Assignment 3: Social Network Analysis (20%) – 1,800 words

Assignment 3: Social Network Analysis (20%) – 1,800 words One important component of a person’s social life is his/her ‘social network’. A social network is defined as (i) all the people with whom an individual does activities with, and/or (ii) all the people who are important to an individual (regardless of whether each of those […]

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice a) Application of the Major Works You are to select 3 Major Works from the book, one from each section as followed: Section I: The Classic Descriptions of Crime Section II: Theories of Causation of Crime Section III: The Social Response to Crime When selecting the three different Major Works aim at select […]

jainism religion

jainism religion Using online sources, write two-page essay on Jainism religion’s history and beliefs. Cite the sources you used.

Oranges are not the only fruit

Oranges are not the only fruit This is a journal/critical thinking paper on Oranges are not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson.. Couldn’t find a paper type that really matched so I left it as an essay. Here are the instructions for the paper and the instructor is very strict about everything being in present […]

Marketing 400 Test 3

Marketing 400 Test 3 Fall of 2015 Due by midnight at the end of Sunday, November 8th. Each answer should be about a paragraph long. Do not copy your answers from the web, the text book, etc. In other words, you MAY USE the book, the videos, your notes, and other sources, but WRITE YOUR […]

"Studies in Terrorism"

“Studies in Terrorism” You are to design the “perfect” terrorist organization. We understand that there are flaws in every organizational structure but try to be as thorough as possible in addressing potential design flaws. Your design should incorporate everything you have learned and currently know about terrorism ideologies, groups, group structures, hierarchy, financing, communications, planning, […]

Darkness at Noon

Darkness at Noon PAPER TOPIC: Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler is a disturbing account of Nicholas Rubashov, a devout communist party member, who faces charges in the Moscow Show Trials of the 1930s. You are to read this harrowing tale and answer the following questions. How does Koestler’s story depict the radical results of […]

Short Essay on Social Issues

Short Essay on Social Issues Write a 5-paragraph essay of approximately 500-750 words (no more than 750, no fewer than 500) fully answering the posed question. This assignment must include paraphrases/summaries from the films to support your ideas. Be specific and use in-text citations and a works cited page completed according to MLA guidelines. No […]

Applied Managerial Economics

Applied Managerial Economics Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas. You’re meeting with Lester in his office to discuss the details of your presentation to the board next week. “Given all of the research that you have completed over the […]

Arguementative essay

Arguementative essay Argumentation Essay In third person, in 500-750 word using a minimum of 3 database sources, write argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development. Avoid the use of internet sources, .org/.com/.net, encyclopedias, wiki, dictionaries, and freshman text books in college papers (except for government text, which are a federal database and […]

Winston Churchill as a Leader

Winston Churchill as a Leader Paper is to discuss Winston Churchill as a leader, discuss the situations and circumstances that contributed to his success as a leader, and discuss his leadership qualities and successes. Please don’t use books as references, as they can be hard for me to find. Articles and websites are preferred. Here […]

Thiamin and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase

Thiamin and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Focus: the mechanism of action of a micronutrient with an enzyme. I chose: Thiamin and pyruvate dehydrogenase. Paper must include: 1. Introduction of the mechanism of action- when it was discovered, who discovered it, etc. (history) 2. Explanation of the mechanism of action of thiamin and pyruvate dehydrogenase (step by step) […]

Thiamin and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase

Thiamin and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Focus: the mechanism of action of a micronutrient with an enzyme. I chose: Thiamin and pyruvate dehydrogenase. Paper must include: 1. Introduction of the mechanism of action- when it was discovered, who discovered it, etc. (history) 2. Explanation of the mechanism of action of thiamin and pyruvate dehydrogenase (step by step) […]

Can personality be measured?

