Essay 4: Argumentation

Essay 4: Argumentation Patterns for College Writing Purpose: The main focus for this essay will be arguing a debatable issue; providing evidence to support a thesis; refuting opposing viewpoints; and successfully incorporating quotes. Prompt: Take a stand on one of following debatable topics. Your paper must correctly cite one essay from the textbook and at […]

308 DQ 3/1 Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality/Process Improvement, and Ethical Issues

308 DQ 3/1 Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality/Process Improvement, and Ethical Issues Order Description The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) was implemented to allow patients to state “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNS), or to assign a surrogate decision maker in the event the individual is unable to make the decision. What relationship does an ethics committee have […]

Homeless Veteran Policies

Homeless Veteran Policies Order Description Policy Analysis Paper (30 points) Objectives: ? To take a social justice research approach about a social phenomenon using scholarly material and evaluate existing policies. Tasks: ? Analyzes the social problem of homeless veterans by looking at: o the historical emergence of the social problem, o the history of policy […]

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions Order Description Section B If the route chosen is acquisition, it is likely that a Chinese company will be the target. Write a note to the Board outlining and evaluating the key issues to be taken into consideration when contemplating a cross border acquisition. Your answer should specifically address issues arising for […]

Risk Management Assessment 308 dq 3/2

Risk Management Assessment 308 dq 3/2 Order Description This assignment builds on the review of risk management in the “Elements of a Risk Management Program” assignment. In a 1,250-1,500-word paper, discuss techniques for maintaining a successful risk management program by doing the following: Refer to chapter 7, “Techniques for Managing Safety,” in Risk Management in […]

Organizational Employer Risk Management 308 dq 2/2

Organizational Employer Risk Management 308 dq 2/2 Order Description Describe the purpose of a root-cause analysis. Discuss an example of any issue that would necessitate a root-cause analysis. You may use an incident from a referenced article, textbook, or personal experience. Support your analysis with one peer-reviewed reference. Identify the actions that would need to […]

Organizational Employer Risk Management dq 2/1 308

Organizational Employer Risk Management dq 2/1 308 Order Description Review your organization’s risk management policies as they relate to the Americans With Disabilities Act and workers’ compensation. What is the process for reporting an incident? If there is not a policy, detail how you would go about getting a policy developed and approved within your […]


BME 4701/6701 MEDICAL IMAGING FALL 2015 LAB 4: EXPERIMENT B CONTRAST DUE: 11:59 PM, WEDNESDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2015 PURPOSE: Contrast, noise and beam energy are important variables in radiographic imaging. Ideally, we want a high contrast image with minimal noise. To achieve high contrast, low beam energy is necessary. However, noise is reduced by increasing […]

Mini-Review Paper

Mini-Review Paper Once your virus is selected, you need to choose some aspect of the virus’ life cycle to investigate. For example, you may decide to study how the virus gets into the cell. You may need to do some more research on your virus to see what is out there before deciding what specifically […]


Finance Paper details: abaxis company compare CFO and Net Income for 2011-2014. Calculate the growth rate and correlation between these two items. Calculate the intrinsic value of abaxis company’s share price using a DCF model (Free Cash Flow to Firm). Compare the market price of the stock with your model’s price. Discuss. Calculate the LTM […]

Assignment #2: Social Constructions in Media

Assignment #2: Social Constructions in Media Levels of Achievement Criteria Outstanding Good Satisfactory Marginal Poor Relevance and Accuracy 5 Points A central argument is developed and clearly articulated. All assignment requirements are met. Well— developed understanding and thoughtful discussion of the topic and theory areas. 4 Points Meets the requirements of the assignment and is […]

Week 6

Week 6 Order Description The week six assignment is to complete and discuss the case study: “Expatriate Management at AstraZeneca” (page 325) Write a 3-5 page paper in APA format on the major points in the case. What lessons can be gleaned from the experiences that occurred with the management of expatriate employees at AstraZeneca? […]

The Passion of the Christ Essay

The Passion of the Christ Essay Order Description Write a 500-750 word essay that analyzes the film, The Passion of the Christ using the Topic 4 readings for support. Your paper should look especially at the interplay between the Sanhedrin, Pontius Pilate, and Christ. Seek to ascertain the political and social dynamics of that time […]

