Intel’sequity-based compensation plan

Refer to the Intel Inc. 2012 financial statements and the accompanying notes to answer the Module 1 1) What are the maturities on Intel’s Long-term debt? 2) What are Intel’s projected obligations on Long-Term Debt and Payments due by period? 3) What is the par or stated value of Intel’s preference shares? 4) What is […]

Revitalizing a Brand

Case study titled “Revitalizing a Brand”, located in the online course shell. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the branding and communication strategies of one (1) health services organization that is similar to the health services organizations mentioned in the case study. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: […]

Develop a planning strategy for your persuasive speech

Develop a planning strategy for your persuasive speech based on the following five criteria for an effective speech: need for credibility need for intellectual stimulation need for creativity need for relevance need for emphasis Use these criteria to answer the following questions about your own speech: How would you demonstrate that you are a credible […]

Kurdistan’s oil resources

A) This is a FULL Dissertation with 10,000 words. The Dissertation MUST be done in an EXACT way as the Dissertation PROPOSAL that I will upload! B) I would like to be sent the Dissertation at every completed 2000 words for my review and comments if I have any. C) This is a LAW Dissertation […]

Prentice Company

Prentice Company is considering dropping on of its product lines. What costs of the product line would be relevant to this decision? What costs would be irrelevant?   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you […]

Service Encounters Project First Draft

This assignment involves submitting two drafts of the paper. The requirements for the first draft and the second draft are the same. First draft must include all the components of the assignment. It has to be prepared after conducting your observation. “Service Encounters” project is modeled on Bailey’s research presented in his paper, “Communication of […]

Compute the July 31 balances

Design Flooring Carpet Company manufactures carpets. Fiber is placed in process in the Spinning Department, where it is spun into yarn. The output of the Spinning Department is transferred to the Tufting Department, where carpet backing is added at the beginning of the process and the process is completed On July 1, Design Flooring Carpet […]

Integration of Quebec into the British Empire

Topic: Explain the integration of Quebec into the British Empire, 1763-91 and its subsequent impact on the issue of national unity in Canadian history. -Must have clear thesis and conclusion -Need Chicago style footnotes and bibliography -Do NOT use ibid for footnotes For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What […]

Analytical methods

Module 2 Assignment Chapter 4 1. The following frequency distribution contains information about urban residents’ self-evaluation of the likelihood that they will be a victim of crime in the next year. Likelihood of Victimization Urban Very Likely 90 Somewhat Likely 70 Not Likely 80 Total 240 a) Find the mode b) Find the median c) […]

Compute the total cost per mailbox per month of’s current e-mail function provides banks access to sophisticated financial information and analysis systems over the Web. The company combines these tools with benchmarking data access, including e-mail and wireless communications, so that banks can instantly evaluate individual loan applications and entire loan portfolios.’s CEO Jon Wise is happy with the company’s growth. To better focus on […]

Partnership Formation to Dissolution

Timothy is a 35 percent partner in the Total Partnership, a calendar-year-end entity. Timothy has an outside basis in his interest in Total of $198,000, which includes his share of the $45,000 of partnership liabilities. On December 31, Total makes a proportionate distribution of the following assets to Timothy: Basis FMV Cash $50,000 $50,000 Inventory […]


Intro to the Mind Fall 2015 Papers should be 3-4 pages in length. Papers should be typed, double spaced, with standard margins and 12-point font. Any references, including the class textbook, must be cited on a “works cited” page, separate from the rest of the paper. Write a paper on the following topic. The paper […]

Indicate the reporting of the 2014 pension amounts in the income statement and balance sheet for Sonta Corp.

