
Psychology Answer in no more than two double spaced pages (1? margins, 12 point font) each. In order to be thorough and complete, answers will have to be carefully constructed?succinct and well organized. Do not use quotations. 1. A. How would Darwin and Skinner debate answers to the questions: How do people become moral, and […]

'Local government corporate governance vs. non-governmental corporate governance'

‘Local government corporate governance vs. non-governmental corporate governance’ This is a Research Project. I will require you to juxtapose the corporate governance style/s of local government against that of non-government corporate governance style/s. To achieve this, I will require you to consider themes / principles from corporate governance (predominantly), leadership, strategic management and operations management. […]

Top 5 Stereotypes of Koreans

Top 5 Stereotypes of Koreans 1. Koreans floss too much: Ok, so first of all there is a hint of truth to this because Korea is a very image-conscious place. One unique thing about Koreans is that we are a very communal race. We do everything together and hate being alone. The way we are […]

Problem Based Learning Exercise – Human Resource Management

Problem Based Learning Exercise – Human Resource Management Order Description -Find attached the Case study on Ethical Dilemma: The Padding That Hurt – Use the problem based learning style to complete the essay. A sample of problem based learning solution to a case study has been attached.Please refer to the sample as closely as possible. […]

Class, Capitalism and Money in The Great Gatsby

Class, Capitalism and Money in The Great Gatsby 3 pages is an essay proposal and an annotated bibliography. I will attach the document of the full details for it. At the end of the document I will attach is a list of topic choices for the essay, and the topic i would like to choose […]

law and social theory

law and social theory Order Description The take home exam will consist of a number of short answer/mini-essay questions spanning the entire unit and resembling the ‘discussion questions’ set out in the weekly schedule. I will post the topics below. Pick 3 qustions and make a 500 word mini essays on each. use the required […]

Name based on what you will write

Name based on what you will write Order Description 1. provide you a general requirement at first, then I will upload more specific & detailing infos.later (Before the dead line,I will keep upload the files that you might need, please keep in mind) 2.YOU MUST Sent me your draft , note & sources before you […]

evolving and innovative roles

evolving and innovative roles Order Description For this question, select a specialty (nurse educator, nurse informaticist, nurse administrator, nurse executive, nurse manager, and clinical nurse leader) that you think is in some stage of evolution toward advanced practice or has the potential to evolve. Conduct an Internet search (including the online library as well as […]

Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles Order Description A child needs to have set limits on what he or she can do, and also needs to feel responsibility. Parenting styles may be authoritarian, permissive, or authoritative. a. Briefly describe each of these parenting styles and the typical behaviors of the children as a result of each parenting style. ?b. […]

research on literary era

B research on literary era Order Description Your research paper should be on a literary time period. Choose a time period that moves you. Identify two to three writers from that time period that have strongly influenced that literary era. You also need a researchable question? What do you want to know or learn? Research […]

will the opening of the market for foreigners impact the corporate governance policies and practice in Saudi listed companies? .

will the opening of the market for foreigners impact the corporate governance policies and practice in Saudi listed companies? . No wholesale insertion of rule text in body of paper-please use an appendix. Know the difference between primary and secondary sources. Please write with passion, and take a position that you defend with empirical data […]

Client Profile: Peter Parker

Client Profile: Peter Parker Age Gender Resting Heart Rate Height Weight Body Fat Percentage 28 Male 80 bpm 6’4″ 252 pounds 29% Peter is a 28-year-old civil servant with a 9-to-5 desk job. He is 6’4″ tall and weighs 252 lbs. He played football and basketball in high school and some intramural sports in college, […]

study guide

study guide For a study guide to be completed, all questions must be answered in essay form. 1. Be able to identify the elements involved in Pavlovian conditioning, and the paradigms that produce Pavlovian conditioning. – What is the CS, US, UR & CR? – delay conditioning, trace conditioning, temporal conditioning 2. Be able to […]

Case Description: Doris

Case Description: Doris The case is of a 65-year-old woman with diabetes, hypertension and depression. She comes in today because she is worried about her diabetes because a friend started dialysis. The past three years she has noticed a burning, tingling pain in her feet that keeps her up at night, as well as swelling […]

