The Big Five model of personality

Tisha recently completed a personality inventory as part of her executive training program. She was supposed to receive a printout of her results but got only the first page of the packet. This page indicated that she scored moderately high in Openness to Experience as well as Agreeableness, very high in Conscientiousness and Extraversion, and low in Neuroticism. However, the page offered no analysis of these findings because the analysis was part of the missing pages.

She has contacted HR to obtain the remaining pages of her feedback because she is interested in knowing what the results mean.

Based on the Big Five model of personality, explain the findings to Tisha. Include the explanations of each dimension of personality, and provide examples of each. Be sure to discuss research findings regarding personality measures and job performance.

Detail how the predictors of performance could be used to predict Tisha’s success as a manager. Do you think Tisha’s personality test suggests that she will be a successful manager? Why or why not?

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