We can work on Conflict and Communication strategies

Discuss experiences you have had where a lack of effective communication resulted in a conflict. (I started by giving you two areas I’ve had a conflict in. You can respond with how I resolved the conflicts and by answering the other questions.

Select two specific conflicts from your discussion to explore in more depth.

Answer the following questions for each conflict:

  • Was the conflict resolved? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • What communication strategies could be incorporated to prevent this problem from reoccurring?
  • How might problem-solving strategies be used in each conflict?
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Sample Answer

Conflict 1:

I was working on a project with a team of people. We were allowing of the project, a working on different parts  and we were not communicating effectively with each other. This led to a lot of confusion and misunderstandings. We ended up having to redo a lot of work, and the project was delayed.

How I resolved the conflict:

I resolved the conflict by improving my communication skills. I learned to be more clear and concise in my communication, and I learned to listen more effectively. I also learned to be more proactive in communicating with my team members.

Communication strategies that could be incorporated to prevent this problem from reoccurring:

  • Be clear and concise in your communication. This means using plain language that is easy to understand. It also means avoiding jargon and acronyms.
  • Listen effectively. This means paying attention to what the other person is saying and trying to understand their point of view. It also means asking clarifying questions.
  • Be proactive in communicating. This means not waiting for the other person to come to you with a problem. It also means checking in regularly to see how things are going.

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Problem-solving strategies that could be used in this conflict:

  • Brainstorm solutions. This means coming up with a list of possible solutions to the problem.
  • Evaluate solutions. This means considering the pros and cons of each solution.
  • Choose a solution. This means selecting the solution that you think is best.
  • Implement the solution. This means putting the solution into action.
  • Evaluate the solution. This means checking to see if the solution solved the problem.

Conflict 2:

I was working with a client who was not clear about their needs. This led to a lot of frustration on both sides. We ended up having to start the project over, and it cost the client a lot of money.

How I resolved the conflict:

I resolved the conflict by clarifying the client’s needs. I asked them a lot of questions to get a better understanding of what they wanted. I also made sure to get everything in writing so that there was no confusion.

Communication strategies that could be incorporated to prevent this problem from reoccurring:

  • Ask clarifying questions. This means asking the client questions to get a better understanding of their needs.
  • Get everything in writing. This means putting everything that is agreed upon in writing so that there is no confusion.
  • Be patient. This means taking the time to understand the client’s needs.

Problem-solving strategies that could be used in this conflict:

  • Brainstorm solutions. This means coming up with a list of possible solutions to the problem.
  • Evaluate solutions. This means considering the pros and cons of each solution.
  • Choose a solution. This means selecting the solution that you think is best.
  • Implement the solution. This means putting the solution into action.
  • Evaluate the solution. This means checking to see if the solution solved the problem.

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