paper 6

paper 6 Order Description Leadership and decision making should go hand in hand, but not always the case. Decision making is by far the most difficult task of any leader at any level. Often decisions are spontaneous and the leader must rely solely on experience. There are times when a leader chooses not to make […]


Abstractions Paper details: The first classification, called”Representational” art, refers to imagery that visually represents objects the way they are actually seen in life. In other words imagery that looks real and can be easily understood by anyone that shares our common perceptions of reality. There is nothing difficult to understand about this type of art. […]

Map the Supply Chain Paper

Map the Supply Chain Paper Paper details: Select an industry. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that identifies each link in the supply chain and the purpose and value in each. For example, if the shoe industry were to be chosen, the supply chain might look something like: Manufacturer plans the product mix designs the […]

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning What do you believe is the company’s competitive advantage? Do you believe they have the right strategy? Provide detailed answers to each of the 2 questions.

Read the book Beggar Thy Neighbor Chapter 3 Page118-136. Ask one question, then answer it. I need the sentences and location in the book.Detail instructions please See the file I uploaded.

  book link: Page 1 of 5 Beggar thy Neighbor (BTN)—1 Questions with Your Answer Answer One of Your Own Question in More Depth Name ___________________________________ Chapter for Assignment _______ 1st ½ ___ 2nd ½ ____ Email _____________________ SID ____________ Date ____________________ Motivation • This is an assignment designed to assist students in developing […]

Describe your own personal work experience to date, and then project it into the future. Incorporate a discussion of your projected (or past) job satisfaction and midlife career change into your answer.

Describe your own personal work experience to date, and then project it into the future. Incorporate a discussion of your projected (or past) job satisfaction and midlife career change into your answer. Resources For a higher grade, find quality external links of your own, and critically analyze psychological research articles.

Business Studies

Business Studies Paper details: Find articles about these two topics and read it and write a half page summery for every topic… I have uploaded instruction, but you have to write half page for Numerical Descriptive Measures, and the second half is Hypothesis Testing. Please remember to attach the link for the two articles from […]

Analyze the GEM approach in relation to its ability to foster both environmental protection and economic development.

Analyze the GEM approach in relation to its ability to foster both environmental protection and economic development. Show the strengths and weaknesses of 3 approaches(Neo-liberal, GEM, People-centred), and assess which is the best for both environmental protection and economic development. READING LIST The Environment and Sustainable Development Core reading – Editorial Introduction: Environment and Development […]

Organizational Management

Organizational Management Order Description The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by demonstrating your knowledge of organizational management by synthesizing the information from class into work and life experience. Focus of the Final Paper Think of an organization you have worked for or one with […]


Report You are theleadmanagerofaplanningand evaluationconsultationfirminhealthcare and havebeen commissioned by Governmenttoconductan evaluation. Using Ovretveit’sevaluation designs,perspectivesand typesyou are required todevelop an evaluation plan into anissue ofhealth care organisational processes(management,service administration,service provision and/or delivery) Reportof2500words.Itshould provide: 1. Executive summaryofyourproposal including abriefdescription ofthe researched setting (Organisationalprocess,policy,public/communityissue). (300- 500 words) – Describe the issue you will plan and evaluation around […]

militray operational design

militray operational design Order Description Operational Design and the Operational Approach is a process of iterative understanding and problem framing that supports commanders and staffs in their application of operational art with tools and a methodology to conceive of and construct viable approaches to operations and campaigns.” (JP 5-0, III-1). In the context of the […]

paper 5

paper 5 Order Description The budget process can be long and arduous, but a necessary tool for managing money and when approved will provide the resources necessary to operate existing programs and initiate new ones. Budgets measure resources against goals and objectives in various forms. Please identify the budget process in detail, describe the fundamental […]

Marketing Audit Report

Marketing Audit Report Please refer to this guidance and structures to complete this report. I will upload a sample paper for previous student who did this course last semester and you can look and follow the same instructions and guidance. OUTLINE AND REQUIREMENTS Select a company of your choice and analyse its marketing philosophy, marketing […]

Contemporary CSRissues

Contemporary CSRissues Assessment 1: ? Individualassignment ? 2500 words ? essayformat ? Note: Assessment 1 is marked on an anonymous basis – please use the appropriate front sheet with the fold-over flap and ensure your name is not visible in the document (eg in headers orfooters). Briefing The case study sessions in weeks 1–4 have […]

Case Problem ‘Bicycle Shop’

