ENGL 102 Dr. R. Buckton-Tucker Writing and Information Literacy Fall Semester 2015 SUMMARY, ANALYSIS& SYNTHESIS (15%) This paper furthers the use of your skills in summarising and analyzing. In addition, you will be synthesising the content and the argument of texts, working with three of the sources for your own research paper.You will be expected […]

Managing Multidisciplinary Professionals by Combining Assets and Activities

For this assignment, review the Combining Assets and Activities case study in Section 7.3 of your course text.This is the course text  Baack, D. E. & Fischer, A. (2013). The essentials of managing in the healthcare industry. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.   Then, thoroughly address the following points in your paper: Describe the vertical and horizontal […]

Probability theory

art 1 (approximately 1–1.5 pages, total): Copy and paste the following examples (A–F below), then respond by classifying each of the following variables as either: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio. Provide a brief explanation where indicated. A researcher studying lifespan categorizes individuals into single, married, divorced, or widowed. What type of variable measurement is this? […]

Adam Smith on Gekko's philosophy

Is Greed Good? For those of you unfamiliar with Gordon Gekko, he is one of the central characters in Oliver Stone’s film Wall Street. Stone made a sequel in 2010, once again featuring Gekko, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, but he dumped, wisely or not, Charlie Sheen. Check out this clip of Gekko at work […]

Western influence on Iranian political life

Scholars agree that Western interference has helped to shape Iranian political life before, during, and after the revolution. Share your thoughts on the question: Has Western influence been good for a country like Iran? Should the West try to have more influence, such as on Iran’s nuclear power program and their politics? Or has Western […]

Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education

Content Review Learning Resources Required Resources: Course Text: Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education Chapter 1, “The Purpose and Promise of Special Education” (pp. 9–19, 22–37, 40–44) Chapter 2, “Planning and Providing Special Education Services” (pp. 51–84) Web Site: Snow, K. (2008). People first language. Retrieved from Used by permission of Katie Snow. Optional Readings and Resources […]


Learning Resources Required Resources: Course Text: Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education Chapter 1, “The Purpose and Promise of Special Education” (pp. 9–19, 22–37, 40–44) Chapter 2, “Planning and Providing Special Education Services” (pp. 51–84) Web Site: Snow, K. (2008). People first language. Retrieved from Used by permission of Katie Snow. Optional Readings and Resources Early Childhood […]

marketing organizational

Assignment 2: Case Analysis/Scenario For this assignment write a paper in which you respond to the following questions. Your responses should be properly cited and your paper should follow APA style guidelines.  Let’s continue our analysis of Desjardins. Based upon the information as of 2008 when Monique Leroux was elected Chairman, President, and CEO, please […]

welfare payments

Imagine you are on welfare. Based on what you know about welfare today, what do you think your life would be like ? Describe your housing, your food, your daily activities and your family and friends. Next identify the services that would be helpful to you. Why did you choose these services? The second phase […]

perspective on Holland’s properties and mechanisms of complex adaptive systems

Holland (1995) suggested that seven basics (four properties and three mechanisms) are common to all complex systems. See Brownlee (2007), Smith and Bedau (2000), and Holland’s TED Talk for details on these complex systems basics to respond to in this week’s Discussion. 1 Page, include: Your perspective on Holland’s properties and mechanisms of complex adaptive […]

Case Management

This week you will evaluate a hypothetical client scenario to complete a social history. There are two parts of this project. Complete the Social History Form found in DocSharing as the first part. Then, write a reflective analysis of the client’s needs including explanation of how referral success relates to relapse potential. This analysis should […]

Labor Unions in the 21st Century!