Issue for analysis: Compare the health systems of France and the United Kingdom using the tools we discussed in lectures and what you have learned from discussions and readings, and decide which syste

Issue for analysis: Compare the health systems of France and the United Kingdom using the tools we discussed in lectures and what you have learned from discussions and readings, and decide which syste Look particularly at the methods of funding health care (government vs. private), and the results the care generates. You will need to […]

Social media has a negative influence on society

Social media has a negative influence on society Have topic sentences for all supporting paragraphs. The topic sentence must be the first sentence of the supporting paragraph. Have concluding sentences for all supporting paragraphs. The concluding sentence must be the last sentence of the supporting paragraph. Have at least five paragraphs: Introduction, Three Supporting Paragraphs, […]

Global Business

Global Business Individual Essay Question:Why do some countries attract more foreign investment than others? How might countries improve their chances of gaining inward investment? 1500 words See the Extended Reading List for relevant references, and also consult the following: Asiedu, E. (2002). On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: is Africa different?. […]

Article critique of the article below

Article critique of the article below Paper details:

© 2006 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 5

© 2006 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 5 Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. Name: Date: Biological Compounds Virtual Lab Report Background: Residents in a small rural community notice a strange smell coming from a nearby lake. Scientists are brought in. How can they identify compounds in the water? […]

Sociological Perspectives

Date: Sociological Perspectives Submit this assignment to your teacher before or on the due date for full credit. Your teacher will use the grading rubric on the last page to grade your assignment. When completed, submit document in Dropbox. Common Core Writing Standards: CC.8.5.11-12.B: Provide an accurate summary of key ideas and details. CC.8.6.11-12.B: Write […]


Assignment 1. Answer all 3 questions. 2. The total word count for all 3 questions must not exceed 2 500 words. 3. Submit answers to all 3 questions as a single Word document by 10h30 on Monday 9 November. 4. Please check to ensure that you can access the 4 annexures linked to Question 3 […]

gun control

gun control Paper details: A title An introduction that includes – research question- Gun control and the constitution: should “The right to keep and bear arms” be updated to regulate modern firearms? Organized body paragraphs(at least for body paragraphs) follows the format of an English 100/101 class. Six internal citations from (EBSCO complete) one source […]

computer hardware

computer hardware Paper details: Research Proposal Memo: Identify purpose, audience, and thesis in a variety of texts a) Opening paragraph Clearly state the purpose of this memo — to earn your instructor’s approval and receive his or her feedback on your proposal. b) Body Paragraph 1 State your general research topic and explain why it […]

ASSIGNMENT FOR Discussion: Module 10

ASSIGNMENT FOR Discussion: Module 10 Actions for ‘Discussion: Module 10’ For this module’s discussion you are to go on a virtual field trip. Search the internet for an example of sculpture to analyze. Then visit an example of architecture to critique. Be sure to tell us the methods and materials used in creating these works. […]


ASSIGNEMENT FOR MODEULE 9: Choose three examples of artworks made in alternative media or with alternative processes: one from this chapter, one from elsewhere in the textbook, and one from your own research. For each artwork, identify whether it is a conceptual work, a performance piece, or an installation. Consider the role of the viewers […]

ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: Module 8

ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: Module 8 Choose a photograph from this module or elsewhere in our textbook. Write a critique of this image using a combination of formal analysis and second mode of analysis. Use the vocabulary learned in this module and tell us the genre of photography your example belongs. Next, choose a film or video […]

ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: Module 8

ASSIGNMENT: Discussion: Module 8 Choose a photograph from this module or elsewhere in our textbook. Write a critique of this image using a combination of formal analysis and second mode of analysis. Use the vocabulary learned in this module and tell us the genre of photography your example belongs. Next, choose a film or video […]

Proposal essay

Proposal essay Paper details: Proposal essay on how to address or fix short attention spans in the classroom. 3-4 pages. Include one opposing argument with a rebuttal. Make sure the solutions to your proposal are feasible. Use at least 5 web sources with in-text citations. MLA format please