Complete the following exercise. Label each question clearly. Sonta Corp. provides a defined benefit pension plan for its employees.The balances below are on its books as of January 1, 2014.   AccountBalance Plan assets$480,000 Projected benefit obligation (PBO)$625,000 Accumulated OCI (Prior Service Cost)$100,000*   * Prior Service Cost has a debit balance on January 1, […]

Pop Art

Answer: 12. ‘Pop art could never decide whether it was criticizing or celebrating the world it depicted.” Anon. Discuss this statement by close reference to no more than four Pop artworks and/or films. Your essay should clearly and articulately develop an argument to answer the set question. You are expected to discuss relevant artworks and/or […]

The investment’s payback period,

Directions: Answer all the questions. Please submit your work in Word or PDF formats only. You can submit an Excel file to support calculations, but please “cut and paste” your solutions into the Word or PDF file. Be sure to show how you did your calculations. Also, please be sure to include your name at […]

formulas, absolute addresses, and x-y plot:

  Using formulas, absolute addresses, and x-y plot: Supplies are dropped from an airplane to land at a certain point. The velocity of the package at release from the airplane is the speed of the airplane, v0x=200ft/s. The acceleration of the package due to gravity is ay = -32.2 ft/s2. The displacement in the y […]

: Quantitative History, Psychohistory, and Narrative History

Project Description Write 2 pages addressing all questions in the discussion topic below. Format must be in Turabian writing style, so please cite sources using this formatting style. This will also be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin detection software. The items listed below and uploaded in PDF filesare parts of the required reading material/sources that […]

The relationships between the policy developers and the policy implementers

Identify any program constraints, such as financial resources, human capital, and local culture. ·         Analyze the relationships between the policy developers and the policy implementers for the selected program. Topic is Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program. Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no […]

the advantages and disadvantages of the Senate filibuster rule

  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Senate filibuster rule.   What can states do to counter the power of the federal government? Cite examples.   Provide a fully developed essay of at least 500 words, and cite sources used.     Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work […]

local and state laws that affect the health care industry

Week One Individual Assignment: Health Care Laws – Students will complete the matrix provided in the student materials section. You should focus on local and state laws that affect the health care industry where you live. If you have questions or difficulty in locating laws applicable in your locale, contact the instructor. NOTE: Do not […]

Case Study Leadership

The Case Study will focus on a historic or current leadership issue in your discipline or major.  You will discuss and assess the leadership issue.  The case study issue will lead to the Research Paper where you will develop a plan to resolve the issues identified. The purpose of the case study is to identify leadership […]

How the debt capacity of the governmental entity is determined.

Select a government agency (local/state/federal) and develop a four- to five-page APA-style paper summarizing the following: Explain how the debt capacity of the governmental entity is determined. Evaluate the effect of refunding or reorganizing existing debt obligations. Analyze various funding alternatives that can be used to support debt obligations. Do you want your assignment written […]

Critical Infrastructure Protection

  Dr. Robert Stephen of the Department of Homeland Security After watch the video of the interview with Robert Stephan, U.S. Department of Homeland Security answer the following question: Why did Mr. Stephan say that a national inventory of critical infrastructure was important? The link is below. Place your order now for a similar paper […]

current homeland security hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities

Develop a comprehensive, strategic 5-year plan for your community relating to current homeland security hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities. Include all of the elements that were discussed in Week 2, including the details on how to facilitate or manage the planning process. Your plan must include a training outline that incorporates new members and existing members. The outline should address […]

Resource Directory

Must be Washington State agencies. Compose a list of at least 7-10 public agencies that you would recommend to parents to help them teach social, living, transitional, and vocational skills to their child with ID. For each agency you recommend, provide at least three strategies or activities focused on social, living, transitional, and/or vocational skills […]

The Origin And The Development Of Art In Latin America

Your papers will be argumentative (i.e. essays) and analytical (i.e. historiographic, addressing the strengths and weakness—and reason there of—for the viewpoints of authors whose texts you are considering), and can address a theme of your choice (as per the prospectus).   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team […]

Professional Associations Membership

Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include: 1.The function of the organization, as well as its mission and […]

Culture Assignment

Culture Assignment (40 Points Total—8% of Your Grade) Instructions Find or take a picture of some aspect of your organization (i.e., a logo, the people, a product of the work that is done there, etc.) that captures the culture of the organization. It can be a picture of an organization in which you are currently […]