
AA100B The Arts Past and Present II TMA First Semester 2015-2016 Cut-off date: Week 10 TMA Format and Word Count: The student’s work should be presented in an ESSAY of around 1200 words. Referencing: The essay should include a list of references (print and electronic) at the end in addition to in-text referencing as per […]

The Islamic Communities in Berlin between Integration and Segregation

WHAT IS OTHER ABOUT OTHER RELIGIONS? The Islamic Communities in Berlin between Integration and Segregation GERDIEN JONKER Center for Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin  ABSTRACT Based on fieldwork among Muslim communities in Berlin, this article examines the encounter between German legal traditions on religion and Muslim immigrant communities. The discussion of German law is juxtaposed […]

IT for Competitive Advantage

  Individual Assignment #7 – Penske Logistics and Ford Motor Company’s European Supply Chain Case Study Watch the video, “Penske Logistics and Ford Motor Company’s European Supply Chain Case Study” and answer the following questions: # Questions 1. How did Ford Motor Company and Penske Logistics work together? Briefly describe the process. 2. How was […]


Mathematics Total Marks = 40 1. Find the recurrence equation of the following algorithm and then solve the recurrence to find its time complexity as a closed form solution. Use iteration method to solve the recurrence. (10 marks) Algorithm: Test(A[1..n], B[1..n], C[1..n]) { if n= 0 then return; For i := 1 to n do […]


APG5336 ISLAM AND MODERNITY FINAL EXAM 2015 Students must answer any two questions from this section (2000 words each essay) 20 marks per question 1. In what ways has the spread of Wahhabism impacted modern Muslim receptions of Sufism and secularism? Discuss with particular reference to the concepts of bid’a and shirk. The expansion of […]

Designing new software to keep track of people, property, and criminal activity

Using the simplified OOD methodology:Write down a detailed description of the problem.Identify all the (relevant) nouns and verbs.From the list… Using the simplified OOD methodology: Write down a detailed description of the problem. Identify all the (relevant) nouns and verbs. From the list of nouns, select the objects. Identify the data components of each object. […]

CIPD diploma

CIPD diploma Your Organisation has a new HR Director. You have been requested to review the organisation’s approach to collecting, storing and using HR data and produce a statement on your findings. The HR Director has asked you to cover the following: ? 2 reasons why the organisation needs to collect HR data ? 2 […]

Islamic banks and conventional banks

question Compare the performance of Islamic banks with that of the conventional banks   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% Privacy and Confidentiality • High Quality custom-written papers

Write any ONE of the following two options:1.The free trade theory, economic rationales, and their operation in multilateral trade liberalisation under the World Trade Organization or WTO Dispute Settlement Body’s Article 22

Write any ONE of the following two options:1.The free trade theory, economic rationales, and their operation in multilateral trade liberalisation under the World Trade Organization or WTO Dispute Settlement Body’s Article 22 You are expected to write 3000 words maximum and choose one of topic. This task aims to assess your skill and critical analytical […]

Medical Informatics

Medical Informatics Written Assignment In your own words, answer all the questions and underline your key points (not more than 10). Font style: Times New Roman. Font size: 12. Single line spacing. 1. How important are the biomedical data concept (public sequence databases such as GenBank, EMBL, FASTA, TPA and RefSeq) in radiography/medical laboratory science? […]

NASA Case Study

Read the end-of-chapter case in Chapter 12 of your text and do Internet research on NASA during both disasters, with particular emphasis on the disasters’ effects on the culture. Why do you feel it is so difficult to “sustain” cultural change in a large organization AFTER the immediate effects of a major event like Challenger […]

Assignment 4: Negotiating a Contract with the Navy

Assignment 4: Negotiating a Contract with the Navy My business name : Shirley Lagat, Inc. Service to sell: Specialty coating, the application of the coating, and a regular maintenance schedule. Employees : Consists of you, one office assistant, and two production employees. Based on the same scenario as in Assignments 1, 2, and 3, you […]

Paint Stripping

For this module assignment, you are asked to develop a compliance sampling strategy for a furniture refinishing company. In the assignment scenario, this company specializes in stripping old paint and varnish off hardwood furniture, sanding and repairing the wood, and then staining and varnishing the final product. In a preliminary walk-through visit, you note the […]

The importance of employee socialization to an organization.

