
blog write about the novel called “Handmade’s Tale” write “My point of view” for this story. if you like it or not. and please make sure to get all the next 10 points to be in the paper. 1. you must have write something that make a point, have a thesis, or at least a […]

Psychological Skills Training program

Psychological Skills Training program After reading chapters 11-14, week five lecture notes, and reviewing the following websites: Design a Psychological Skills Training program for a collegiate athlete of your choice. Select an athlete and the sport, explain the issues, and then create a comprehensive Psychological Skills Training Program. You must include several of […]

. Neurodevelopmental basis of math anxiety

  Neurodevelopmental basis of math anxiety You will read one of the attached journal article and write a one-page typed (double-spaced) summary and reaction to the article. In order to receive credit for the paper, you need to demonstrate that you read the full journal article. Your paper should address the following: What was the […]

Essay for scholarship

Essay for scholarship Paper details: STUDYING IN THE UK QUESTION Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future. *Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of […]

war style: MLA

war style: MLA The prompt is right here: How is Lawrence LeShaun’s argument that American’s love war reflected in “How to Tell a True War Story”? Show how the emotions and events portrayed in the work you chose reflect or contradict LeShaun’s premise. The article by Ugo is from my library database we need to […]

Advertising Persuasive Analysis Assignment

Advertising Persuasive Analysis Assignment Persuasive Analysis The writing assignment will draw on several of the elements which involves analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and persuasion. Remember that when you are analyzing something, in this case advertisements, you break that something into its component parts and examine those parts and then evaluate how the parts make up the […]

Unity of Little Miss Sunshine Discuss the "unity" of the movie LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE. First, do you believe it is an ensemble film? Why? Who is at the center of the ensemble? What are the elements and tensions at play that hold this movie together (if you think it holds together). Does its unity(s) allow it to adhere to three act structure and the Hero's Journey? How? Why? Unity is the mechanism that binds the narrative together and may include: • Unity of Action • Unity of Time • Unity of Place • Unity of Theme

Unity of Little Miss Sunshine Discuss the “unity” of the movie LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE. First, do you believe it is an ensemble film? Why? Who is at the center of the ensemble? What are the elements and tensions at play that hold this movie together (if you think it holds together). Does its unity(s) allow […]

Eric Fischl – Untitled Work

Eric Fischl – Untitled Work Eric Fischl’s “Untitled” (monotype on wove paper) from the series “Beach” and from the book “Scenes and Sequences” currently on display at the Museum of Fine Art’s Houston (Please see attached files). Essay should be two pages in length, contain four references, and be composed in MLA format. Essay should […]

performance management

performance management As a global HR specialist, what are the cross-cultural challenges you may face in attempting to use HR best practice as a performance intervention in a multinational context? Critically evaluate this question by drawing from the appropriate academic literatures to justify relevance and effectiveness of the HRM/OB tools under consideration. Consider the following […]

BUS303 – Module 4

BUS303 – Module 4 Using the job you identified in Module 1, following the guidelines from the above readings, write a resume and a cover letter applying for the job. Submit your resume and cover letter. Remember and apply what you’ve learned so far on persuasion and writing letters. Using materials from Module 1 on […]

Psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM

Psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM Watch the video about psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM. Also, click the links for the Online Anxiety Survey and the Online Depression Survey and take both of them. PRINT AND ATTACH THE SHORT SUMMARY ONLY. Links: The DSM- Online Anxiety Survey- Online Depression Survey- Answer the following questions […]

Week 5

Week 5 Assignment Instructions: Complete the Self Assessment Exercise on pages 292-293 of the Greenberg text. Submit your score from the Self Assessment Exercise along with your answers to the following question. 1. Submit score. 2. What does this questionnaire reveal about the particular factors that would keep you from working well in teams? 3. […]

ECE/ME 491 – Acoustics

ECE/ME 491 – Acoustics Fall 2015 Project #3 Due: Tues., Nov. 3 at the beginning of class. 1 Guitar pickup For this project, you will construct a guitar pickup from basic materials. You do need to use the materials provided, but how you combine them is up to you. 2 Background Sensors (i.e., transducers) are […]

GLOBAL HEALTH ALERT ASSIGNMENT Community/Public Health Nursing is concerned with the needs of populations in global communities as well as local neighborhoods. Scanning the global environment to identify the health concerns of populations at risk is supported by the principles of Community/Public Health Nursing and is a critical component of Community/Public Health Nursing practice. This assignment is designed to do the following: • Identify a global health concern/issue/problem found in at least three countries • Develop an educational “Alert” about this concern/issue/problem using an epidemiological framework • Analyze the risk factors and health promotion aspects of the global health concern/issue/problem from a worldwide perspective Use internet sites (,, etc), international and global public health agencies, libraries, and other resources dealing with global health concerns/issues/problems. Specifically the 3 to 4 page assignment using APA format requires the following: • 1. Description of the public health global concern/issue/ problem using an epidemiological framework and bio-statistical data on populations affected, i.e. host-agent-environment framework and morbidity and mortality statistics for three countries. • 2. Analysis and discussion of social, cultural, environmental, political, behavioral, economic (specific cost impact), health policies, and health care infrastructure factors in at least three countries where the health concern/issue/problem presents .• 3. Discuss the health effects on the affected populations and the impact of these on international health. Use evidence-based data where relevant. • 4. Discuss the efforts made by global organizations to improve the health and well-being of the affected populations which includes political action and policy development and levels of prevention in three countries .• 5. Synthesize all relevant findings and cite three pertinent references (do not use online encyclopedias, only use global health sources like WHO, UN, CDC or UNICEF). GRADING GUIDELINES FOR GLOBAL HEALTH ALERT ASSIGNMENT 1. Description of public health global concern/issue/problem using epidemiological (host-agent-environment) framework and bio-statistical morbidity and mortality statistics for at least three countries with affected populations…………………………….……..30% 2. Analysis and discussion of social, cultural, environmental, political, behavioral, economic .with specific cost impact, health policies, and health care infrastructure factors in at least three countries where the health concern/issue/ problem presents…………………….30% 3. Synthesis of impact of the global health concern worldwide and efforts made by global and international organizations to improve the health of affected populations……………30% 4. APA format, grammar, spelling, logical organization, references…..………………10%