Can personality be measured? Following the APA system. Specify all the references. Use if possible those two references too: – Perspectives on Personality. Boston: Allyn & Bacon – Chamorro- Premuzic , T. (2015) Personality and individual Differences. (3rd Ed.) Chichester : BPS Blackwell. Chapter 2 & 3. (155.2 CHA)

Managing Organization Change

Managing Organization Change Write an analysis of Module 1: pages 109-139 in the textbook “Managing Change: Cases and Concepts” (Todd Jick). Should included a brief overview of reading and personal analysis.

INVESTMENT PLAN: PARTS 1 AND ll – FNCE 344 DUE November I9th,20t5

INVESTMENT PLAN: PARTS 1 AND ll – FNCE 344 DUE November I9th,20t5 Create a mutual fund investment plan for Roger MacMillan based on his cash flow surplus and available investments (Cash.flow Analvsis and Financial Profile prot,ided). This plan should be typed and include a cover page. engagement lefter (assume you are mutual fund licensed and […]

Rhetorical Analysis about "Mind Over Mass Media"

Rhetorical Analysis about “Mind Over Mass Media” Response #3 Rhetorical Analysis Purpose: A Rhetorical Analysis is a detailed examination of how persuasive a piece of writing is (or isn’t) and why. It is an essay that focuses on the choices an author has made in trying to persuade and/or appeal to his/her audience. In order […]


Industrial Consider the following situation: You and three of your very best friends have started a consulting firm called “We Guessed and You’re Wrong!” WG & YW uses computing technology and data mining software to help people predict the future of their ventures. You have established a monthly revenue stream of $48,000 per month for […]

final exam

final exam 1-this is a final exam, which has 5 questions and the writer has to answer each question in 500 words. 2- the writer must use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation style (AGLC) I will provide the document for that. 3-the plagiarism should be less than 10% 4- the limit of all answers […]

SWOT analysis of Samung Electronics (Threats section)

SWOT analysis of Samung Electronics (Threats section) Threats I.Apple A.Brand Loyalty 1.Sales & Market Share B.Specific Products 1.iPhone vs. Galaxy 2.Apple Pay vs. Samsung Pay II.Generic Competition A.Xiaomi in China B.Micromax in India C.Intex in India D.Lenovo III.Market Saturation A.Increased Competition & Price Wars 1.U.S. 2.Europe 3.Asia VI.Litigation A.Apple 1.Patent infringement B.Collusion 1.Korean Government C.Kodak […]

relations of power in regards to the London Pride Parade applying Foucault’s theory of power (Actions over actions; power of discipline and power of resistance)

relations of power in regards to the London Pride Parade applying Foucault’s theory of power (Actions over actions; power of discipline and power of resistance) Identify one key stakeholder (government) of Pride in London Parade and discuss its role in relation to the event using Foucault’s power theory. Integrate a critical evaluation of the political […]

2. 1 .Describe how two businesses are organised You will be required to find out how each of the two businesses is organised in terms of: Who is in charge? Is there a line of control? • How are functional areas carried out? Produce diagrams to sho

2. 1 .Describe how two businesses are organised You will be required to find out how each of the two businesses is organised in terms of: Who is in charge? Is there a line of control? • How are functional areas carried out? Produce diagrams to sho

Case Analysis Study Approach (CASA)

Case Analysis Study Approach (CASA) (Read the case a couple of times) Briefly make notes or an outline to describe each of the following – 1. Industry & Market: 2. External Environment: 3. Internal Environment: 4. Financial Analyses: 5. Economic Condition for Industry: 6. Key Trending Factors: 7. SWOT Analysis: 8. Key issues of the […]

New Venture Creation

New Venture Creation Assignment request Please refer to the attached: Styled of Assignment must be (refer to attached style guide: • AIB’s preferred Microsoft Word settings for academic work are as follows: • 12 point Calibri (which is the font used in this document); • line spacing of 1.5 lines; • language set as English […]


INDIVIDUAL LEARING PROJECT 1: COMPANY ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION PROJECT INSTRUCTIONS In this project, you will select an organization, or a segment of an organization, and interview key employees for the purpose of gathering information concerning the organization’s critical success factors. Please be sure to inform those interviewed for this project that any proprietary information included […]