Environments and Experiences That Inspire and Support Development and Learning

Each of the people you studied this week—<Johann Pestalozzi, Fredrich Froebel, John Dewey, and Maria Montessori – developed his or her philosophy of education based on personal and professional experiences. Each was interested in understanding and defining the environments, experiences, and resources that inspire children’s learning. For this section of your Professional Philosophy of Teaching […]


Quiz 1. Due in Quiz 1. Due in Question: A motorist is using the AHP to choose a new car from three possible models: an Arrow, a Bestmobile and a Commuter. The choice will be based on just two attributes, Cost and Style. When asked to compare the cost of the cars, the motorist makes […]

The use of behaviorism when teaching a new subject to an adult and to a child

Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are considered the originators of behaviorism. All contributed to learning theory. All three of the researchers studied the effects of the environment on learning. Select one of the three behaviorists who, in your opinion, offers the most compelling argument for the use of behaviorism when teaching a new subject to an […]

Draft of Literature Findings

Evaluate the evidence. Create a draft of the findings of the articles you have selected and how they contribute to our knowledge of this problem. Be sure to address each of the following items in your draft: 1.  Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece. 2.  If the articles talk to each other (that is, […]

adiabatic rate of cooling

Explain why the adiabatic rate of cooling changes in a parcel of rising air after condensation takes place.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% Privacy and Confidentiality • […]

Society’s Response to Crime

Society’s response to crime has changed over the past century. The approach of rehabilitation in the 1960s has gradually been replaced with a “get tough on crime” approach, bringing in mandatory sentencing laws and long prison sentences. Regardless of the approach, crime continues to be a problem, and recidivism for some crimes and some offenders […]

Sources of energy

  , What are the negative impacts and challenges of using wind farms to meet our energy needs? How can we overcome these challenges? Would you be opposed to living in close proximity to a wind farm? Why or why not? Your response must be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use […]

Casa Study Dissociative Diane

  Diane is a thirty-six year old white female.  Currently she is divorced with two children and is employed as a daycare worker.  During the session the client seemed to be intelligent with excellent personal and spiritual insight into her situation.  Her non-verbals indicated some anxiety (crossed legs, face twitches) and depression (teariness).   Diane […]

Arts and the British Empire

Assess the impact of the British Empire in the art world . The idea is to pick 3 artwork (chosen for their relevance to the subject, depicting both the British and the Colonized point of view) and analyse them to prove the importance of art in the british empire and vice versa.     For […]

The Problems of Evil and Suffering

All human beings encounter pain and suffering in life. This can present some difficult questions to organized religions. On some level, all religions answer fundamental questions of human existence, including, “why are we here?” Pain and suffering complicate these basic questions of human existence, whether the religion is monotheistic, polytheistic, or atheistic. Some people endure […]

Designing a system

Abstract The Project Record System (PRS) is a novel way of allowing Kingston University students and their supervisors to record their weekly progress and to manage their meetings professionally. The system will be part of the university’s wider system. Students and staff will have to use their university username and password to login and use […]

The steps of pro-social behavior

Pro-social behavior is behavior that is intended to benefit others (Fiske, 2014). There are various schools of thought regarding why individuals engage in pro-social behavior. These explanations include egocentric purposes, altruistic purposes, collective purposes, or adherence to moral standards. In addition to motivation, it is important to consider how situational factors affect pro-social behavior (Fiske, […]

The Big Five model of personality

Tisha recently completed a personality inventory as part of her executive training program. She was supposed to receive a printout of her results but got only the first page of the packet. This page indicated that she scored moderately high in Openness to Experience as well as Agreeableness, very high in Conscientiousness and Extraversion, and […]

mental health

Using any of the evidence-based practices lists or the SAMHSA toolkit series, pick a program or practice and describe the program, including the intended audience, program components and intended outcomes. Then discuss how the evidence was built to support its inclusion on a list.  For example, was it evaluated by an independent evaluator?  What specific […]

current or future applications of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology (also called nanotech) is a branch of materials science that deals with manipulating matter on the atomic scale. It is so called because this field deals with engineering on the scale of a billionth of a meter, also known as a nanometer. Nanotechnology seeks to solve a wide range of problems from the construction […]