GLOBAL HEALTH ALERT ASSIGNMENT Community/Public Health Nursing is concerned with the needs of populations in global communities as well as local neighborhoods. Scanning the global environment to identify the health concerns of populations at risk is supported by the principles of Community/Public Health Nursing and is a critical component of Community/Public Health Nursing practice. This […]


MAN0713M Marketing Strategy Project Workbook Developed by Dr Raisa Yakimova August 2015 PROJECT – GENERAL OUTLINE Introduction: The Project work book sheets are designed as a guide to assist you with your project development. The work book sheets detail the work you should be completed at certain stages of the semester. The work will help […]

Programme Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Health and Social Care (management).

Programme Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Health and Social Care (management). Unit Title: Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care Unit : 12 Date Issued: September-15 Student Name St Patrick Student ID No.: Date of final Submission: 5TH December-15 Edexcel Registration No.: Unit Leader: Physiology teaching team. Internal Verifier Name: Physiology […]

1. Imagine you are about to conduct an experiment investigating reaction times as a function of stimulus complexity.

1. Imagine you are about to conduct an experiment investigating reaction times as a function of stimulus complexity. You are concerned that your participants may show great differences in reaction times even when the participants are treated identically. These differences may obscure any effect of stimulus complexity. You have reason to believe that participants of […]

Case Study Assignment

Case Study Assignment 5.1 Web Application Vulnerability Detection As an experienced IT Security Professional, you have been given the project to develop a demonstration model to prove you are competent to be able to utilise a wide range of security and forensic tools and techniques to discover vulnerabilities in typical web applications that your clients […]


ASSESSMENT DETAILS AND POLICIES 1. Types and Due Dates of Assessment Assessment Item Weighting (%) Submission Date Method of Submission Returnable (yes/no) 1. PBL exercises Exercise 1 OR 2. Exercise 3 60% 1 × 20% 1 x 40% October 5th, 2015 November 9th, 2015 Turnitin only Yes 2. Examination- Formal 40% Examination period 2 hours […]

Research essay/ summary through discussion

Research essay/ summary through discussion The purpose of this assignment is to allow yo to actively engage in an area of clinical practice relevant to your branch which is Psychiatry Nursing, through engaging with research by conducting a literature review. Specifically you are required to: 1. Identify a patient/client nursing issue 2. Develop an answerable […]


INSTRUCTIONS HIV/AIDS ESSAY QUESTION Analyse and discuss the reasons why Australia has been more successful in containing the HIV/AIDS epidemic than other countries. In your answer make comparisons between Australia’s approaches to the epidemic and the approaches of one or two other countries. # NO PLAGIRISM MUST BE IN OWN WORD WILL GO THROUGH PLAGARISM […]

palliative care for Advanced progressive disease

palliative care for Advanced progressive disease first write about palliative care of Advanced progressive disease in the intro and how nurses can deal with Then I’ll upload a power point and want you to summarize it in a paragraph second and third paragraph start about nursing intervention in brief the write about( Provide with patients […]

Order instructions

Order instructions Week 10 Read chapter 32 “Women’s Health” and review the attached Power Point presentation. Once the task is completed answer the following questions. 1. How are demographic variables related to women’s health issues? 2. Discuss the specific health concerns and most prevalent issues as women age. 3. How can nurses provide preventive-based care […]

Sales Employee at Extra

Sales Employee at Extra this is a research project that is based on a company based in Saudi Arabia. The company’s website “” We need to basically analys the “sales person job” at this company. We have basic information that you could use, this job is basically assiting customers in a good and friendly way, […]

Case Study Assignment

Case Study Assignment 5.1 Web Application Vulnerability Detection As an experienced IT Security Professional, you have been given the project to develop a demonstration model to prove you are competent to be able to utilise a wide range of security and forensic tools and techniques to discover vulnerabilities in typical web applications that your clients […]

What message is Yahoo relaying?

What message is Yahoo relaying? Case notes: Six (6) cases are assigned throughout the semester. Your best 5 will earn points. Cases are meant to facilitate your understanding of the material. Cases should be submitted via BlackBoard prior to the beginning of class. In structuring your Case notes, disregard the questions at the end of […]

Consider a 2D reservoir with 7 by 7 grid blocks

Consider a 2D reservoir with 7 by 7 grid blocks. Based on some simplifying assumptions, you know that you can use the steady state equation below to solve for pressure in the reservoir. (?^2 P)/(?x^2 )+(?^2 P)/(?y^2 )=0 The equation above can be shown as below when finite difference approximation is used. (P_(i+1,j)-2P_(i,j)+P_(i-1,j))/?(?x)?^2 +(P_(i,j+1)-2P_(i,j)+P_(i,j-1))/?(?y)?^2 =0 […]