The AFL-CIO is an umbrella organization representing nearly 60 affiliated unions formuch of the labor union movement in the United States. These affiliated unions areindependent labor organizations. 1. Go to the AFL-CIO webpage ( Summarize three major issuesthe AFL-CIO advocates for their members. 2. Under the About AFL-CIO tab, chose AFL-CIO Unions, scroll through the […]

Change and Leadership

Introduction Creating change might be difficult; however, using effective change models, techniques, and approaches will most likely ensure success. Through means of assessment, leaders can determine where change is needed within an organization. When considering change, it is essential to consider the current state of the organization and where the organization is headed—what is the […]

Opportunity for Improvements

Determine at least two (2) challenges in identifying Opportunity for Improvements (OFIs). Suggest at least one (1) strategy that business management can use to mitigate the challenges in question. Provide a rationale to support your suggestion. For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now! What We Offer: • On-time delivery guarantee […]


  The following data consists of the actual time used and potential (the best time possible for this review process)to complete each step in the review process. The actual times are based on the review of 30 projects. The potential times are subjective engineering judgment estimates. Table: Basic Data Review for Construction Project Equipment Arrangement […]

Design a research study using relevant tools and methodology

Assignment: Research Proposal – Draft of Introduction The following course outcome is addressed in this Assignment: PS504-2: Design a research study using relevant tools and methodology. This Assignment is part of the Research Proposal that you will turn in at the end of Unit 9. This Assignment represents a draft of the Introduction section of […]

Calculating Age Adjusted Mortality Rate

Conduct research to address the following: Requirements: Calculate the 2006 all cause age-adjusted mortality rates for males and females for the United States using the direct and indirect method of age adjustment. Calculate the 2006 all cause age-adjusted mortality rates for males and females for the state in which you live using the direct and […]

Aluminum Corrosion

In this discussion activity, address the following: Review the Office of Aviation Research document AR99-34 Characterization of Early Stages of Corrosion Fatigue in Aircraft Skin. When the layman thinks of corrosion, the first thing imagined is a brown, crusty appearance such as that commonly appearing in iron and steel. This is called rust. However, in […]

Diseases analysis

List three diseases you’re interested in researching further. Write at least one paragraph for each disease listed explaining why you’d like to learn more about that disease. Why do you think the disease requires further study? Part 2: Your Epidemiology research report seeks to identify one of the diseases that are currently on the rise […]

risk on information technology

Post a message discussing the common sources of risk on information technology projects and suggestions for managing them. Which suggestions do you find most useful? Which do you feel would not work in your organization? Why? Support your post with at least two scholarly journal references. (300-400 word count range)     For a custom […]

Determining mixed costs—the high-low method

M2 Details: Please complete the following exercises and/or problems from the textbook: • E21-30 • E21-31 • E21-37 • CP21-63 Prepare your answers in an Excel workbook, using one worksheet per exercise or problem. E21-30 Determing mixed costs—the high-low method The manager of Able Car Inspection reviewed the monthly operating costs for the past year. […]

The impact of the South African mineral revolution

1. Craft an essay discussing the impact of the South African mineral revolution. Focus your attention on the economy (domestic and foreign), labor, colonialism, and emerging racial policy. What do you consider to be the most enduring impact of the mineral discovery? 2. “The central question of African rebellions against colonial rule was the new […]

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence

Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today? Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ […]

Darwin’s Nightmare

Short Essay #1 (10%): Darwin’s Nightmare The first short essay assignment is a reaction paper requiring viewing of and reflection on the documentary film Darwin’s Nightmare by Hubert Sauper (2004). Instructions Three weeks in to the course, we have been exposed to several readings that comment on (Africa’s) development or underdevelopment. We have also, during […]

uploded documents

Please read the following articles and do it as a sample uploaded Article 1 Measuring Human Rights: Principle, Practice, and Policy – Todd Landman 2004 (page 906 to 931) Article 2 8 stages of genocide – Gregory Stanton article 3 Unravelling the paradox of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ – David Chandler Article 4 The Truth […]

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy

Select a president from the table, “Presidents and Their ‘Doctrines,’” in Roskin, Chapter 4. Then write a 3-5 page paper on the doctrine that president used according to Roskin. Your research must include at least four (4) credible sources, apart from your textbook. Your paper must address the following: Summarize a situation that required U.S. […]


Assignment 1 Journal This assignment requires that you research and develop a promotional plan for SAIBT. This process will be presented as an online journal. To begin, choose something that you are interested in promoting. The platform for your journal must be Moodle blog. Record at least one entry per week, more if possible. Treat […]