base. Discuss some of the challenges you may face in this new environment. What are the cultural, ethnic, social, and […]

current corporate disciplinary action procedures

Today, businesses have a variety of disciplinary action policies at their disposal. For this assignment, you will be asked to research current corporate disciplinary action procedures and determine which ones work best for a specified company.   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of […]

The Functions of Human Resources

  In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), perform a job analysis for a position of your choice that must: Describe the job to be analyzed. Describe how the job analysis information was collected (e.g., survey, observation, etc.). List and prioritizes tasks and competencies required for the job. Create […]

The nine team roles

PTeams have different needs, and people in organizations should be selected for a team to ensure diversity and expertise to fill various roles.       Study the nine team roles and choose three to write more on. For each of these three roles, give an example of experiences you have had working with people […]