Leon case study

Leon is a 52-year old man who describes his family of origin as “extremely dysfunctional,” with both parents having “addictive personalities.” His father was an alcoholic, and fathered many children by several woman. Leon’s father was also verbally and physically abusive. Shouting and violence were common family experiences.   His parents divorced when Leon was […]

model work-family conflict

David and Sarah are married and have two young children. Both David and Sarah have full-time jobs. David is an accountant, and Sarah is a lawyer. Sarah is working on a tough case at work and often comes home from work in a bad mood. She takes out her frustration on David and the children […]

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

write a full description about “Acute Myeloid Leukemia”, and please state the following points: the disease’s etiology, pathophysiology, definition, causes, risk factor, diagnosis, and their treatment options (Drugs).   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level writers • Automatic plagiarism check […]

High Energy Particle Physics

PHYC4008 High Energy Particle Physics Problem Sheet 4 (Hand up solutions to Q. 2,3,4 by Nov 16th) 1. Explain whyη →ππ is forbidden for both the strong and electromagnetic interaction. What can it decay to electromagnetically? Draw the Feynman diagram. 2. The colourless vector mesons have the following flavour composition: = (uu − dd ) […]

Decision Making in Groups and Effective Communication

  You are a consultant hired to help improve the productivity of Celia Jane, a medium-sized furniture design firm. Celia Jane always kept up with the competition but now would like to gain some market share and expand its business. Traditionally, employees at Celia Jane work in groups of eight. Li, the CEO of Celia […]

design a program

Instructions In this homework, you will design a program to perform the following task: Calculate the total price based on several key parts required to build a state-of-the-art gaming computer. The user will have the option of selecting different parts. For example, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Mac OS/X for Operating systems, 4 GB, 8 […]

Abbreviated Qualitative Research Plan

  You will apply qualitative research methods this week when you develop a qualitative research plan that seeks to answer your research problem and research question. To prepare for this Application, first focus on the following instructions: Review Chapter 9 in the course text, Research Design, the “Trustworthiness” handout, and “Qualitative Methods: Examples” from the […]

Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development

Heinz’s dilemma is a frequently used example in many ethics and morality classes. One well-known version of the dilemma, used in Lawrence Kohlberg‘s stages of moral development, is stated as follows: A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form […]

Project finance

From the Eurotunnel case (FILES UPLOAD) Please answer this Question 1. If you were preparing the feasibility study for the Eurotunnel project, what would have been the 3 (three) most important risks that you would have identified? (From 16 Risk: http://www.iaf.com.au/16risks.htm) 2. What recommendations would you have made for mitigating each of these risks? (FROM […]

the traditional way of expressing the value of a currency

In valuing a currency, the direct quote is: (Points : 1)  like the Canadian dollar. the value of the foreign currency expressed in units of the domestic currency. the traditional way of expressing the value of a currency like the Japanese yen. the value of the domestic currency expressed in units of foreign currency. None […]

Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation Outline

Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation Outline Create an outline for Week Five�s Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation. Include the following: Introduction Include all introductory points. Include a thesis statement. Body of presentation Address all main topics and subtopics in the body of the presentation. Cite original works within the body of […]