Action Inquiry

Action Inquiry Course: EDA 561 Instructions Action research is a reflective process used by school leaders to identify and solve problems on campus.The process involves both individuals and teams that want to improve business processes, operations, andefficiencies. You will complete this Action Inquiry Template for six of the eight core courses in thisprogram of study. […]

Business Technology

Business Technology Assignment 1 of 1 Assignment: Written report of 3000 words on a Business Technology project excluding tables of contents, appendices etc. Rationale: To assess students’ understanding of theoretical concepts and ability to apply them to a real-life business situation Deadline: Monday 14th Dec 2015 – 9am Assessment Weighting: 100% of the Module Assessment […]

Elements of a Risk Management Program 308 3/1

Elements of a Risk Management Program 308 3/1 Order Description In 1,000-1,250 word paper, conduct a review of the risk management program for new employees in a health organization. Include the following: Explain the steps for presenting a risk management program to new employees. Evaluate the presentation for compliance with the American Society of Healthcare […]

Leadership Model

Leadership Model Order Description Leadership is much less about what you do, and more about who you are. Describe a leadership style of a female leader who possess attributes such as fierce advocacy, courageous acts, collaboration, give back and a lifelong learner.

Greenberg textbook.

Greenberg textbook. Order Description Please answer questions 1 and question 2 separately. DO NOT ANSWER AS A WHOLE. Question 1–Read Chapters 11 & 12 in the Greenberg textbook. Chapter 11 1. Integrating terminology and concepts from the text in chapter 11, describe the quality of leadership within your organization. Chapter 12 A–Identify the factors responsible […]

International business development plan for Macsween Co.

International business development plan for Macsween Co. Order Description Scottish haggis company Macsween wishing to expand in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. This coursework asked for to explore the potentiality in selected countries for their existing and new range of Macsween products (e.g. different types of haggis; crisp of different flavours, such as, Haggis […]


FAMILY COUNSELING & THERAPY. TEXTBOOK FOR COURSE: Gehart, D.R. & Tuttle, A.R. (2010). Theory-based treatment planning for marriage and family therapists: Integrating theory and practice. New York: Brooks Cole Publishing Co. Assignment Instructions: PLEASE USE FAMILY THERAPY (not individual counseling) as your reference. In a short 2 page paper, discuss some of the similarities as […]

the Christian Canon

the Christian Canon Order Description A 3 page summary reflection paper on ‘The World of the New Testament’ and ‘The Canon and How the New Testament was Created

critical paper

critical paper Requirements Here are some suggestions that you might want to consider for the next paper: 1) even though it is a short critical paper, you might want to expand on your thesis statement to clearly articulate what you are arguing for and how you will get there (what theories you will use, and […]

MHC 680E Family Counseling

MHC 680E Family Counseling Assignment Instructions: Project Description (15 pages) Theory of Change Paper (215 points): You will write your own theory based on how you feel people, couples, and families change with the various sections listed below, with a focus on what we are learning in the context of family therapy and counseling. This […]

Technological Influances

Technological Influances Order Description In a 750-1,050 word paper, identify a technology and illustrate how that technology and the data obtained impacts the practices of a nurse. Address the following: Select one technological change in the past 20 years; Genetics, 3-D Printing, Robotics, Biometrics, Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR), Computerized Physician/Provider Orders Describe the technology. What […]

Managing Business Operations

Managing Business Operations Order Description 250 words 1-page A4 plan for the assignment you should submit an outline plan of 250 words, which covers how you intend to approach the assignment task, and which theoretical aspects you intend to include What need to be included 1-Information on what theories that I will include, with a […]

Assignment 3: Researching Scenarios

Assignment 3: Researching Scenarios Throughout the course of your academic career, you will be asked to conduct research to support the assertions you make in papers, presentations, and projects. Sometimes getting at the material you will need is fairly straightforward, while other times the research process forces you to get a little creative in seeking […]

Cosmic Creation Myths Across Cultures

Cosmic Creation Myths Across Cultures Write an 825 word paper about the selected creation myths that answers the following questions. 1. Which world or worlds, such as sky, earth, and underworld, are represented in the myths you chose? What are the elements of these worlds? 2. Describe the creators. Are the creators male or female, […]