  Question 1 Identify, explain, and link wellness initiatives with the benefits of overall employee wellness services and the impact to the bottom-line of an organization. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You must use at least an internet search and your textbook to complete this assignment. All sources used, including […]


Education Select a child in either the upper childhood or early adolescent or adolescent category. Interview the child. Describe the child physically. Ask questions to find out about: Eating habits Physical problems Risk-taking behaviour Attitudes toward body changes Approach to learning & academic achievement Cognitive abilities Self-concept & self-esteem Expressing and regulating emotions Family, relationship […]

rationale and challenges related to sourcing from low-cost countries.

1. Discuss the rationale and challenges related to sourcing from low-cost countries.? Expand on your response- 300 word response with reference NO PLAGIARISM 2. What is meant by the level of threshold service of a least-cost system? Expand on your response and give example 300 word response with reference NO PLAGIARISM ***Ensure writer have Required […]

Sociocultural Issues in Early Childhood

Sociocultural Issues in Early Childhood Writing Guidelines 1. Provide an introduction stating the importance of the sociocultural issue and why you were interested in the topic. 2. Describe the issue referencing theories to explain its significance in terms of child development. 3. Discuss the issue from the perspective of UAE culture and compare it to […]

features of the Fair Labor Standards Act

For this assignment, you will be researching the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). For the first section of your paper: Assess the main features of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Compare the definitions of exempt and nonexempt employees. Evaluate at least three criteria that differentiate an exempt and nonexempt employee. In spring 2014, President Obama sent […]

user interface (UI) design

Building on your initial user interface (UI) design mock-up of the organization’s program UI, the interface now needs to present more information to the user. Complete the following for this assignment: • The interface should present information visually with icons or graphics and text regarding critical issues related to the system, such as the following: […]

Canadian Pharmaceutical Companies and corporate social responsibility

Canadian Pharmaceutical Companies and corporate social responsibility In the above paper it is asked to research 5 pharmaceutical companies producing and operating in Canada. For each company it is required to present a brief historical background, main accomplishments regarding environmental and social responsibility efforts, and identify the different categories of actions taken linked to corporate […]

Howard Becker’s labeling theory

Please use your own words to answer these following questions, and try to expand your explanation detailed. Chapter Discussion Questions #5 – Chapters 6, 7 & 8 1. (Ch. 6) Howard Becker’s labeling theory argues that no act is deviant until a society labels it as deviant. Explain why Becker and other sociologists, like David […]

Research Topic:

Research Topic: The history, and progression of the synthesizer (In Progress) Intro: Sound, is nothing more than just vibrations travelling through diverse mediums, through our ears and into our brains, where we perceive and differentiate it. When one thinks of sound, it is safe to say that it is all around us, and forever travelling. […]

The process of conducting the dismissal meeting

Imagine that you are an office manager and you have been tasked with the job of coordinating and heading the dismissal meeting for an employee layoff.   Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Propose three (3) ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an […]

Industrial Hygienist

For this module assignment, you are asked to develop a compliance sampling strategy for a furniture refinishing company. In the assignment scenario, this company specializes in stripping old paint and varnish off hardwood furniture, sanding and repairing the wood, and then staining and varnishing the final product. In a preliminary walk-through visit, you note the […]

The Threat of SARS Case Study

For your Dropbox assignment, based on your understanding of the SARS case study, create a 2- to 3-page document in Microsoft Word document answering the following questions: In your opinion, what could be the possible reasons of a sudden outbreak of new disease? What are the ways of addressing a new and virulent contagious disease? Discuss in […]


Q&A Order Description 1. Why do you think it was part of the inclusion criteria for people to have an ejection fraction of more than fifty percent? 2. Do you think performing each suctioning technique on each patient once is enough, or should there be more trials?

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Practice – Individual Project (40%) Part 2: Building a Case Study: Choose a current, recent or historic structural engineering project to research and report on it for the following assessment tasks. Look for a project that interests you (maybe a local structure), that you can easily get access to information about, and that […]