Case Problem ‘Bicycle Shop’ Order Description Jerry Smith is thinking about opening a bicycle shop in his hometown. Jerry loves to take his own bike on 50-mile trip with his friends, but he believes that any small business should be started only if there is a good chance of making a profit. Jerry can open […]


cool Order Description Pountain, D. and Robins, D. (2000) ‘Chapter one: What is Cool?, in Cool Rules: Anatomy of an Attitude. Reaktion Books: London. Available from: Summarize the above given article


Research Order Description CASE:You are the Senior HR Executive team for MiningCo.The organisation operates in a range of isolated locations and many of the workforce fly in and out on a rotating 2 week shift basis.You were all tasked with researching the impact of introducing a performance management initiative on the motivation of staff in […]

reversal of neuromuscular blocking agents – best practices for reversal; anastesia and pharmacological implication

reversal of neuromuscular blocking agents – best practices for reversal; anastesia and pharmacological implication Paper details: 10 pages, double spaced, plus reference page, plus table page. Introduction – 10 points total *background of problem, significance, area of concern, specific *population, and study concepts – 2 points *Problem statement – 2 points *purpose of the study […]

Electronic Medical Record Project

Electronic Medical Record Project Paper details: EMR project-you have been tasked to convert a nursing paper form into electronic document. Choose a paper form from your hospital facility, and describe the changes necessary to convert it to an electronic document by answering the questions posted on the syllabus sent as attachment. The paper should be […]

Inclusive Tour Operation

Inclusive Tour Operation Order Description Assessment task: Individual written assignment – report Word count: 1,800 (excluding citations and reference list) Presentation requirements: Report format, as per guidelines (see below) Date/time/method of submission: Thursday 12th November 2015, by 16:00 (Week 8) – via Turnitin. Learning outcomes to be assessed This assessment is to test your achievement […]

Leading and Managing People (SHR012-6)

Leading and Managing People (SHR012-6) Assignment1: High Performance Working Aim:To develop a critical awareness of current factors affecting leading and managing people and to demonstrate how effective policies can add value to the business’ strategic goals. Learning Outcomes: To be able to ? Make constructive contributions to the development or enhancement of Leading and Managing […]

BUS80018 Assignment Three Marking Guide

BUS80018 Assignment Three Marking Guide Scoring Key: N P C D HD Comments Part 1: Data Analysis Identification of nature of analysis (i.e., inductive or deductive) Linking of nature of analysis to research question(s) and methods of data collection Development of first level appropriate coding (e.g., descriptive codes) Development of second level codes (e.g., interpretive, […]

Indigenous Australians and the Human Services ( Social Work Core Subject)so

Indigenous Australians and the Human Services ( Social Work Core Subject)so Order Description Assessment #2 – Expression of Interest The Expression of Interest (EOI) assessment of 2000 wds is designed to give you a practical opportunity to address your understanding of concepts and content from the course, by responding to contemporary employment criteria. It will […]

need book personality theories workbook by donna schaft

need book personality theories workbook by donna schaft Paper details: Part 1 :Case Study 17 (CINDY); Application Q: 1, 2, & 3 Part 2 : Maslow placed constraints on self-actualization. First, Kurt Goldstein and Carl Rogers used the phrase to refer to what every living creature does: To try to grow, to become more, to […]


STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN GROUP PROJECT Consulting firms are companies that employ experts who provide professional advice to organizations or individuals for a fee (here, 15% of your final course grade). By the end of this course, you should possess the expertise necessary to complete the Reality Based Education component of this course, which is to […]

Focusing on forced migration and refugees. Current crises in Europe.

Forced migration and refugees Order Description Focusing on forced migration and refugees. Current crises in Europe. Using what we’ve learned from our readings this semester, develop your draft research design. This will include the following: 1. Introduction 2. Research Questions 3. Methods 4. Validity Sources: Yin, R.K. Chapter 3. How to Start a Research Study, […]

Do you agree that the first 5 years are the most important time in people’s lives? why? Order Description This essay for early childhood education graduate diploma course. The topic is the fist 5 years of a child’s life are critical for development. Please discuss it from 3 aspects: child’s physical growth; cognitive development and […]

Case Study – Stress Response and Health Breakdown

Case Study – Stress Response and Health Breakdown Order Description Case Analysis Please use Journal articles Case Study Questions Assessment 3: Case analysis – Bill 2500 words ± 10% Weighting: 50% This analysis will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the impact of unresolved stress on cardio-pulmonary function. You must complete all […]