General stain/Gender Order Description In the literature review i need Cover sheet,table of content, body of paper, intro, review the articles, transitional words, conclusion, & bibliography. Literature Review Overview: A literature review is an evaluative account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. The purpose of a literature review is not to create an original argument and support your position with scholarly research (this is the typical college research paper assignment), but instead to summarize and synthesize the available research in the field to assess the value of the research already done by others, identify prevalent trends and discover what research remains to be done in a particular subject area. Literature reviews direct the formation of new research questions and are routinely included in the opening sections of scholarly research reports. A successful literature review must be defined by a guiding concept such as your research objective, the problem or issue you wish to discuss. A literature review is not just a descriptive list of the material available, or a set of summaries (this is an annotated bibliography). In addition to leaving you a better informed researcher in a particular specialized subject area, writing a literature review helps you develop and demonstrate two valuable skills: Research: the ability to scan the literature efficiently to identify a set of useful articles and/or books and to obtain those materials. Critical Evaluation: the ability to apply principles of analysis to identify unbiased and valid studies. Instructions: In consultation with your instructors and the list of issues provided, select a topic area as the focus of your literature review. General topic selection is due October 1st . A 5% penalty on the assignment will be assessed for failure to do so. Once you have a subject area, begin the literature review process by familiarizing yourself with the available research on this topic. Don’t try to read everything, but do consider both articles that are recent and research that forms the foundations of this knowledge base. Narrow your topic area appropriately to make the task of writing your literature review more manageable. For example, Internet access could be your general topic area. Do you want to focus on providing universal global access to this resource or providing equal access to the Internet to persons with disabilities? Given that both of these topics are also overly broad you’ll want to further narrow the specific topic of your literature review with respect to the available research in the area. You may finally focus on providing Internet access to women in third world countries or facilitating Internet access for persons with limited dexterity. Be wary and wise. Given the proliferation of research on the Internet even these topic areas may be too general to allow you to develop a firm grasp of the research area! Your revised topic area must be registered in writing with the instructors prior to November 6th . A 5% penalty on the assignment will be assessed for failure to do so. Once you have narrowed your topic sufficiently, you’ll want to locate a range of materials published by experts or scholars in this particular area of study. Examining bibliographies to locate reoccurring names can lead you to the works of key researchers in the field. Scanning for titles of studies that are cited repeatedly can also lead you to influential texts in the area. At this point, you’ll want to gather more materials than you plan to include in your literature review to allow for the winnowing out of substandard or poorly related materials. When you are reading the materials you’ve collected do so with an eye toward writing your literature review. All good literature reviews perform the following tasks: Provide a tightly-organized investigation of a single thesis or research question by identifying key research on the topic area. Synthesize the results of previous research into a summary of (1) what is understood to be historically accurate or accepted practice, (2) what practices or policies are still under question of investigation, (3) what practices or policies have not been well addressed by existing research and (4) what areas of the topic still require investigation. Identify distinct areas of controversy among previous researchers/research results. Devise questions that need further research. (These areas could provide good headings to organize your notes and later your writing.) Scope: All literature reviews will be expected to encompass at least one major controversy in the specific topic area and to explain this disagreement from at least two competing vantage points. Students will be expected to incorporate reviews of at least 7 closely related sources. Length: Although there is no length requirement, a fair estimate of length, not including bibliography and appendix, would be approximately 6-8 pages for undergraduates. Technical requirements: All papers must exceed general writing standards for the appropriate college level. Papers that are poorly written, edited or proofread may be penalized a full letter grade. If you are concerned about your writing proficiency, please make use of the Writing Center resources. Consider exchanging papers with another class member to facilitate editing and proofreading. Papers should comply with APA (American Psychological Association) citation style throughout. APA resources are readily available on-line or through the Writing Center. Libguides website to assist with the research: https://bowiestate.libguides.com/research_process Finding sources of information at the library: https://bowiestate.libguides.com/Finding_Sources_at_TML Academic Honesty: As per course policy, all papers must represent the student’s individual and original work. Instances of plagiarism, including failure to provide source citations for direct quotations from other authors or paraphrasing their ideas without source attribution, will result in a failing grade for the assignment and likely in the course. A demonstrated pattern of plagiarism could result in expulsion for the university.

General stain/Gender Order Description In the literature review i need Cover sheet,table of content, body of paper, intro, review the articles, transitional words, conclusion, & bibliography. Literature Review Overview: A literature review is an evaluative account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. The purpose of a literature review […]

How memory and intelligence change as we age

Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that […]

Ante-Nicene versus Current Christian Worship

Ante-Nicene versus Current Christian Worship Order Description The paper will have 5- sections 1.) Introduction, 2.) Description of Ante-Nicene Worship, 3.)Comparison of Ante-Nicene Worship to Current Worship Practices.4.)Suggested Changes to Worship practices, and 5.) Conclusion Must use Turabian Style with a 12 – point Font double-spaced. in own words, use quotation and footnotes sparingly, must […]